In my own eyes, and according to my conscience, am I a good person? Have you hurt someone and you don't know how to apologize? Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? If you don't want that relationship to end, though, it's important that you figure out how to apologize to the person you hurt. Think about what happened and recognize your part in it. Bringing him/her to a fancy restaurant is a cop-out. Am I being a good son, husband, and father (or daughter, wife, and mother)? It'll take a few apologies before your friend or partner will even consider forgiving you, so you have to make sure that you've apologized to your best ability before you even both asking for forgiveness. Being in a neutral atmosphere will give you a chance to discuss how to get past the conversation without an added level of stress. 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Suite 211 Irvine CA 92603. Don't just call him/her up - or text him/her - saying, "Hey, do you forgive me?" Never get tired of life. The world may be full of hurt, pain and deception, but saying you found the truth in him will make him realize he is your hope in the world. But no matter how evil you are, there is always that person who loves you, no matter what. If I decide to move away from this country, will you move with me? Right now, you need to apologize without trying to minimize what you did to hurt them by bringing up other problems in your friendship or romantic relationship. Not only does it make you into a better person because you show that you care, but it also assures your friend or partner that you know you were wrong and you will change who you are to make sure you get to keep the relationship that means everything to you. Their answers might indeed bring you face-to-face with some things. These love quotes are the mirror and reflection of what you feel inside. To do this, you have to run through what you did to hurt him/her and accept your own part in what happened. What is your aim in life? If you don't include this type of promise in your apology, you're not going to earn your partner's or friend's forgiveness. What, according to you is a sensitive topic that should not be joked about? Because why would I say you’re good or better if you’re the best I’ve ever had? The other side of this is accepting the blame in your apology. It’s time to tell him whatever it is in your heart and tell him how much he has changed your life by simply being your angel. It's important that you accept the blame, though, or your apology will never work. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Once you are his girlfriend, a man might want you to be a little possessive (though not too much, since he might feel bad). You may have said something mean or rude, or done something that hurt your partner or friend like cheating or betraying your friend's trust. I was always told to share my blessings, and I was generous. One of the many things you can do for your boyfriend is to write love quotes to him. These questions are serious, and not casual in nature. He may laugh about it, but I’m sure he’ll appreciate the gesture of comparing your love to him using basketball. I miss you not because you miss me, but because you taught me to feel emptiness when you are not there. Would you want to choose the sex and appearance of your offspring? I say it to remind you that you’re the best thing that ever… They say that behind every man’s success is a woman, and telling your husband that simply shows that no matter what happens to him, you will always be there to care for him and support him in his efforts. If they have given you a way to delve deeper into yourself, your relationship, or your life in general, go ahead and use them to know yourself and those around you, better. Once you've asked if they will ever forgive you, or if they already have, you'll both know where you stand and how to move past the fight. Here are some intense questions to ask someone you love, or like and wish to know better, and also some to ask yourself. What quality about me makes you the most happy? Do you share the same connect with someone else, that you share with me? You should also apologize more than once. Is there someone you wish to teach a lesson, and still haven’t? You are so much of me that loving you is not a choice. Once you have personally accepted the blame, you'll be able to properly apologize. Am I kind to the people who serve (like waiters, security guards, peons, bus conductors)? Dealing with death, bereavement, loss, a breakup or anything bad in people we care about can be tough. Someone asked me why I hold on and I smiled. The questions given below are serious and may have a bearing on your relationship, and because they are serious, be prepared for serious answers. Although they don’t want girls to see them like that, it is very important that you let him know that you will always have his back and that you will never leave him. It speaks from the heart. Do I reflect on what I did throughout the day at the end of the day and contemplate on my actions. This love quote is one of the best for me because it shows that your partner is not another person. When you don't know the right words, quotes or songs are the best way to apologize to someone you have hurt. Quotes can be written into cards or sent as a text message, or just spoken in person if you want to memorize it. Gently with a rose? Even if you're not the best cook in the world, the effort you put into figuring out how to apologize will go a long way. I’m not asking you to stay for the rest of my life, but to stay as long as you want.
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