moxie pokémon
Equipes Showdown Partager un export Forum Inscription Connexion Talents Informations sur Impudence Effet et explication du talent Impudence (Moxie) Un Pokémon possédant Impudence voit son Attaque augmenter d'un cran s'il met K.O un adversaire. When it defeats an enemy, the Pokémon's Attack may go up!
Lexique et ressources stratégiques. Moxie (Japanese: じしんかじょう Overconfident) is an Ability eight Pokémon can have. Please read the. Four Pokémon can have this Ability When a Pokémon with Moxie causes another Pokémon (including allies) to faint through direct damage, its Attack stat raises by one stage. Raises Attack for 1 turn after defeating an enemy. Le talent Impudence (Moxie en anglais) est un talent présent dans Pokémon. For Generation IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities. Liste des Pokémon par génération. Pokémon GO : tous les événements du mois d'Octobre dévoilés ! For Generation VII games, ignore Abilities introduced in Generation VIII or later. If a Pokémon with Moxie defeats a Pokémon with Mummy using a contact move, the Pokémon's Ability will turn to Mummy before the attack boost is given. Tous les produits du Pokémon Center sont disponibles chez Meccha Japan. Moxie is an Ability introduced in Generation V. When a Pokémon with Moxie directly causes another Pokémon (including allies) to faint by using a damaging move, its Attack is increased by one stage. If its Attack is already at+6 stages, Moxie will not activate. Les images appartiennent à leur auteur respectif. Talent Impudence / Moxie - Pokédex - Effect: When the Pokémon causes another Pokémon to faint with a damaging move, its attack is increased by one stage. If the Pokémon fainting ends the battle, Moxie will not activate. Moxie activates after the Pokémon gains Attack from Fell Stinger. May increase the Pokémon's Attack when it defeats a foe. The Pokémon shows moxie, and that boosts the Attack stat after knocking out any Pokémon. When a Pokémon with Moxie directly causes another Pokémon (including allies) to faint by using a damaging move, its Attack is increased by one stage.
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Site à but non lucratif, fait par un fan pour des fans.
The Pokémon shows moxie, and that boosts the Attack stat after knocking out any Pokémon. Moxie (Japanese: じしんかじょう Overconfident) is an Ability introduced in Generation V. When a Pokémon with Moxie directly causes another Pokémon (including allies) to faint by using a damaging move, its Attack is increased by one stage.
Pokémon. Pokémon Clover Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. If its Attack is already at +6 stages, Moxie will not activate. When a Pokémon with Moxie causes another Pokémon (including allies) to faint through direct damage, its Attack rises by one stage. We're updating our policies!
If its Attack is already at +6 stages, Moxie will not activate. Usages détaillés. Moxie is an Ability.
Boosts the Attack stat after knocking out any Pokémon. Pokekalos 2016-2020, version 1.1.
Moxie activates after the Pokémon gains Attack from Fell Stinger.
© Pokémon est une marque déposée de TPCI The Pokémon Company International, Game Freak et Nintendo. Moxie will not be activated by indirect damage, such as through Sandstorm or an item like Rocky Helmet. Quand le Pokémon met un ennemi K.O., sa confiance en lui ne connaît plus de limite et son Attaque augmente.
When a Pokémon with Moxie causes another Pokémon (including allies) to faint through direct damage, its Attack rises by one stage. This page was last edited on 15 November 2019, at 23:54. Pour tout contact, merci d'envoyer un mail à contact[at]pokekalos[dot]fr. If a Pokémon with Moxie defeats a Pokémon with Mummy using a contact move, the Pokémon's Ability will become Mummy before Moxie has the opportunity to activate. Pokédex Pokémon Type Abilities #127 Pinsir: Generation III Hyper Cutter Generation IV Mold Breaker Generation V Moxie #130 Gyarados: Generation III Intimidate … Moxie (Japanese: じしんかじょう Overconfident) is an Ability eight Pokémon can have.
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. Moxie will not be activated by indirect damage, such as through Sandstorm or an item like Rocky Helmet.
Pokémon possédant le talent.
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