1960 wurde das Theaterstück von Regisseur Daniel Petrie mit Sidney Poitier verfilmt. When Walter and Beneatha argue, Ruth asks Walter not to bring her into their conflict. Previous A list of all the characters in A Raisin in the Sun. her husband’s insurance money as a down payment on a house with Den Rest des Vermögens überlässt sie Walter, mit dem Hinweis, dass er 3.000 Dollar für Beneathas Medizin-Studium zurücklegen solle und mit dem verbleibenden Geld versuchen kann, seine Träume zu verwirklichen. Character List Ruth Younger The thirtyish wife of Walter Lee Younger and the mother of Travis, their ten-year-old son.Ruth acts as peacemaker in most of the explosive family situations. In Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun, the characters of Beneatha and Walter Younger share the traits of being determined and ambitious. Walter and Beneatha’s mother. Bei seiner Uraufführung im Jahre 1959 war A Raisin in the Sun das erste Stück einer afroamerikanischen Autorin am Broadway. Erst in letzter Sekunde durchläuft er einen Sinneswandel: Mit einer selbstbewussten Rede, seine Familie sei stolz auf ihre Herkunft und werde vorbildliche Nachbarn in Clybourne Park sein, lehnt er Lindners Angebot erneut ab. Am Tag des Umzugs lädt Walter trotz Protesten der anderen Familienmitglieder Karl Lindner ein zweites Mal ein. He wants to be rich and devises plans to acquire wealth with his Unlike the biblical story, though, no mention is ever made of Ruth Younger's parents or siblings or background. family, Mama is religious, moral, and maternal. She wants to use is very proud of his African heritage, and Beneatha hopes to learn Ruth has only simple dreams and would be content to live out her life being moderately comfortable. Ruth’s close relationship with her mother-in-law and with her new family is comparable to the biblical Ruth, who tells her mother-in-law, Naomi, that she will travel with her wherever she goes and that “your people shall be my people.” Unlike the biblical story, though, no mention is ever made of … Lacking education and sophistication, Ruth relies upon the suggestions, advice, and even what she thinks might be the wishes of others. Very low-key, Ruth reveals her strongest emotions only when she learns of the possibility of their moving to a better neighborhood. friends, particularly Willy Harris. Nigerian student in love with Beneatha. For example, when Mr. Lindner arrives at the Younger household, he is extremely shy and timid, not threatening or abrasive or loud. and any corresponding bookmarks? Mrs. Johnson (Mrs. Wilhelmina Othella Johnson). He has been sent to persuade the Youngers not to move into the white neighborhood. Mrs. Johnson Brash and abrasive neighbor of the Youngers, she insensitively points out to the Youngers all the negative repercussions that await them should they decide to move into the white neighborhood. about her African heritage from him. Das Buch wird in Deutschland oft als Schullektüre in der gymnasialen Oberstufe verwendet und ist seit 2011 in einigen Bundesländern Abiturlektüre[1]. Removing #book# Two Moving Men Having no speaking parts, they enter at the end of the play to help the Youngers move to their new neighborhood. Es erzählt von einer afroamerikanischen Arbeiterfamilie, die im Ghetto Chicagos lebt und unter Armut und Rassismus zu leiden hat. She is about thirty, but her weariness makes And she manages to save her marriage even when things look hopeless for the relationship. She is not aggressive; she just lets life “happen” to her. A Raisin in the Sun ist ein Theaterstück der US-amerikanischen Dramatikerin Lorraine Hansberry. Characters Walter As Mama’s only son, Ruth’s defiant husband, Travis’s caring father, and Beneatha’s belligerent brother, Walter serves as both protagonist and antagonist of the play. Although the audience never meets him, Willy's character is assessed through the dialogue of others. B. Klett: Text and study aids), Lehrerbücher und Unterrichtsmaterialien. Still, Ruth is not an “emotional weakling.” She never raises her voice (as Walter does quite often), but she exhibits a remarkable strength. her seem older. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Lena, die im Buch meist Mama genannt wird, ist damit zunächst allerdings nicht einverstanden, da sie aufgrund ihrer religiösen Überzeugung Abneigungen gegen Alkohol hegt. Two hired men who appear onstage in the play’s final moments to help the Youngers move their belongings to Clybourne Park. Youngers’ neighbor. Instant downloads of all 1360 LitChart PDFs “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Derzeit ist sie mit dem wohlhabenden und gebildeten George Murchison liiert, der den vollständig assimilierten schwarzen Mann darstellt. pragmatism helps her to survive. The story tells of a black family's experiences in south Chicago, as they attempt to improve their financial circumstances with an insurance payout following the death of the father. The New York Drama Critics' Circle named it the best play of 1959, and in recent years publications such as The Independent and Time Outhave listed it amon… and any corresponding bookmarks? She is a college student planning to go to medical school. Hansberry describes Ruth as being "about thirty" but "in a few years, she will be known among her people as a 'settled woman.'" A LitCharts Teacher Editions. thoughts and feelings of other black people through his arrogance Act II — Scene 3. Ruth acts as peacemaker in most of the explosive family situations. wife and Travis’s mother. In Deutschland wurde der Film unter dem Titel Ein Fleck in der Sonne veröffentlicht. Da Ruth und Walter ein weiteres Kind erwarten, Ruth aber eine Abtreibung in Erwägung zieht, da ein weiteres Kind womöglich keinen Platz in der engen Wohnung finden könnte, kauft Mama von einem Teil des Gelds ein neues Haus in einem Weißen-Viertel namens Clybourne Park, da dieses viel billiger ist als Wohnungen in Vierteln für Schwarze. He is polite […] apartment. Still, Ruth is not an "emotional weakling." to Beneatha and hopes she will return to Nigeria with him. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. bookmarked pages associated with this title. Character summaries written by smarty-pantsed PhDs that will make you look smart. Ruth takes care of the Youngers’ small daughter and Walter’s sister. When Walter and Beneatha argue, Ruth asks Walter not to bring her into their conflict. Full Glossary for A Raisin in the Sun; Essay Questions; Cite this Literature Note ; Character Analysis Ruth Younger Ruth's close relationship with her mother-in-law and with her new family is comparable to the biblical Ruth, who tells her mother-in-law, Naomi, that she will travel with her wherever she goes and that "your people shall be my people."
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