[9] In Deutschland lief der Film unter dem Titel Meine Frau, unsere Kinder und ich am 23. After a furious argument with the Fockers and his own family (though amends are quickly made), Jack resumes his spying on Greg and sends Greg and Jorge's hair samples for a DNA test, while inviting Jorge to the Fockers' planned engagement party in the hope of getting Greg to admit he is Jorge's father. Type of Hero Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 22. Friends/Allies Meine Frau, ihre Schwiegereltern und Ich (Originaltitel: Meet the Fockers) ist die Fortsetzung der Filmkomödie Meine Braut, ihr Vater und ich. Dort angekommen erfahren sie, dass die gemeinsame Weiterreise zu den Fockers in Jacks luxuriösen Wohnmobil stattfinden soll. Jorge ist der Sohn von Isabel, der Haushälterin der Fockers, welche früher auch Gregs Erzieherin war. With Ben Stiller, Robert De Niro, Blythe Danner, Teri Polo. At the engagement party, Jack, who automatically assumes that Greg knew about Jorge and has deliberately been keeping him a secret from Pam, introduces Greg to Jorge. The film ends with one thought left hanging in the air and that the two sets of parents have to meet. Wählen Sie eine Sprache für Ihren Einkauf. But rather than going to the airport as planned, Jack decides to drive the family mother Dina and one-year-old nephew Little Jack (the son of Bob and Debbie Banks) to Miami to meet the Fockers in his new RV. Once they arrive, they are greeted by Greg's eccentric but fun-loving and amiable father, Bernie, and mother, Roz, who is a sex therapist for elderly couples. Recount | However, small cracks begin to form between Jack and the Fockers, due to their contrasting personalities. Meine Frau, ihre Schwiegereltern und Ich (Originaltitel: Meet the Fockers) ist die Fortsetzung der Filmkomödie Meine Braut, ihr Vater und ich. Alias Greg Focker: It is. In my estimation Mrs Macron looks well overdue for some attention herself. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Jack Byrnes: I thought your name was Greg. August 2018. Außerdem analysiert es Rezensionen, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu überprüfen. Echt toll diese Komödie. Meanwhile, Pam informs Greg that she's pregnant, and the two decide to keep it secret from Jack. Gaylord "Greg" Focker is the main protagonist in Meet the Parents trilogy. Juni 2014, Empire: Movie News – Third Fockers Movie On The Horizon, Erster Trailer zu Meine Frau, Unsere Kinder und Ich, Austin Powers – Das Schärfste, was Ihre Majestät zu bieten hat, Austin Powers – Spion in geheimer Missionarsstellung, Mystery – New York: Ein Spiel um die Ehre, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Meine_Frau,_ihre_Schwiegereltern_und_ich&oldid=187681010, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Gaylord M. Focker After Debbie's wedding, Jack views VHS footage of Greg recorded by hidden cameras that he had placed strategically around the house. Goals Jack's original plan was to declare Bob his successor as head of the Byrnes family, but he decides to pass the role to Greg, naming him "The Godfocker". „Mittelmäßige, inszenatorisch lieblose Komödie mit eher derben, wenig originellen Gags auf dem Niveau einschlägiger Teenager-Possen. MEET THE FOCKERS [2004/2010] [Blu-ray] [US Release] And You Thought Your Parents Embarrassing! Oktober 2013. Greg decides to propose to Pam in front of her family but this plan is put on hold when the airline loses his luggage which contains the engagement ring. Auch die vermeintliche Vaterschaft von Jorge gibt Greg zu. Hobby Jack reaches his breaking point with Greg's dishonesty and demands that Pam and Dina leave the island with him. Klar Ben Stiller ist es, er will uns noch mehr von seiner Lachpunkte geben. Greg becomes even more uncomfortable after he receives an impromptu lie detector test from Jack and later learns from Pam that her father is a retired CIA officer. Meanwhile, Jack speaks to Pam about the possibility of divorcing Greg and renewing her relationship with her ex-fiancé, Kevin Rawley. Meine Frau, ihre Schwiegereltern und ich wurde vom 29. She tries to cheer him up with takeout and wine, but she drinks so much wine (also popping many erection pills) that she gets excessively drunk and makes an eccentric, extremely aggressive sexual pass on Greg. Wählen Sie die Kategorie aus, in der Sie suchen möchten. Rezension aus Deutschland vom 11. Nachdem Sie Produktseiten oder Suchergebnisse angesehen haben, finden Sie hier eine einfache Möglichkeit, diese Seiten wiederzufinden. During a volleyball game, he accidentally causes Debbie a broken nose and a black eye, uses a malfunctioning toilet which floods the Byrnes' back yard with sewage, sets fire to the wedding altar, and several misunderstandings cause Jack to think Greg is a marijuana user. Bernie hatte am Abend davor in seiner unverblümten Offenheit davon erzählt, dass sein Sohn Greg mit 19 Jahren seine Jungfräulichkeit an Isabel verloren habe. Rezension aus Deutschland vom 16. Jack and Dina decide they will move too, because they also want to be close to their grandchildren. Sie hören eine Hörprobe des Audible Hörbuch-Downloads. Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 4. Mit von der Partie ist auch Jacks Enkel, genannt „Little Jack“, der kleine Sohn von Pams Schwester, die mit ihrem Mann in die Flitterwochen verreist ist. Greg tries to impress Jack by various means of telling him about the drug references of Peter, Paul and Mary's "Puff the Magic Dragon", reciting "Day by Day" from Godspell when asked to say grace (due to being Jewish) at dinner, telling Jack he milked the cat of a sister whom he fabricated (due to Jack having previously seen him reading a magazine about lactation) and presenting the Byrnes family with a bottle of Mumm's champagne but his efforts fail and culminate in numerous disasters (including Jack thinking Greg does drugs, Greg discovering Pam was engaged, and while popping the champagne cork, accidentally breaks an urn containing the remains of Jack's deceased mother, which Jinx urinates in.) Jack, looking for Greg so he can apologize to him and bring him home, pulls up to the house and sees through the window what looks like Greg and Andi having sex, although Greg is actually trying to rebuff Andi's advances. 0 . Meet the Fockers is a 2004 American comedy film directed by Jay Roach and the sequel to Meet the Parents.The film stars Robert De Niro (who was also one of the film's producers), Ben Stiller, Dustin Hoffman, Barbra Streisand, Blythe Danner and Teri Polo.It was followed by a sequel, Little Fockers… Februar 2005 in den deutschen Kinos und erschien am 4. The fight culminates with Jack having a heart attack and collapsing, and Greg quickly taking charge of the situation and looking after Jack. Juli 2020, Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 4. Back at the Byrnes household, Jack tries to convince Pam that Greg was lying to her about everything. Gaylord and Jasminda’s mugs could be superimposed on the pic and none would be the wiser. No information Die Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung FBW in Wiesbaden verlieh dem Film das Prädikat „besonders wertvoll“. Kea October 10, 2019 At 5:45 pm. Dina refuses and reveals Jack's actions to everyone. Perfect Picture and Purest Digital Sound Available! During the party, Jack asks Roz for some sex tips and sneaks into the RV with Dina. Die Kinoverleihrechte für die USA teilen sich Universal und DreamWorks, über das Gemeinschaftsunternehmen United International Pictures, vertreiben sie den Film in den Kinos anderer Länder. The next morning, Pam questions Greg about Jorge, and Greg does not confirm or deny that he is Jorge's father, but insists that he knew nothing about him before the previous evening. Austin Powers – Spion in geheimer Missionarsstellung | Upon learning that Greg's real first name is Gaylord, and being presented with proof from Pam that he did in fact pass the test, Jack rushes to the airport, convinces airport security to release Greg and brings him back to the Byrnes household. Jack again becomes suspicious of Greg's integrity and quality, when they are introduced to the Fockers' housekeeper, Isabel Villalobos, with whom Bernie reveals Greg had a sexual affair fifteen years before. By the time the family returns home, the feral cat has totally trashed the living room. Furthermore, Jack starts to doubt Greg's ability to provide for his family when he appears reluctant to send his children to a private school. As paramedics take him away, Jack quietly admits that he believes Greg after feeling his carotid artery, which remained stable while Greg was claiming his innocence. Despite Jack's instructions to leave Little Jack to self-soothe, Greg is unable to stand listening to Little Jack's cries and tends to the boy to cheer him up by hugging him, letting him watch TV, acting funny, and inadvertently teaching Little Jack the word "asshole." Jack later takes the RV to Isabel's 15-year-old son, Jorge, to fix the toilet, but is disturbed by Jorge's striking resemblance to Greg, and the fact that Jorge never met his father, and jumps to the conclusion that he might be Greg's son with Isabel. Preise inkl. Das Gesamteinspielergebnis liegt bei über 515 Millionen Dollar, davon waren es 54,03 % (279 Millionen Dollar) in den USA. März bis Juni 2004 gedreht. With Jack and the Byrnes cat Mr. Jinx watch a video of Greg on YouTube in which Greg mocks him at the Sustengo conference. During the post-credit scene, Jack watches hidden baby-cam footage of the Fockers giving attention to Little Jack over Jack's previous objections: Roz gives Little Jack chocolate, Bernie advises him to use his crying to disagree with everything Jack says, and Greg pretends to drunkenly tell Little Jack to keep it a secret that he left to smoke pot, not answer the phone, when he left Little Jack unattended and that Pam is not really pregnant and only said it so that Jack would let them get married. De niro mit weiteren attacken auf Stiller und Hoffman mit seinem witzigen getue verpeinlicht er die Situationen von Stiller. Bombshell – Das Ende des Schweigens, Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft, Robert De Niro's Top 20 Highest-Grossing Films, schnittberichte.com, abgerufen am 15. Der Film ist wie der erste Teil, eine Koproduktion von Universal Pictures, DreamWorks SKG, sowie Tribeca Productions und Everyman Pictures. [10], Zoo Radio | Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. "Meet the Parents" Bernie informs Greg and Pam that he and Roz have sold their Miami Island home and are moving to Chicago, only two houses down from their house. Late Night Courier: Gaylord M. Focker? No information He ends up in countless misunderstandings, is blamed for many things he didn't do, and endures numerous jokes about his last name. Nachdem Ex-CIA-Agent Jack Byrnes dem Krankenpfleger Gaylord „Greg“ Focker die Erlaubnis zur Heirat seiner Tochter Pam Byrnes gegeben hat, will Jack nun auch die Eltern von Greg kennenlernen. Jinx“ (die Katze der Byrnes) trifft, kommt es zu einer wilden Verfolgungsjagd, an deren Ende die Katze den kleinen Hund im Wohnmobil-WC hinunterspült. Greg Focker: That's me.
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