Keep all of the above in mind as we now engage some of the bits and pieces (jots and tittles) of this fulfillment. See the full text of the Book of Ruth in Hebrew and English with Rashi's commentary. The Sages found a cryptic message indicating the real reason why Ruth converted to Judaism. Purpose/Theme/Message Two passages from the Torah give the background of the festival (emphasis added): ©2020. [6] A substantial number of scholars therefore date it to the Persian period (6th–4th centuries BC). 15-18, and E. R. Lacheman JBL LVI [1937]: 53-56. (3:4). The author focuses on Ruth’s unswerving and selfless devotion to desolate Naomi (1:16–17; 2:11–12; 3:10; 4:15) and on Boaz’s kindness to these two widows (chs. “You do not need to go yet,” urged Boaz. Orpah looked sad, kissed her mother-in-law, and bade her goodbye. The book of Ruth reflects a time of peace between Israel and Moab (contrast Jdg 3:12–30). ), Ruth – English translation [with Rashi commentary], Bible Study on Cross-Cultural Love – InterVarsity website,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Scene 3: Arrival of Naomi and Ruth in Bethlehem (1:19–22), Scene 1: Ruth in the field of Boaz (2:1–17), Scene 2: Ruth at the threshing-floor of Boaz (3:6–15), Scene 1: Boaz with the men at the gate (4:1–12), This page was last edited on 9 October 2020, at 23:26. A Detailed History Behind the Book of Ruth ... And we haven't even entered the Book of Ruth yet. Things cannot be too good there, and there is no reason why you should suffer too. The book is named after one of its main characters, a young woman of Moab, the great-grandmother of David and an ancestress of Jesus (4:21–22; Mt 1:1,5). It was later transferred to the Megilloth…but its position there has varied also…in most printed Hebrew Bibles today it stands second, after Song of Songs (following the chronological order of the Jewish festivals, in which one of the books of the Megilloth is read.)”[4]. Naomi decided to return to Bethlehem. We will spend a great deal of time engaging the concept of the kinsman-redeemer (goel) and the Hebrew word hesed, both of which form a fundamental basis for the book of Ruth and the events that transpire within its pages. In other words, Ruth clung to her mother-in-law in covenant fidelity, knowing that she was bound by her promise before the face of God to remain with and aid her mother-in-law, no matter how difficult it would be. She did not feel any pangs of regret at what she was giving up: her life of luxury at the palace, her royal title, her prospects of wealth and honor in the future. [13], This article is about the ancient Hebrew religious text. Orpah leaves her, but Ruth with great constancy accompanies her. Background of the book of Ruth Most conservative authorities accept Samuel as the probable author of Ruth. If Ruth was written by Nathan, then it was written to establish David before the newly established kingdom of Israel, A. Others have criticised it for its underlying, and potentially exploitative, acceptance of a system of patriarchy in which a woman's worth can only be measured through marriage and child-bearing. “There is no need for you to go yet,” coaxed Boaz. Contrast is also used to good effect: pleasant (the meaning of “Naomi”) and bitter (1:20), full and empty (1:21), and the living and the dead (2:20). Date It's an intimate family tale of misfortune, crafty use of kinship ties, and ultimately, loyalty. which make a late date difficult as discussed by E. A. Speiser, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 77 [Feb. 1940], pp. This is our weekly roundup of links for 10/12/2020-10/17/2020 from around the web. [6] Daniel Block, The New American Commentary: Judges, Ruth (Nashville: B&H Publishing Group, 1999), 603. During the time of the judges, an Israelite family from Bethlehem – Elimelech, his wife Naomi, and their sons Mahlon and Chilion – emigrated to the nearby country of Moab. All aspects of the story keep the reader’s attention focused on the central issue. Used with Permission. The Book of Ruth (abbreviated Rth) (Hebrew: מגילת רות, Megilath Ruth, "the Scroll of Ruth", one of the Five Megillot) is included in the third division, or the Writings (Ketuvim), of the Hebrew Bible; in most Christian canons it is treated as a history book and placed between Judges and 1 Samuel. Yet her complete loyalty to the Israelite family into which she has been received by marriage and her total devotion to her desolate mother-in-law mark her as a true daughter of Israel and a worthy ancestress of David. The Book of Ruth (abbreviated Rth) (Hebrew: מגילת רות, Megilath Ruth, "the Scroll of Ruth", one of the Five Megillot) is included in the third division, or the Writings (Ketuvim), of the Hebrew Bible; in most Christian canons it is treated as a history book and placed between Judges and 1 Samuel. 2. The explanation of levirate marriage (4:7), but if the custom had ceased during Samuel’s day, he would have needed to explain its meaning for his generation and for those to follow, b. There are many levels upon which one can address the veracity of the classic Deuteronomistic approach1 including the fact that 2 Chronicles 34 places the reforms of Josiah before the discovery of the book of the Law in the temple. If Ruth was written by Samuel, then it was written to endorse David as God’s chosen king for Israel after Saul, B. Date of Writing: The exact date the Book of Ruth was written is uncertain. Ruth was a Moabite princess of very fine character, who became the great-grandmother of King David. Enter your email address to get our weekly email with fresh, exciting and thoughtful content that will enrich your inbox and your life. Boaz takes notice of her, Ru 2:8-17. and shews her great favour. [4] Huey, 514. [5] Edward Campbell, Jr., Anchor Bible Commentary: Ruth (New York: Doubleday, 1975), 4. In 2003, he earned his Juris Doctorate, magna cum laude, from Capital University Law School, where he received the Order of the Curia. The tradition is that the Book of Ruth was written by the Prophet Samuel. Boaz meets the near kinsman at the city gate (the place where contracts are settled); the kinsman first says he will purchase Elimelech's (now Naomi's) land, but, upon hearing he must also take Ruth as his wife, withdraws his offer. The problems of this classic approach are enormous for the conservative student of scripture including deception concerning Mosaic authority for Deuteronomy, and a rewriting of history for political purpose by the eighth century prophets, 4. “Our Torah tells us that when the owner of a field has his grain cut, he is not to cut the corners of the field, but to leave them for the poor, the needy and the stranger to come and reap for themselves,” answered Boaz. But this rest would continue only so long as those who participated in the kingdom—prince and people alike—reflected in their daily lives the selfless love exemplified by Ruth and Boaz. The dissatisfaction which she had already felt at the meaningless idol-worship of her own people now turned to positive objection. Related Topics: Introductions, Arguments, Outlines, Malick received a Masters of Theology in Bible Exposition, with honors, from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1984. The two women returned to Bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest, and in order to support her mother-in-law and herself, Ruth went to the fields to glean. The concept of a Deuteronomistic History was a development of the earlier source-critical approach to the Pentateuch (JEDP), but first found its detailed expression in 1943 by Martin Noth in his work The Deuteronomistic History (Sheffield, England: JSOT, 1981), 2. It was Boaz himself, the owner of the field, who thus addressed Ruth. A little hesitatingly, but spurred on by her hunger and by the thought that she must get something for her dear mother-in-law, Ruth went into the field and sat down for a while to rest and to see what luck she might have here. However, the prevalent view is a date between 1011 and 931 B.C. However, Israel’s historical approach hardly could be considered to be with the design of propaganda (even for the Davidic dynasty) since it includes so much of the faults of its rulers (including David--2 Samuel). For Ruth and Boaz had a son named Obed, who became the father of Jesse. However, it was sometime between the late 1300s B.C. When Boaz wakes up, surprised to see a woman at his feet, Ruth explains she wants him to redeem (and thus marry) her. Spread your robe over your handmaid, for you are a redeeming kinsman" (3:9 NJPS). 3. Naomi – Wife of Elimelech, Mother-in-law to Ruth Background. In particular, the Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants explain YHWH’s sovereign unfolding of history for Israel. The Ancient Near Eastern neighbors of Israel sought to direct (or control) their historical cycles of destiny by the recitation of appropriate incantations or omens, 4. Boaz, the kinsman-redeemer, is a picture of our Lord Jesus Christ who paid the price to redeem us and make us His bride. “How wonderful!” exclaimed Ruth. For Ruth and Boaz had a son named Obed, who became the father of Jesse. B. Ruth does site its setting with the time of the Judges (“when the judges judged” myfpvh fpv ymyB ) (1:1), and probably occurred toward the end of the period: 1. Cause and effect are understood in view of God’s covenant response to human activities and decisions: 2) Note the apostasy in the books of Kings, b. He therefore took his wife, Naomi, and their two sons, and went to live in Moab. Edited by Frank Gaebelein. Learn how your comment data is processed. Elimelech – Husband of Naomi She learned to admire their laws and customs. The Hebrew style of Ruth is not only different from Esther, Chronicles, Nehemiah, or Jonah, but is on a level with the best portions of Samuel5, A. Mahlon – Son of Elimelech and Naomi, husband of Ruth Books in the Bible get their names all different ways. The Theology of the Historical Books is Deuteronomistic: 1. As Boaz is not Elimelech's brother, nor is Ruth his widow, scholars refer to the arrangement here as "Levirate-like". Ruth is a book dealing with the providential working of God upon the hand of a woman. [5] It is traditionally ascribed to the prophet Samuel, but Ruth's identity as a non-Israelite and the stress on the need for an inclusive attitude towards foreigners suggests an origin in the fifth century BC, when intermarriage had become controversial (as seen in Ezra 9:1 and Nehemiah 13:1). Rejoice in the Lord Always and Give Thanks in All Circumstances, Here’s What God Did Through Biblica in 2017, Ruth and Boaz Meet in the Harvest Fields (, Naomi Sends Ruth to Boaz’s Threshing Floor (, Boaz Buys Naomi’s Property and Announces His Marriage to Ruth (. 17--18], and the Levite and His Concubine [Judg. Further, the literary style of Hebrew used in Ruth suggests that it was written during the period of the monarchy. When Faith Passes the Test (Gen. 22:1-19). The events in the book of Ruth take place at the time of the festival of the barley harvest (Ruth 1:22; 2:17, 23; 3:2, 15, 17), when the connection between God’s blessing and human labor was celebrated. Storage Proudly Provided By Bunny CDN. One of the obligatory elements of studying any book of the Bible is taking a look at the background information, the history, setting, date of writing, overarching theme, main characters, and any other issues that impact how one approaches what they are reading. © 2011-2020 Biblica. Historical literature was a revelation (record) of the sovereign work of God in accordance with his covenants in history, c. Prophetic literature was a declaration of the will of God in history in judgment of the nation’s historical dealings and in promise of God’s future blessing, d. Although Israel was unfaithful to their Mosaic covenant with YHWH and often received the judgment due them from their suzerain-Lord, YHWH was also committed to his people and delivered them in accordance with his promises to Abraham with an eye to a New Covenant which He would work in their hearts, A. If the book was written from a time period while David was popular or later during Israel’s “Golden Age” while Solomon was king, Solomon would have surely been added to the list, b. Samuel knew well of the division which his anointing of David (1 Sam.
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