With this option, the company that processes the payment will collect a 2.5% service fee. Tel: 604-276-4000 How can I dispose of my appliances or furniture? You can request an online Screening review. It appears you are trying to access this site using an outdated browser. You can place your payment in the 24-hour drop box at the Municipal Offices, 225 East Beaver Creek Road, Main Floor EntrancePlease include the Penalty Notice Number and do not deposit cash. If, at the time of the officer's attendance at the property, the length of the grass and or weeds exceeds the 20 cm (8'') maximum height requirement, the officer will issue an order to cut the grass/weeds. at are the applicable Zoning by-laws pertaining to a property? What are the applicable Zoning by-laws pertaining to a property? Richmond City Hall: 6911 No. We offer a number of payment options including pre-authorized payment. 2. Please contact zoning examiners at 905-771-8810 or drop by to see them on the 4th floor of Municipal Offices at 225 East Beaver Creek Road. Dishonoured cheques will be subject to an administrative fee. © 2020 City of Richmond, Taxes & Utilities ⢠Collection Schedule, Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, Intergovernmental Relations and Protocol Unit, Interagency Programs and Steveston Waterfront Initiatives, Vancouver International Airport Authority Liaison, Intergovernmental Relations & Protocol Unit, Interagency Programs & Steveston Waterfront Initiatives. Why do I have to pay taxes and how is that money spent? Visit their website at www.vaughan.ca/animalservices or reach them at:Telephone: 905-832-2281 (press "0" to speak with Access Vaughan)Toll free: 1-855-227-7297animal.services@vaughan.ca. Healthy Yards, Plant Kits, and Rain Barrels, Large Appliance and Metal Goods Collection, Community Improvement Plan (CIP) - Grants, Pre-Authorized Payment Application and Cancellation Request, David Hamilton Park and Ed Sackfield Arena and Fitness Centre Project, Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts. If you have received a Parking Penalty Notice, you can request an in-person review of the penalty by a Screening Officer by visiting our Parking Portal or calling 905-771-5734. Materials such as newspaper, boxboard, household paper, beverage cartons and drink boxes, glass bottles and jars, metal food and beverage cans (including Aluminium foil), plastic bottles and jugs, plastic tubs, lids and trays, empty paint cans (with lids removed) and empty aerosol cans can all be placed in your blue box for recycling. Access Richmond Hill makes it easier to find the municipal service you need, in one central point of contact, allowing everyone access to a wide range of services and information. Please ensure all material placed in the green bin is bagged. Civil marriage services can be performed by the City Clerk. To report a leak call the Public Works Department at 912-421-2034. Residential and commercial property owners will receive a tax bill including their property tax rates, property assessment and class and payment dates and deadlines. Dear Richmond Hill Customer, As a valued customer, we are notifying you of important changes to your utility billing account. A marriage licence expires three months from the date of issue. What do I need to know about Richmond Hill's new municipal service hub? Hours of Service:Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Report a problem with a service, e.g. The collection schedule is outlined in the, The City offers a free monthly collection of appliances such as a fridge, stove, washer or other large metal item. Richmond Hill (2016 population: 195,022) is a city in south-central York Region, Ontario, Canada.Part of the Greater Toronto Area, it is the York Region's third most populous municipality and the 28th most populous municipality in Canada.. Richmond Hill has seen significant population growth since the 1990s. Who can I report animal issues to? Box 250 Richmond Hill, GA 31324. Richmond Hill now accepts credit card payments for property taxes. If you intend to marry within Ontario, you may obtain a marriage licence at the City. Visit RichmondHill.ca/YardWaste for details on yard waste collection. The access, parking and/or storage of vehicles is not permitted on any landscaped area of any front or exterior side yard. Our Mission Statement is, "The City of Richmond Hill Council and staff are committed to providing exceptional public service to our community.". All charges for the cutting and the administration of the by-law will be invoiced to the property owner. 6911 No. Physical Address: 85 Richard R. Davis Drive P.O. Richmond, VA 23219 USA Map It. 4. It appears you are trying to access this site using an outdated browser. Fax: (804)646-2906. Upon receiving the complaints the City will send enforcement officers to measure the grass on the specified property before determining the validity of the complaint. 1. Who is the Member of Council in charge of my ward? Some of the services the City provides include road maintenance and clearing, parks maintenance, street light operations, pools and community centres, libraries, and fire rescue and prevention. If the owner/occupant has not cut the grass to comply with the order, the officer will forward a work order to the City's Grass Cutting Contractor to have the grass cut to comply with the by-law. How do I get in touch with them? Contact staff in the Enforcement Section at 905 771-0198. VISION: To be the most appealing, livable, and well-managed community in Canada. You can obtain a, from home via Internet or telephone banking, via drop-off box at 225 East Beaver Creek Road, in person at Access Richmond Hill at 225 East Beaver Creek Road. What are the by-laws governing front yard parking in residential zones? However, the City recognizes under the current unique circumstances some residents and businesses may require additional time. 3 Road, Richmond, British Columbia, V6Y 2C1 Phone: (804)646-2942. The officer will re-inspect the property for compliance after nine days. Richmond Hill P.O. The main 24-hour emergency telephone number for Alectra Utilities (your local electrical utility) is 1-877-777-3810. The Access Richmond Hill Contact Centre provides assistance for general inquiries, responds to questions or concerns regarding programs and services as well as accepts in person payments. Can my overnight guests park their vehicles on the street? Contact. Organic waste include items such as fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, filters, tea bags, nuts/shells, soiled papers, microwave popcorn bags, ice-cream boxes, tissues, paper towels, napkins, meat products, dairy products, egg shells, diapers, animal waste, kitty litter, pet fur, animal bedding and shredded paper (in a clear plastic bag). Who can I speak to? The City of Richmond Hill is located in York Region and is home to more than 200,000 residents. Richmond Hill provides a tax deferral program to seniors and residents with disabilities if they meet specific criteria. A property owner should apply for a building permit for the construction, demolition or addition to any building, including porches, sundecks and fi replaces, etc. Access Richmond Hill makes it easier to find the municipal service you need, in one central point of contact, allowing everyone access to a wide range of services and information. Applications for permits must be made in person at the Planning and Development Department on the 4th floor of Municipal Offices at 225 East Beaver Creek Road. To learn more about credit card payments please view our Payment Options page. You can pay online at RichmondHill.ca/Parking. How do I know which ward I live in? Who should I call if I have a question or concern about natural gas or electricity? Vehicles cannot be parked or stored on your front yard or exterior side yard other than on a designated legal driveway used to gain direct access to the garage or identified parking structure. Officers respond to calls about wildlife and pets. Information about your MP who represents you at a federal level can be obtained at www.parl.gc.ca. You can also buy a temporary parking permit in-person (with proof of your address) from Parking Control at: 225 East Beaver Creek Road, 3rd floorRichmond Hill, ON L4B 3P4, Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Material in plastic bags cannot be collected for recycling. We recommend updating your browser to its most recent version at your earliest convenience. Richmond Hill has a partnership with the City of Vaughan Animal Services that provides animal control and animal shelter services. Account holders on the pre-authorized debit program who wish to withdraw from the program should visit the pre-authorized debit program page for more information. Where can I find information for City of Richmond Hill by-laws? COVID-19: Restoring Richmond
Visit our credit card payment page to access this option. Who should I call to report a dead animal on the street for pick up? How do I find York Region Transit (YRT) or Viva routes, maps and schedules? Richmond Hill offers tax rebate programs related to commercial and industrial properties which include the Commercial and Industrial Vacancy Rebate and the Registered Charity Tax Rebate. Please include the Penalty Notice Number and send the payment to:Richmond Hill Parking Enforcement225 East Beaver Creek Road, 3rd FloorRichmond Hill, ON L4B 3P4Allow sufficient time for your payment to be delivered by the due date shown on the Penalty Notice. For billing questions or to start/stop service, call City Hall at 912-756-3345. Box 250 40 Richard R. Davis Drive Richmond Hill, GA 31324 Phone: 912-756-3345 Fax: 912-756-3368 To facilitate payment and avoid penalties for late payment, you may use any of the following methods of payment: When do I need a building permit and what is required to apply for it? missed garbage collection, overnight parking, potholes, street lights, etc. Please call 905-771-8810 for more information. The Building Department carries most property surveys depending on the age of the Building Department carries most property surveys depending on the age of your property. Hours: 8:15 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. The emergency number for Enbridge (your local gas supplier) is 1-866-763-5427. For information about Members of Council and to view which ward you live in, visit our Mayor and Council section or contact them at 905-771-8800. Who are my Members of Parliament (MP) and Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) and what do they do?
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