I don't like him." I was still dealing with the death of Tina. Marcia Clark on when she first heard about the O.J. it was just tragic. One of the doctors who'd worked on Tina, to no avail, crossed the short distance to the Spoilsport and broke the news to her husband. I wasn't thinking clearly on everything that I did.'. Fourteen-hundred miles of coral and the spectacular sea life that thrives on it. Tommy Thomas: I would like to know exactly what happened. During the two-week trial, the defence brought witnesses to testify to Mr Watson's strange behaviour following the death of his wife. Cindy Thomas: This is something she would have never put up with, with anybody else. Watson, who had been nicknamed the "honeymoon killer," went on to serve 18 months in an Australian jail after pleading guilty to a negligent manslaughter charge for failing to save his wife. Gabe Watson said his wife panicked and knocked his mask off, leaving him unable to help her. This question police were asking was not much different than the one posed by the dead woman's father back in Alabama. Tina Watson's best friend and maid-of-honour Amanda Phillips told the court that when she and Gabe viewed her friend's body in the coffin, he commented: 'At least her breasts look perky. A witness had come forward -- a doctor -- who described seeing Tina and another diver in a bear hug that morning. The UK left the EU in January and transition ends on December 31 - here's how firms... Married At First Sight star David Pugh tells how he 'single-handedly fought off five machete-wielding... JAN MOIR: Four mothers who epitomise everything that's awful about Britain, EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: The zipless dress once considered 'risque'... that has proved a hit thanks to the Duchess of Cambridge, DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Co-op, Labour and a betrayal of values, TOM UTLEY: At last, a genuine medical condition that explains why I never listen to a word my wife says, RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Life's too short to measure a goldfish, Press the panic button... Lucifer's legged it: The Mail's theatre critic is directing his village's Easter play. Amanda Phillips: She looked at me and said “I’m a princess bride” and I said, "You sure are." And he handed the phone to his preacher. Tommy Thomas: I was still trying to keep the peace. because underwater as long -- if your feet are not braced on the bottom there's no sensation of weight. Gabe Watson, the man recently on trial for his wife's 2003 honeymoon drowning death, said he was "still going through the grieving process" when he used bolt cutters to remove flowers from his wife's grave. And I said, "Gabe, you left her?" Brad Flynn: If somebody shows back up, unrequested at my door, I’d like to talk to you about something I didn't mention before, is that going to cast suspicion? The newlyweds were in Australia in 2003 on their honeymoon and on the first day of a week-long diving trip off the coast of Queensland when Mrs Watson died. Her mom and dad were as proud as they could be of their beautiful girl. Alanda Thomas: Everybody was looking at me crazy. Mr Watson had already served 18 months in an Australian prison after pleading guilty to a manslaughter charge involving negligence. The only way Tina could end up where she did was if she swam out there away from the bow, or if someone took here there. But there were some people who wanted to talk to Tommy in just the worst way, four people he didn't know, the veteran divers, the two American couples aboard the Spoilsport that week who were so taken by the young honeymooners and that pretty, vivacious bride. But Watson also suggested that Tina Watson wouldn't have wanted that particular flower arrangement, which he said was made of plastic. 'What did you tell them? Amanda Phillips: She went to see if there was a spark there, to see if there was any interest and, you know, ultimately it turned out there wasn't a spark. Paula Snyder: I went over and asked him if I could do anything for him. Cindy Thomas: I just flat told her. She had to be good to go for the Great Barrier Reef. She was motionless and let her go. Father, mother and sister were all on the phone line together. I mean, why would you marry someone, go on your honeymoon and they'll die due to any wrongdoing on your part?
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