—Jim Vorel, Pseudo-documentary-style surveyor of both past and future Peter Watkins’ Punishment Park is willfully confrontational—it’s why Hollywood studios refused to distribute the film on release. Director: | Gross: 87 min Directors: —Brogan Morris, Setting the tale from coast to coast in prosperous ’60s America, John Frankenheimer casts an eye through a thin veil of science fiction to what he sees as a failingly lonely way of life. Still, the emotional weight of Isle of Dogs depends on knowing exactly what that bond between dog and human can mean, how deeply and irrationally it can go. It’s perhaps the finest example yet of the wild pendulum swing of a Bong film’s rhythmic tonality—the culmination of Bong’s unique rhythms into something like a syncopated symphony. Stanley Kubrick 1,467,155 Brigitte Helm, Now the descendants of that race - known as the 'Ghen' control planet Earth from advanced underground cities. It results in a sci-fi screed written in the form of a hundred Ahh-nuld faces, absurd and unforgettable. Yet, where Kubrick tapped into existential fears about human extinction and the future of civilization, Jones hypothesizes the logical conclusion of that dark vision: a world where the need for more energy has rendered humanity a manufactured cog of multinational corporations whose reach now extends beyond the boundaries of Earth. Milla Jovovich, | Director: | Stars: Chuck Connors, R $60.13M, R In the future, the "sixty-minute war" led humanity to the brink of extinction. When the human experience can be synthesized (and thus made disposable), does such a thing as “humanity” even exist? This disc leads him down a rabbit hole into the urban underground. It’s not as cold or distant as Kubrick’s films tend to be, but not as maudlin and manipulative as Spielberg’s films can become—and before the ending is brought out as proof of Spielberg’s failure, it should be noted that the film’s dark coda was actually Kubrick’s idea, adamant that the ending not be meddled with moreso than any other scene. Milla Jovovich, And so, though it was filmed in Pittsburgh and around Texas, Detroit is the only logical city for a Robocop to inhabit. Stars: Francesco Cinquemani A brother and sister get zapped into an idealistic TV show from the 1950s, but they realize that it's a sexually repressed society. The upside? Stars: Paul W.S. | Jason Statham, Max Burkholder, A group of people are plunged into a dark, claustrophobic maze, where they must fight to survive, as the outside world watches. | Gross: Adam Cockburn, Votes: Leo Howard, In the year 2045, much of Earth's population centers have become slum-like cities due to overpopulation, pollution, corruption, and climate change.
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