These Portals lead the aspirant across the waters on "to the other shore" (8) . Canst thou destroy divine compassion? That which is uncreate abides in thee, Disciple, as it abides in that Hall. They have become one star, the fire that burns but scorches not, that fire which is the Upâdhi (40) of the Flame. Without me, the senses never shine, like an empty dwelling, or like Tossed by the fierce winds, chased by the gale, they drift into the eddies and disappear within the first great vortex. The "Power" and the "World-mother" are names given to Kundalinî â one of the mystic "Yogi powers." (22). Februar 2017. It needs the gentle breezes of Soul-Wisdom to brush away the dust of our illusions. The first is like the nightingale's sweet voice chanting a song of parting to its mate. The more he fears, the more that light shall pale - and that alone can guide. The Tattvajñânin is the "knower" or discriminator of the principles in nature and in man; and Ãtmajñânin is the knower of Ãtman or the Universal, One Self. Before the "mystic Power" (31)* can make of thee a god, Lanoo, thou must have gained the faculty to slay thy lunar form at will. It is the spark lost in the fire, the drop within the ocean, the ever-present Ray become the all and the eternal radiance. (45). (another footnote was not used here). Withhold thy mind from all external objects, all external sights. Wählen Sie die Kategorie aus, in der Sie suchen möchten. And having learnt thine own Ajñâna (21), flee from the Hall of Learning. The "Power" and the "World-mother" are names given to Kundalini — one of the mystic "Yogi powers." The Self of matter and the SELF of Spirit can never meet. Literally perhaps this would read "Voice in the Spiritual Sound ," as Nada is the equivalent word in Sanskrit for the Senzar term. But once that thou hast passed the gate of Kshanti, step the third is taken. of consciousness, is corroborated in the same work, chapter vii., on Every stage of development in Raja Yoga is symbolised by a geometrical figure.
The holy germs that sprout and grow unseen in the disciple's soul, their stalks wax strong at each new trial, they bend like reeds but never break, nor can they e're be lost. Bestride the Bird of Life, if thou would'st know (12). (38). thou hast become the light, thou hast become the Sound, thou art thy Master and thy God. Woe, then, to thee, Disciple, if there is one single vice thou hast not left behind. For then the soul will hear, and will remember. The "Soundless Voice," or the "Voice of the Silence." according to the commentator Arjûna Misra), and asked him to destroy * In it thy Soul will find the blossoms of life, but under every flower a serpent coiled (18). Adeptship — the "blossom of Bodhisattva.". you shall never speak after (hard) Pratyâhâra (the restraint and regulation of the senses, Prânâyâma being Its true form is not given here, as it is almost sure to be pounced upon by some charlatans and — desecrated in its use for fraudulent purposes. The fifth like sound of bamboo-flute shrills in thine ear. A sign placed at the beginning of the text determines whether the reader has to spell it according to the Indian mode, when every word is simply a Sanskrit adaptation, or according to the Chinese principle of reading the ideographs. Behold! The last vibrates like the dull rumbling of a thunder-cloud. (5) "To-morrow" means the following rebirth or reincarnation. that which it (the Word) makes them while naming them. – ggf. "Kill out all desire of life," says Krishna to Arjuna. As explained in the 6th Adhyâya of that king of mystic works the JñâneÅvari â the body of the Yogi becomes as one formed of the wind; as "a cloud from which limbs have sprouted out," after which â "he (the Yogi) beholds the things beyond the seas and stars; he hears the language of the Devas and comprehends it, and perceives what is passing in the mind of the ant.". His vices will take shape and drag him down. Shall he not use the gifts which it confers for his own rest and bliss, his wellearn'd weal and glory - he, the subduer of the great Delusion? And yet such ethics fill volumes upon volumes in Eastern literature, especially in the Upanishads. Once the preliminary and lower stages passed, the disciple sees no more the [triangle] but the — the abbreviation of the —, the full Septenary. Thou art now in DHARANA (37), the sixth stage. Long and weary is the way before thee, O Disciple. Would'st thou thus dam the waters born on Sumeru (14) ? Still greater he, in whom the Self Divine has slain the very knowledge of desire. Self-gratulation, O Disciple, is like unto a lofty tower, up which a haughty fool has climbed. But Speech answered the Self of Being, by saying: ‘I verily While the work itself is amazing, timeless and necessary, this particular publishing only includes Fragment 1 is missing the other 2 Fragments and the Stanzas of Dzyan. Each Portal hath a golden key that openeth the gate; and these keys are: -. . If thy soul smiles while bathing in the Sunlight of thy Life; if thy soul sings within her chrysalis of flesh and matter; if thy soul weeps inside her castle of illusion; if thy soul struggles to break the silver thread that binds her to the master (1); know, o Disciple, thy soul is of the earth. For it will grow, increase in size and power, and then this thing of darkness will absorb thy being before thou hast well realized the black foul monster's presence. Before the "mystic Power" (31)* can make of thee a god, Lanoo, thou must have gained the faculty to slay thy lunar form at will. Chafe not at Karma, nor at Nature's changeless laws. But beyond the Himalayas the method in the Esoteric Schools does not differ, unless the Guru is simply a Lama, but little more learned than those he teaches. If thou would'st cross the second safely, stop not the fragrance of its stupefying blossoms to inhale. If one would follow in the steps of holy Tathâgate, those gifts and powers are not for Self. It is well known that, in India, the methods of psychic development differ with the Gurus (teachers or masters), not only because of their belonging to different schools of philosophy, of which there are six, but because every Guru has his own system, which he generally keeps very secret. The Theosophist's take on old Buddhist texts, Reviewed in the United States on March 24, 2016. Hast thou not conquered the Maras' King at Tsi, the portal of assembling — truth the second? (Hotris). The six principles; meaning when the lower personality is destroyed and the inner individuality is merged into and lost in the Seventh or Spirit. Thou nearest now the middle portal, the gate of Woe, with its ten thousand snares. He says: “The nose and the eyes, and the Soul is used here for the Human Ego or Manas, that which is referred to in our Occult Septenary division as the "Human Soul" (Vide the Secret Doctrine) in contradistinction to the Spiritual and Animal Souls. (5). Beware lest thou should'st set a foot still soiled upon the ladder's lowest rung. As Krishna says in the JñâneÅvari: "When this Path is beheld . Usually a Chela is said to begin the ascending effort in one life and end or reach it only in his seventh succeeding birth. temporär gesenkter USt. Step out from the sunlight into shade, to make more room for others. This light shines from the jewel of the Great Ensnarer, (Mara) (22). and alone can never develop into Raj Yoga. It isolates the Arhat both from strife and lust, it leads him through the fields of Being unto the peace and bliss know only in the land of Silence and Non-Being. Those interested in such a path will find all they need to start their journey in this little book. (36). This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. One of the twain must disappear; there is no place for both. The light that falls upon them shines from thyself, O thou who wast disciple but art Teacher now. Another method (lug, in Tibetan) is to use the numerals and colours, each of which corresponds to a letter of the Tibetan alphabet (thirty simple and seventy-four compound letters) thus forming a complete cryptographic alphabet. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 21, 2017. Give light and comfort to the toiling pilgrim, and seek out him who knows still less than thou; who in his wretched desolation sits starving for the bread of Wisdom and the bread which feeds the shadow, without a Teacher, hope of consolation, and - let him hear the Law. It is the great "Astral Serpent" of Ãliphas Lévi. Give up thy life, if thou would'st live (13). (4). Hast not thou entered Tau, "the Path" that leads to knowledge — the fourth truth? (still) do not perceive each other” on this sensuous plane, none of Sakkayaditthi "delusion" of personality. The region of the full Spiritual Consciousness beyond which there is no longer danger for him who has reached it. (12) Exposed to shifting breeze, the jet will flicker and the quivering flame cast shades deceptive, dark and ever-changing, on the Soul's white shrine. Mara is in exoteric religions a demon, an Asura, but in esoteric philosophy it is personified temptation through men's vices, and translated literally means "that which kills" the Soul. The six principles; meaning when the lower personality is destroyed and the inner individuality is merged into and lost in the Seventh or Spirit. Search for the Paths. Desire nothing. The easiest way however, is that which allows the reader to use no special, or any language he likes, as the signs and symbols were, like the Arabian numerals or figures, common and international property among initiated mystics and their followers. Let thy Soul lend its ear to every cry of pain like as the lotus bares its heart to drink the morning sun. Mind. The foul and viscous mud will dry, become tenacious, then glue his feet unto the spot, and like a bird caught in the wily fowler's lime, he will be stayed from further progress. The WISE ONES heed not the sweet-tongued voices of illusion. Be humbler still, when wisdom thou hast mastered. dwelt always between the Prâna and the Apâna. This Encyclopedia contains all the articles of the printed, This Encyclopedia is intended to be a useful resource to everyone. (27). produces the most magical effect. If lacking in the Shîla virtue, - the pilgrim trips, and Karmic pebbles bruise his feet along the rocky path. noisy (Speech) . Tanha — "the will to live," the fear of death and love for life, that force or energy which causes the rebirths. The WISE ONES tarry not in pleasure-grounds of senses. Speech) . Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 30. or more Occult potencies. 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Übersetzen Sie alle Bewertungen auf Deutsch, Lieferung verfolgen oder Bestellung anzeigen, Recycling (einschließlich Entsorgung von Elektro- & Elektronikaltgeräten). These, after the practice of Pratyâhâra â a preliminary training, in order to control one's mind and thoughts â count Dhâranâ, Dhyâna and Samâdhi and embraces the three under the generic name of Samyama. Literally perhaps this would read "Voice in the Spiritual Sound," as Nâda is the equivalent word in Sanskrit, for the Sen-sar term. Let not thy "Heaven-born," merged in the sea of Mâyâ, break from the Universal Parent (SOUL), but let the fiery power retire into the inmost chamber, the chamber of the Heart (23) and the abode of the World's Mother (24). the properties or attributes of the IDEA as well as about the And she will open wide before thee the portals of her secret chambers, lay bare before thy gaze the treasures hidden in the very depths of her pure virgin bosom. Beware, Lanoo, lest dazzled by illusive radiance thy Soul should linger and be caught in its deceptive light.
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