flight 175
This would asphyxiate the passengers quite quickly if the cabin was depressurized, but still allow the crew to survive. And that goes for a hijacking too. The hijackers could do the same so no one in fact need board the aircraft. The pressure regulators can be manually operated, allowing the pilots to open and close the outflow valves to set the cabin altitude to the desired level, or open them completely and switching off the Packs to stop all pressurised air from entering the cabin. Essentially the computer makes a series of logic calculations and has the final word in whether to allow the pilot to manoeuvre the aeroplane in such a way!!! At 8:14 a.m. domestic passenger flight, United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767-222 with a maximum capacity of 181 passengers and 23,980 gallons of fuel, lifted off from Logan International Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, bound for Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles, California. Boeing copied it and put their own glass tech into their 757 and 767 later, but they were all conventional control machines. Interestingly, the media never published the aircraft registrations e.g. I asked Pilot A what sort of difficulties the hijackers might have encountered by landing in the Azores while pretending to be other flights. The crew has been killed; a flight attendant has been stabbed. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.
My gut feeling is there are too many things wrong with some of the debris to say it is genuine. A flapless landing is a harrowing experience as the landing speeds can be 40-50 knots higher than normal. If this was a real event then I’m sure the government, mainstream media and all the other agencies would have provided this info. When I was growing up, before 9-11, there was an old B747 at a place called _____ where I used to fly to occasionally, and they used an old 747 to test various explosive devices in the cargo hold to see if containing bags in different materials would limit damage, and eventually it was blown up and the parts removed for recycling etc. All parts have a replace date/condition either time or use-based. There are pools and eddies like a river with rocks, changing currents and speeds. The autopilot system just can’t do it at these alleged speeds. This is a huge issue, because for many who are skeptics of 9/11 Truth, the debris is the “smoking gun” that corroborates the government’s official story. He commented:
Could the same have been done for some aircraft parts? Simulators have their limits as well for this sort of practice. L'appareil est propulsé par deux réacteurs de 62,3 kN de poussée de type General Electric CF34-8E [1 Would the 9/11 perpetrators actually try attaching a missile-sized object to Flight 175 at Logan Airport, and then hope that it luckily wouldn’t be noticed by, e.g., the flight maintenance crew or baggage handlers? I don’t think they would risk this scenario, as you can’t control who sees you. L'appareil est propulsé par deux réacteurs de 62,3 kN de poussée de type General Electric CF34-8E[1]. Its position on the starboard side, underneath is especially troublesome because as I said before it is highly unlikely it would ever get approval from any governing body to stick a huge object in that location. If this all had the Cheney, Rumsfeld, Netanyahu, CIA seal of approval, then 3 passenger airliners coming in for fuel on that chaotic day wouldn’t have looked strange and could easily be arranged with only minimum personnel on the ground there. When aircraft are retired they are either scrapped or sometimes sold and then flown to both civilian and military airfields to be used for experimentation, training or tourist attractions. I think you and Mary Ellen are right and Lajes is the most likely candidate for this op. As far as people were concerned. If I’m a passenger on a commercial flight, would I feel more comfortable with (A) two live pilots at the controls, or (B) a plane that’s being flown remotely? Sweeney, from Barnstable, Massachusetts, served as a pilot in the Persian Gulf War and was an instructor for the Navy. Looks like bad stagecraft to me and I agree with what the narrator says, there should be overwhelming evidence of paperwork trails linking these parts to the real owners. And if the plane was switched, then the "pilots" were switched too. What I want to see is the maintenance logs showing the paper trail for these parts littered around the WTC, because all parts, even landing gear, have a paper trail. Usually starts at the FIR (Flight Information Region) boundary. American and United planes are everywhere in the world, there’s thousands of them and they all look the same too.
The report was a simple affair, it used the photo we see here on the left and wondered what these strange objects attached to the underside of the Flight 175 might be, and whether they were just an optical illusion. Pilot A: As a passenger on an airliner you would want real humans at the controls and not a drone style aeroplane like Delta has been trying to push for quite some time now. I asked Pilot A his opinion. There was also, of course, the live police report on 9/11 of a truck on King Street which featured a mural of a plane hitting a building—the drivers fled the police on foot, and the truck exploded: Pilot A sent me a 30-minute video from Pilots from 9/11 Truth that shows just how little 9/11 aircraft debris there actually was in total, and how none of the found parts were linked to the aircraft by their serial numbers, which easily could have been done. And above 40,000 feet you almost need pressurised air forced into your lungs as air on demand is not enough to get over the pressure differential. 9-11 HAD to succeed in WTC destruction, so a simple op: Hijack some commercial aeroplanes, make it look like they flew into the buildings using cloaking tech but really destroy them with missiles and mini-nukes, destroy evidence of financial crime, huge insurance claim, bank robbery and terrorise Americans into demanding years of wars against a Muslim foe – mission successful. The likelihood, though, is that it would probably ignite because the engines were hot, but not guaranteed especially if the engines sheared off on the outside of the building. They wouldn’t even have to ask Prince Phil’s permission because they know it’s an automatic yes, no matter how evil the plan is! Forget mucking about on a Cessna for a few hours. Mini-update, 8-31-17. I pointed out to him that Joe Vialls had proposed this in October 2001, just a month after the tragedy. I regard it as the “smoking gun” which proves that whatever hit the Tower was not Flight 175. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. You just can’t buy a tyre from Dunlop or an engine from Pratt and Whitney and stick it on an aircraft without serial numbers matching the logbooks. Captain’s decision is final and I’ve seen guys refuse to dispatch in aircraft with a lot less wrong with them than that! Nonetheless, I asked, isn’t the engine too big and heavy for someone to have dropped off? Another thing is the uncontrollable variable of being seen ditching several aircraft by shipping vessels in the area. He said you could disconnect the entire SATCOM system by pulling the circuit breakers in the cockpit, so this is pretty good confirmation that the whole satellite communication system could be disabled quite easily. FBW only came in with the A320, 330, B777 and later machines.”. . As you said, this whole 9-11 theatre had to be a flawless plan to pull it off successfully.
Probably get a cup of Tea before the beating though! Most probably won’t even know when it happens anyway. Interesting that CNN showed a landing gear part that still had rope attached to it! Where’s Ian Fleming when you need a cover story for an op? It definitely (1) is visible on all footage taken from an angle that could catch it; (2) is three-dimensional; and (3) lights up just before striking the South Tower. . In the post, I suggested that the most likely way for the hijackers to kill the passengers would have been to throw a canister of lethal gas into the cabin; the hijackers would have kept themselves safe by staying sealed in the cockpit with oxygen masks on. That leaves a military/CIA/Israeli friendly base with minimum personnel. The Boeing had 2-3 VHF radios and 1-2 HF radios installed so they could listen to 2 VHF frequencies at the same time. Ok, if the aircraft were coming into an airport and they were on a flight plan in the ATC system, then the pilots just announce their presence prior to entering the controlled airspace of that airport. CREW That large leading edge surface area and leverage against the wing root would rip them completely off. But the main problems I have with the plane crashes shown on TV is the lack of fuselage crumpling effect, therefore showing no deceleration at all and the complete melting of the entire machine into the buildings with no debris shattering off on the outside and dropping to the street. An educated guess would be overcompensation to try and maintain an accurate flight path at high speed. The compartmentalisation for this part of the getaway plan is easy for me to understand how it works. For perspective, the ILS and autoland system which works well still requires a touchdown zone on a runway of +/- 500 feet. Firstly, when the engine weight of 8000 Lbs is mentioned, this is generally a complete engine including Big Fan at the front, the multiple compressor stages and turbines complete with blades, various pumps, pipes and so much more like the pics I’ve attached for you or the video in the link. The plane banked sharply into the South Tower because it was about to miss it, even the best of pilots would have had a job hitting such a small target at 500 m.p.h.-- even an "eperienced" pilot like Mr Bush needed help landing on the USS Abraham Lincoln.
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