Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. He has talked to friends about the obstinacy of his client. Try as I would, I could not reason him out of his, 27. As a statesman, he certainly committed grave faults - through excess of diplomatic subtlety, lack of forethought, and sometimes even through ingenuousness; but it must with justice be admitted that, in spite of his reputation for pugnacity and obstinacy, he never failed, either by temperament or on principle, to exhaust every peaceful expedient in settling questions. Anne was a women of small ability, of dull mind, and of that kind of obstinacy which accompanies weakness of character. He bit the file to English obstinacy and broke his teeth. Events, it is true, were in his favour. The heroic obstinacy of the defence was equalled by the perseverance of the attack, and there was a vast expenditure, especially on the side of the Spaniards, of blood and treasure. His obstinacy drives me mad! He met the pressing requests of his neighbours with a gentle. , The obstinacy of both children in insisting on their own choice of movie resulted in an evening with no movie at all. In France, where the disease was by far the most prevalent - owing in great part to the obstinacy with which the vine-growers at first refused to take any reasonable precautions against its spread - M. I urged him to throw away his mystics; but he adhered to them with the greater obstinacy. Largely owing to his influence the Liberal party refused in 1878 to abandon its Free Trade policy, an obstinacy which led to its defeat in that year. His obstinacy was irritating. The distance of Constantinople from Vienna and the obstinacy of the sultan would probably have prevented a settlement, but the return of Napoleon rendered all such proposals almost absurd, and the scheme was dropped. A stickler for realism, he was frustrated by an, 21. He commanded at Rochelle during the famous siege, and (if we may believe his brother) the failure of the defence and of the English attack on Rhe was mainly due to the alternate obstinacy of the townsfolk and the English commanders in refusing to listen to Soubise's advice. , Nora went suicide during Rush because she had her heart set on getting into just one sorority, but her obstinacy left her out in the cold when the bids went out. His wife, Maria Luisa of Parma, his first cousin, a thoroughly coarse and vicious woman, ruled him completely, though he was capable of obstinacy at times. contumacia, obstinacy; derived from the root tem-, as in temnere, to despise, or possibly from the root turn-, as in tumere, to swell, with anger, &c.), a stubborn refusal to obey authority, obstinate resistance; particularly, in law, the wilful contempt of the order or summons of a court (see Contempt Of Court). This is an improved experiment. between McDowell and Beauregard, fought by the raw troops of both sides with an obstinacy that foreboded the desperate battles of subsequent campaigns. But Pitts policy broke on the stubborn obstinacy of George III., who believed himself bound by his coronation oath to resist any concession to the enemies of the Established Church. The campaign of Jena and the battle of Eylau followed; and Napoleon, though still intent on the Russian alliance, stirred up Poles, Turks and Persians to break the obstinacy of the tsar. Cindy's anger usually made him stand firm to the point of obstinacy. Source null; In ordinaiy men this conduct is called obstinacy, in you, it is perse - verance. She imagines herself not only certain of accomplishing every adventure, but of obtaining those rewards which the accomplishment may deserve. Vladek in old age has lost the resilient bounce, if not the courage and, 20. Neddy, Jack, Dicky, &c.) for different varieties of the sub-genus Asinus, belonging to the horse tribe, and especially for the domestic ass; it differs from the' horse in its smaller size, long ears, the character of its tail, fur and markings, and its proverbial dulness and obstinacy. This will require people have great courage, and will not make intelligent heart being tied and great chances being lost for selfhood parochialism , outdated, 30. A resolution once arrived at he carried out with iron obstinacy.". The defendants cannot rely on their own obstinacy to assert that mediation had no reasonable prospect of success. , Lindsey just would not let go of her obstinacy over a vacation that didn’t involve tents and latrines, so Benjamin finally put his camping gear away and agreed to talk to a travel agent. Has anyone ever seen such obstinacy, or a robbery like this? , The soldiers in that particular battle were thought of as heroes, but it was really obstinacy that kept them fighting against such impossible odds. He combined an obstinacy of will with a mastery of facts unsurpassed by any of his predecessors in the secretaryship. The dispute which led to the duel with Emile de Girardin was one of small moment, and might have been amicably arranged had it not been for some slight obstinacy on Carrel's part. 3. When your obstinacy is equal to any other person's passion, blame not your brother. Deposed and excommunicated by Bek, the prior secured the king's support; but the bishop, against whom other complaints were preferred, refused to give way, and by his obstinacy incurred the lasting enmity of Edward. 36. The experiment used integrated hall switch sensor and Jonly balance in measuring, 25. Source null I have often heard Pericles speak of his childish obstinacy and perseverance. Two parties were contending in the state, and their obstinacy could not fail to produce a most direful collision. 41+1 sentence examples: 1. 4. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). The French general, however, hardly drew out far enough from the French right; otherwise the magnificent resolution he displayed and the admirable obstinacy with which his troops fought against ever-increasing odds are worthy of all praise. Bogdanich is vindictive and you'll pay for your obstinacy, said Kirsten. Patriotism, insight, courage, statesmanship, energy, - these great qualities were indisputably his; but unfortunately they were vitiated by obstinacy, suspicion and a sulky craftiness, beneath which simmered a very volcano of revengeful cruelty. She is not easily persuaded to believe that the force of merit can be resisted by, 23. The English fought out the losing game with a wonderful obstinacy. In June 1648 Cromwell himself proceeded to invest Pembroke Castle, which resisted with great obstinacy. All our errors in explaining the origin of human society arise from our obstinacy in believing that primitive man was entirely similar to ourselves, who are civilized, i.e. How can obstinacy be used in a sentence? The patience of the ass, the high spirit of the horse, the obstinacy of the mule, have long been proverbial. The Fall had a mulish obstinacy, the bass-heavy clutter and intricate guitar designs backed up by drums which stomp and bray viciously. He particularly resented the obstinacy of the Barcelonese, who compelled the members of his household to pay municipal taxes. Anne was a women of small ability, of dull mind, and of that kind of obstinacy which accompanies weakness of character. Of course, Bloom can also accomplish his goal by sheer obstinacy. He was successful in repelling the Egyptian attack at the battle of Ascalon (August 1099); but he failed, owing to Raymund's obstinacy and greed, to acquire the town of Ascalon after the battle. Some reckless enthusiasts for truth set four trustworthy hospital nurses to watch her; the Celtic obstinacy of the parents was roused, and in defence of their imposture they allowed death to take place in eight days. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. The rejection of the Jews is their own fault, due to their obstinacy and legalism (ix. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Then, in a moment, his weakness was further displayed in an impotent obstinacy. The soul is from the Lord, and is submitted in this life to the bondage of works (karma); " Mankind, in their obstinacy, keep binding themselves in the net of actions, and though they know and hear of the bliss of those who have faith in the Lord, they attempt not the only means of release. Unfortunately his firmness developed into obstinacy, and exhibited itself in continued confidence in officers who had proved to be failures, and in dislike of some of his ablest generals. Peace negotiations had been in progress in London since Dec. 1912, but made little headway owing to Turkish obstinacy. Heil was frustrated, yet his obstinacy was a good sign. 5. The main object of the Austrian chancellor probably was to let Napoleon once more show to the world his perverse obstinacy. I might have become a dangerous man with all that stubbornness and, 17. 2. He repeated Cosette's name for whole nights in the melancholy loquacity of fever, and with the sombre, 24. obstinacy in a sentence - Use "obstinacy" in a sentence 1. On the 21st of July took place the first battle of Bull Run (q.v.) In one of the best examples I can recall of Brian's pig-headed obstinacy, he would not get off. His principal object was to establish the hereditary right of his dynasty to the Bohemian throne, and this object he pursued with characteristic obstinacy. Against these difficulties he struggled with characteristic obstinacy. Yet through the obstinacy and selfishness of John the Good, France, in stress of suffering, was gradually realizing herself. We marvel at the obstinacy with which he, with inadequate mathematical knowledge, opposed the Newtonian theory of light and colour; and at his championship of "Neptunism," the theory of aqueous origin, as opposed to "Vulcanism," that of igneous origin of the earth's crust. All that remained was to obtain the abdication of Benedict XIII., the successor of the Avignon pope Clement VII., but the combined efforts of the council and the emperor were powerless to overcome the obstinacy of the Aragonese pope. The ordinary behaviour is evidently the result of a film of grease, which adheres with great obstinacy. It was assumed by deists in debating against the orthodox, that the flood of error in the hostile camp was due to the benevolent cunning or deliberate self-seeking of unscrupulous men, supported by the ignorant with the obstinacy of prejudice. mulish obstinacy, the bass-heavy clutter and intricate guitar designs backed up by drums which stomp and bray viciously. The foolishness and obstinacy of the ass has caused the name to be transferred metaphorically to human beings; and the fifth proposition of Book i. Goethe's dramas, on the other hand, have not, in the eyes of his nation, succeeded in holding their own beside Schiller's; but the reason is rather because Goethe, from what might be called a wilful obstinacy, refused to be bound by the conventions of the theatre, than because he was deficient in the cunning of the dramatist.
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