Mobile/eReaders – Download the Bookshelf mobile app at or from the iTunes or Android store to access your eBooks from your mobile device or eReader. La Encyclopaedia of Islam (EI), come pure la sua consorella in lingua francese, Encyclopédie de l'Islam, è un'enciclopedia tematica su un ampio spettro di aspetti della cultura islamica e della storia dell'Islam.. È considerata nel mondo accademico universitario, non solo arabistico e islamistico, come l'opera di riferimento nel campo degli studi islamistici. Edited by P.J. Oltre all'importante aumento dei contenuti, la seconda edizione dell’EI differisce dalla prima per aver accolto i lavori dei ricercatori musulmani originari del Vicino e del Medio Oriente. on behalf of the Royal Netherlands Academy, يصدرها باللغة العربية أحمد الشناوي، إبراهيم زكي خورشيد ، عبد الحميد يونس، دائرة المعارف الإسلامية: اصدر بالألمانية والإنجليزية والفرنسية واعتمد في الترجمة العربية على الأصلين الإنجليزي والفرنسي، الطبعة ٢، القاهرة: دار الشعب، -۱۹٦۹ (arabo), محمود الحسن عارف، مختصر اردو دائرۀ معارف اسلامیه، لاهور:دانشگاه پنجاب، ۲۵ ج.ها،۱۹۵۹-۱۹۹۳ (urdu). or Ḳaiṣārīya = Καισάρεια (Caesarea), a name bestowed in the reign of Augustus and Tiberius on a whole series of towns of the Roman East, and also in North Africa and Spain. When Sad̲j̲āḥ bint al-Ḥārit̲h̲ gave herself out to be a prophetess after the death of ¶ Muḥammad, al-Ḳaʿḳāʿ joined her and is said to have fought on her side. È considerata nel mondo accademico universitario, non solo arabistico e islamistico, come l'opera di riferimento nel campo degli studi islamistici. The free VitalSource Bookshelf® application allows you to access to your eBooks whenever and wherever you choose. ), the usual name in Arabic for the Byzantine Emperor. at the northern base of the Ard̲j̲īs̲h̲-Dag̲h̲ [q. v.], 3,500 feet above sea-level on a treeless plateau, watered by the Ḳara-Ṣū, a tributary of the Ḳizil Yrmaḳ (Halys) — the latter flows about 14 miles North of Ḳaiṣarīya. 17 Favorites . The Encyclopedia of Islam First Edition Online offers access to 9,000 articles. ), originally: “he who stands upright”, then (with, (a. ʿAmr b. Mālik al-Tamīmī, an Arab general. It is a unique and invaluable reference tool, an essential key to understanding the world of Islam, and the authoritative source not only for the religion, but also for … La Encyclopaedia of Islam (EI), come pure la sua consorella in lingua francese, Encyclopédie de l'Islam, è un'enciclopedia tematica su un ampio spettro di aspetti della cultura islamica e della storia dell'Islam. It descends from Dus̲h̲manziyār Rustam b. al-Marzubān, a native of Dailam, who held the fief of S̲h̲ahriyār and received the title of. This resulted in the Encyclopaedia of Islam: A Dictionary of the Geography, Ethnography and Biography of the Muhammadan Peoples, which was published between 1913 and 1936 in three editions in English, German and French. The word, of course, represents the Greek Καĩσαρ and came to the Arabs through the intermediary of the Aramaic (cf. Ḳilāʿ, Ḳulūʿ) in Arabic the name for a fortress or stronghold built on a hill or small elevation. Most VitalSource eBooks are available in a reflowable EPUB format which allows you to resize text to suit you and enables other accessibility features. La terza edizione (EI3), disponibile online, è partita nel 2002. At the present day it is the chief town of a sand̲j̲aḳ of the wilāyet of Angora [q. v.]. Una versione ridotta è stata pubblicata nel 1953 sotto il titolo Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam (SEI), e copre i settori in particolare della Legge e della religione islamica. DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file . But in the period following he always retained his Muslim views, and as a subordinate of the famous Ḵh̲ālid b. al-Walīd [q. v.] he played a very prominent part in the earliest wars of Islām. It has to be very firm so that it does not wear away too quickly; the best kind comes from Wāsiṭ and grows in the marshes (, (“speech”) is defined by the grammarians as such utterance (, Encyclopaedia of Islam, First Edition (1913-1936)., Voci non biografiche con codici di controllo di autorità, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. Ya qub al-Kulini); al-Kalabadhi; al-Kalam, Ilm; al-Kawthar; al-Khandaq, Battle of; al-Khidr (al-Khadir); al-Khuwarazmi; al-Kirmani, Hamid al-Din; al-Kutub al-Sitta (six major works of hadith); Allah; al-Lat; al-Lawh al-Mahfuz; al-Ma arri; al-Malik al-Afdal Ali; al-Malik al-Ashraf Bay al-Zahiri; al-Malik al-Ashraf Qayit; al-Malik al-Nasir Muhammad; al-Malik al-Nasir Yusuf; al-Malik al-Zahir Barquq; al-Malik al-Zahir Baybars; al-Mansur b. al-Mustarshid, Abu Ja'far al-Rashid; al-Mansur b. al-Zahir, Abu Ja'far al Mustansir; al-Mansur, al-Aziz; al-Maqqari; al-Maqrizi; al-Mas udi; al-Masjid al-Aqsa; al-Masjid al-Haram; al-Matur. (Greenwich) and 33° 15′ N. Lat. In Turkish it also means the interior of a city in contrast to the outer suburbs (cf. La prima (EI1) è stata pubblicata in quattro volumi, più un supplemento, fra il 1913 e il 1938 in inglese, tedesco e francese, alle quali si è poi affiancata un'edizione in turco, specializzata prevalentemente su cultura e storia turca, ottomana e contemporanea. Al-Muk̲h̲tār made him commander of his police force (, was first applied to the Kūfa group of S̲h̲īʿa, the Mawālī, represented by Kaisān Abū ʿAmra (see above), whose interests were championed by al-Muk̲h̲tār. 20,519 Views . The scope of the Encyclopedia of Islam First Edition Online is philology, history, theology and law until early 20th century. The 13-digit and 10-digit formats both work. As early as the year II (632) he is reported to have fought faithfully on the side of Ḵh̲ālid in the battle of Buzāk̲h̲a [q. v.]…, , a dynasty, which reigned from 398 (1007) to 443 (1051) over the provinces of Iṣfahān and Hamad̲h̲ān. 17 places of the name are known; see Pauly-Wissowa, , al-Malik al-As̲h̲raf Abu ’l-Naṣr Saif al-Dīn al-Maḥmūdī al-Ẓāhirī, Sulṭān of Egypt and Syria (873—902 = 1468—95) was purchased by Barsbey [q. v.], manumitted by Sulṭān Ḏj̲aḳmaḳ, became a life-guard, then, , Aḥmad al-Kaiyāl al-Ḵh̲aṣībī, a philosopher of the third century a. h., with Ismaʿīlī and gnostic tendencies; al-S̲h̲ahrastānī knew of works by him in Arabic and Persian; the fragments which he gives are to be compared with, (a. È stata pubblicata dalla prestigiosa e antica casa editrice olandese Brill Academic Publishers e per l'edizione francese da G.-P. Maisonneuve & Larose di Parigi, rispettivamente in inglese e in francese. This bar-code number lets you verify that you're getting exactly the right version or edition of a book. ABBYY GZ download. ... Be the first one to write a review. Product pricing will be adjusted to match the corresponding currency. Ian Richard Netton is Sharjah Professor of Islamic Studies in the University of Exeter, UK, and Editor of The British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. At the same time, many who have had a formal training in Islamic studies have tended to concentrate on the traditional, to the exclusion of the contemporary. Bearman, Th. The mediaeval and modern town is the successor of the ancient Mazaca…. e. g. al-Dimas̲h̲ḳī, p. 152, 11, 170, 1; al-Nuwairī (in A. v. d. Lith, (κάλαμοΣ, reed) the reed-pen used for writing in the Arabic character. The Encyclopaedia of Islam (New Edition) sets out the present state of our knowledge of the Islamic World. When the little known Kaisān came in time to be practically forgotten, his name was often explained as a. By using this site you agree to the use of cookies. Houtsma, R. Basset und T. W. Arnold, herausgegeben von. , Abū ʿAmra, a client of the ʿUraina, who belonged to the Bad̲j̲īla [q. v.], was one of the leaders of the Mawālī [see mawlā] in Kūfa in the time of al-Muk̲h̲tār [q. v.] and was one of the latter’s intimates. Routledge & CRC Press eBooks are available through VitalSource. 'The book maintains a clear objectivity about contentious topics like fundamentalism and science and women in a desk and shelf reference work, it holds its own very well in a crowded field' - Reference Reviews. Prices & shipping based on shipping country. download 1 file . Where the content of the eBook requires a specific layout, or contains maths or other special characters, the eBook will be available in PDF (PBK) format, which cannot be reflowed. Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim world Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Heinrichs et al.. Edited by Gudrun Krämer, Denis Matringe, John Nawas and Everett Rowson. Houtsma, R. Basset et T. W. Arnold, eds.. M. Th. (pl. H. A. R. Gibb and J. H. Kramers eds. It was particularly noted for its tin-mines; it is at the same time described as a centre of trade in camphor, bamboo, aloes, ivory, etc. With well over a thousand entries on Islamic theology, history, arts, science, law and institutions, and coverage of Islam in individual countries and cities around the world, the Encyclopedia of Islamic Civilisation and Religion provides an extremely rich resource for students and researchers in religious studies and Middle Eastern studies. Zenker. The name was then extended to those who held the views, which had considerable currency among the S̲h̲īʿīs led by al-Muk̲h̲tār, and continued to be influential even later. M. Th. Encyclopedias of at least one volume in size exist for most if not all academic disciplines , including, typically, such narrow topics such as bioethics and African-American history . (a. Bosworth, E. van Donzel and W.P. EI ha conosciuto tre edizioni. An ambitious work of formidable size, erudition, and cost, this encyclopedia first appeared between 1911 and 1938 in four volumes. La seconda edizione della The Encyclopaedia of Islam (EI2), articolata in 11 tomi e un supplemento, è stata avviata nel 1954 e completata nel 2005. There is a full index. System requirements for Bookshelf for PC, Mac, IOS and Android etc. The Encyclopedia of Islamic Civilisation and Religion covers the full range of Islamic thought, in historical depth, but it also provides substantial coverage of contemporary trends across the Muslim world. Fraenkel, (in Arabie authors also Ḳaiṣārīya and Ḳaiṣārīya), a town in Asia Minor (Rūm), in 35° E. Long. Its capital was likewise called Kalah; cf. 'Abbas or Ya'qub b. al-Mutawakkil I, Abu 'l-Fadl al-Musta'in; Abbas, Muhammad Khudabanda; Abbasids; Abd; 'Abd a;-'Aziz; 'Abd al-'Aziz b. al-Musta'in, Abu 'l-'Izz al-Mutawakkil II; Abd al-Aziz, Muhammad; 'Abd al-Hamid; 'Abd al-Hamid II; Abd al-Jabbar; Abd al-Karim b. al-Muti', Abu 'l-Fadl al-Ta'I'; 'Abd al-Majid; 'Abd al-Majid II; Abd al-Muttalib; Abd al-Nasir, Jamal; Abd al-Rahman, Mu awiya; Abd al-Rahman, Muhammad; Abd Manaf; Abd Shams; 'Abdallah b. al-Muktafi, Abu 'l-Qasim al-Mustakfi; 'Abdallah b. al-Mustansir, Abu Ahmad al-Musta'sim; 'Abdallah b. al-Qadir, Abu Ja'far al-Qa'im; 'Abdallah b. Muhammad al-Iman, Abu Ja'far al-Mansure; 'Abdallah b. Muhammad al-Iman, Abu 'l-'Abbas al Saffah; 'Abdallah b/ Muhammad, Abu 'l-Qasim al-Muqtadi; Abdallah, Yasin; Abduh, Muhammad, Abdullah; ablaq; ablutions; abortion; Abraha; Abu 'Abd al-Malik Marwan; Abu 'Abd al-Malik Marwan I; Abu 'Abd al-Rahman Mu'awiya; Abu Ayyub Sulayman; Abu Bakr; Abu Bakr b. al-Mustakfi I, Abu 'l-Fath al-Mu'tadid I; Abu Da'ud; Abu Hafs 'Umar II; Abu Hanifa; Abu Hurayra; Abu Jahl; Abu Khalid Yazid I; Abu Khalid Yazid II; Abu Khalid Yazid III; Abu 'l-Abbas al Walid II; Abu 'l-'Abbas al-Walid I; Abu Lahab; Abu 'l-Hudhayl al-Allaf; Abu 'l-Walid 'Abd al-Malik; Abu 'l-Walid Hisham; Abu Muslim; Abu Sufyan; Abu Talib; Abu Talib al-Makki; Abu Yazid al-Bastami; Abu Zayd; Abu Zayd al-Balkhi; Acre; Active Intellect (al- Aql al-Fa al); Ad; Adam; adat (Malaysia); Aden; adhan; adhan adl; adornment and dress; Afghanistan; Aflaq, Michel; Aghlabids; agriculture; a-Hariri; ahl al-hadith; Ahl al-Hadith; Ahl al-Kitab; ahl al-ra'y; Ahl al-Sunna; Ahmad b. al-Hasan, Abu 'l-'Abbas al Hakim I; Ahmad b. al-Hasan, Abu 'l-'Abbas al Hakim I; Ahmad b. al-Muqtadi, Abu 'l-'Abbas al-Mustazhir; Ahmad b. al-Muqtadir, Abu 'l-'Abbas al-Radi; Ahmad b. al-Mustadi, Abu 'l-'Abbas al-Nasir; Ahmad b. al-Mustakfi I, Abu 'l-'Abbas al-Hakim II; Ahmad b. al-Mutawakkil, Abu 'l-'Abbas al-Mu'tamid; Ahmad b. al-Muwaffaq, Abu 'l-'Abbas al Mu'tadid; Ahmad b. al-Zahir, Abu 'l-Qasim al-Mustansir; Ahmad b. Ishaq, Abu 'l-'Abbas al-Qadir; Ahmad b. Muhammad, Abu 'l-'Abbas al-Musta'in; Ahmad I; Ahmad II; Ahmad III; Ahmad, Buya; Ahmadis; ahwal; A'isha; ajal; Ajnadayn, Battle of; Akbar, Humayan; al- Uzza, al-A raf; al-Abbas; al-Afghani; al-ahkam al-khamsa; al-Ahkam al-Sultaniyya; al-Amr bu 'l-Ma ruf; al-Andalus; al-arsh, istawa ala; al-Asad, Hafiz; al-Ash ari Alawis; al-Awza I; al-Azhar; al-Bakri; al-Baladhuri; Albania; al-Banna, Hasan; al-Baqillani; al-Baydawi; al-Biruni; al-Bukhari; alchemy; al-Dajjal; al-Dhahabi; Aleppo; Alexandria; Alf Layla wa Layla; al-Fadl b. al-Muqtadir, Abu 'l-Qasim al-Muti; al-Fadl b. al-Mustazhir, Abu Mansir al-Mustarshid; al-Fazari, al-Fiqh al-Akbar; Algeria; al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid; al-Ghazali, Ahmad; al-Hajjaj; al-Hallaj; al-Hamadhani, Badi al-Zaman; Alhanbra; al-Hasan; al-Hasan b. al-Mustanjid, Abu Muhammad al-Mustadi; al-Hasan of Basra; al-Hudaybiyya, Treaty of; al-Hujwiri; al-Huseyn; Ali al-Hadi; Ali al-Rida; Ali b. Abi Talib; 'Ali b. al-Mu'tadid, Abu Muhammad al-Muktafi; Ali Zayn a-Abidin; Ali, Abdullah Yusuf; Ali, Buya; al-Idrisi; al-Injil; al-insan al-kamil; al-Isfahani; al-Istakhri; al-Jabarti; al-Jabarti; al-Jahim; al-Jahiz; al-Janna; al-Jazari; al-Jilani, Abd al-Qadir; al-Jili, Abd al-Karim; al-Junayd; al-Jurjani; al-Juwayni, Imam al-Haramayn; al-Kafi (Muhammad b.
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