Lauren Defilippo Woman 2: So would I. Harbor Picture Company, Advisors So someone you’re sitting next to at a restaurant or in a theater could look perfectly normal to you and it only takes one feebleminded person marrying another one, even someone who’s not feebleminded, to create generations of feeblemindedness.” What it did is up the stakes of feeblemindedness by claiming that it was a hidden menace that was more difficult to pinpoint than people might think. Woman 3: Well, I'll tell you. Carolyn Macleod, Special Projects Assistant Included in the curriculum at more than 350 American colleges and universities––among them Harvard, Northwestern, and the University of California at Berkeley––eugenics also was preached from pulpits, promoted on lecture circuits, and appropriated to sell everything from newfangled beauty treatments to children's toys. The old order is passing and wherever you look society seems to be deteriorating. ALEXANDRA MINNA STERN, HISTORIAN: The Panama-Pacific Expo was a celebration of science, efficiency, engineering. Can't you see that I'm well and strong? They also believed they themselves were qualified to breed a better race because they believed that they were the best and the brightest. WENDY KLINE, HISTORIAN: That turns the whole argument about eugenics on its head, because the determining question was not, “Will she spread her genetic defect?” but, “Will she make a desirable mother?”. NARRATOR: The Buck family, Laughlin argued, was "mentally defective"––members of what he described as the "shiftless, ignorant, and worthless class of anti-social whites of the South." NARRATOR: For the movement's faithful, the message was plain: if they were going to continue to cull the unfit, they would need a new justification for it. NARRATOR: In July 1933, in Germany, Adolf Hitler came to power––. © Copyright © 2012-2020 Stories People All rights reserved. Davenport founded the International Federation of Eugenics Organizations (IFEO) in 1925, with Eugen Fischer as chairman of the Commission on Bastardization and Miscegenation (1927). And at the end of the Congress, the exhibits are packed up and shipped to Washington, DC where they are prominently displayed in the committee rooms so that Congressmen could not help but, consciously or not, imbibe all the latest scientific findings of eugenics. NARRATOR: Thomas Hunt Morgan was a believer in the transformative power of eugenics. In February, in search of a patron, Davenport traveled to New York to lunch with Mrs. E. H. Harriman, widow of a recently-deceased railroad magnate. JONATHAN SPIRO, HISTORIAN: Eugenics is all-encompassing creed. We have reason to be apprehensive about this and the test tube bears watching. They began in late September 1917 at Camp Lee and Camp Taylor, Camp Devens and Camp Dix. Religion return to Themes list. Laughlin never traveled to Virginia to see her. KEITH WAILOO, HISTORIAN: Darwin believed that evolution was this natural process that was inevitably leading towards what they called the “survival of the fittest.” Galton really turns that idea on its head and says, “You know, natural selection isn’t working very well. He was marked wrong. ADAM COHEN, WRITER: These elites are all saying, “Yes, you know, we believe in progress and this is progress.” Eugenics gave them a way to view the world and to say, “Okay, you know, all these vague anxieties I have about the present and particularly the future, this is what the problem is. But they also were troubled by the degree to which clearly Harry Laughlin was acting not as a scientist but as a evangelist for eugenics. Stored in fireproof cabinets and intricately indexed, it comprised, as Scientific American noted, “a sort of inventory of the blood of the community"––and supplied grist for a multitude of books, pamphlets, lectures, and press releases regarding the danger of so-called "inferior germ-plasm.". JONATHAN SPIRO, HISTORIAN: He invents this race called the Nordics, this tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed race. Charles Benedict Davenport (June 1, 1866 – February 18, 1944) was a prominent American biologist and eugenicist. NARRATOR: For many of those across the Atlantic who would pin their hopes on America in the years to come, the consequences would be dire. Both of those impressions are fundamentally not true. ", It was the sort of bizarre, high-society scandal that would have captured the national imagination under any circumstances. . DANIEL KEVLES, HISTORIAN: They’re almost all white, they’re almost all Protestant, middle-to-upper-middle class and they tended to equate human worth with the qualities that they themselves possessed. And so there was this social mission of really fighting dependency, fighting crime through eugenics. [6] His 1911 book, Heredity in Relation to Eugenics, was used as a college textbook for many years. If you’re a prohibitionist and you wanna get rid of alcohol because alcohol breaks up families. Wouldn’t it be a better world if everyone behaved themselves? And they say, "Go ahead, sterilize her.". It was something people were excited about. The Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg Trust
It was, in part, an interest in education that had brought him to Vineland in 1906. Davenport founded the International Federation of Eugenics Organizations (IFEO) in 1925, with Eugen Fischer as chairman of the Commission on Bastardization and Miscegenation (1927). The scientist who fell out of love with eugenics. Part of the draw is how science can make us better human beings, that we can engineer ourselves into being even better than we are. The mind control parasites have infected the human… No checking. The second is that she is infatuated with men in uniform. Then Buck was assigned an attorney, friendly to the eugenic cause, who would appeal her sterilization––ideally, all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States. NARRATOR: Determined not only to meet the new challenges, but to master them, a veritable army of educated, middle- and upper-middle class Americans had launched a crusade to remake society––to eliminate corruption, stamp out disease and vice, assimilate the immigrant and uplift the poor––all in the name of Progress.
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