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Symantec today announced it has entered into an agreement to acquire privately held Clearwell Systems for about $390 million, a move that will put Symantec in the e-discovery market. 'articleTitle': 'Symantec To Acquire Clearwell Systems To Bolster eDiscovery',
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All rights reserved. "categoryIds": IDG.GPT.targets["categoryIds"], 'goldenTaxonomyIdList': '948,527,329,941',
'primaryCategoryAll': 'investigations and forensics, data security, data centers, hardware, security', };
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var prodNames = ''; goldenTaxList.split(',') : []), dlJobPosition : null), 'audience':'enterprise',
page: { Er sagte auch, das Unternehmen beabsichtige, Möglichkeiten bei der Bereitstellung von E-Discovery als Cloud-basierten Dienst zu verfolgen. 'purchaseIntent':'', 'categoryIdAll': (catIdList.length > 0 ? });
10 ViacomCBS signs up to Unpacked by flybuys data offering. dlJobPosition = dlJobPosition || null;
// index pages - consumer
.brVideoContainer { dlIndustry : null), catIdList.split(',') : []), } var insiderSignedIn = document.cookie.indexOf("nsdr") > -1; //check if Insider cookie exists Symantec today announced it has entered into an agreement to acquire privately held Clearwell Systems for about $390 million, a move that will put Symantec in the e-discovery market. "requestTimeout": 60000,
(Symantec and Clearwell offices are only a few blocks from each other in Mountain View, CA). margin-top: 20px; }); The MSI PS63 is an amazing laptop and I would definitely consider buying one in the future. 'goldenTaxonomyIdPrimary': '948', 'industry': dlIndustry, !function(n,e,o,r,i){if(!e){e=e||{},window.permutive=e,e.q=[],e.config=i||{},e.config.projectId=o,e.config.apiKey=r,e.config.environment=e.config.environment||"production";for(var t=["addon","identify","track","trigger","query","segment","segments","ready","on","once","user","consent"],c=0;c } var numberFromDataLayer = function(property) { var sincePublished = '3439 days'; permutive.addon('web', { From collection to production, our workflow speeds time to resolution, improves accuracy and lowers costs. }); publishedAt: "2014-03-27T14:27:55Z", } var prodManufacturers = ''; } stringFromDataLayer('primaryCategoryList').split(",").concat(stringFromDataLayer('primaryAncestorCategoryList').split(",")) : stringFromDataLayer('primaryCategoryList').split(",") }); "custParams": customParams Fully 80% of Clearwell's earnings are said to come from inside the U.S. Symantec says it expects to add 200 employees from Clearwell after the acquisition is complete. View our privacy policy before signing up. return ""; id: stringFromDataLayer('articleId'), permutive.addon('web', { } });
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