only the brave true story
Their sense of commitment grows during their time being hotshots; like a lot of dedicated people, they become more and more obsessed with their jobs.”, “These guys are the gatekeepers to the wildlands,” says producer Michael Menchel. So the departures from reality in these scenes aren't really mistakes, but they're obvious differences for anyone familiar with the true story or the real area. Perhaps what's most true about the depiction of the fire is this: There is no attempt made to invent reasons for the crew's movements, no scenes that try to answer the question of why the crew left a seemingly safe, already-burned area and descended into a canyon that became a trap.
The murders haunted Amanda and she turned to alcohol to cope. Arizona's Forestry Division conducted a three-month investigation that found no negligence in the response to the tragedy, citing that an air tanker carrying flame retardant was directly above the firefighters as they died.
The film recreates that episode with loving detail, including the now iconic photo of the firefighters in a pyramid formation in front of the tree. No, in real life they had a little more advance warning. That task was shouldered by former Deputy Fire Chief Darrell Willis, who is not represented in the movie. "Only the Brave," the movie starring Josh Brolin, Jeff Bridges and Miles Teller, tells the story — one version of it, anyway — of Arizona's Granite Mountain Hotshots. The movie opens on the 2005 Cave Creek Complex Fire north of Phoenix and suggests that experiences there motivated Eric Marsh to certify his then-Type 2 wildland firefighting crew as an elite crew of hotshots.
It does not show complete truth, it is just a movie.". It’s about coming to terms with the weaknesses in their lives and the way that building this team becomes even more than fighting fires – it’s going to turn them into the people they want to be.
I couldn't even get a job at McDonald's flipping burgers. Every member of the 20-man crew has a real actor playing him in the credits list. The movie pulls no punches in depicting the challenges of at least two crew members.
The real Yarnell hill was covered with dense, thorny chaparral brush, which ultimately helped trap the hotshot team. The film's ending probably doesn't require a spoiler alert. He was forced to hike out on foot, and that's when Brian Frisby, Superintendent of the Blue Ridge Hotshots (renamed the Blue River Hotshots in the movie), located him after monitoring radio communications between McDonough and the Granite Mountain IHC Captain. “They dig lines and cut down trees and try to establish a border. And for some reason they left." Due to the danger of the job and the time away from home, the turnover rate among hotshots is high. Instead, he said he went to a funeral and dealt with a bout of flu.
It’s a good choice, if one that defies the true story. With determination, self-sacrifice, and the aid of Division Chief, Duane Steinbrink, Marsh's brotherhood of dedicated young men become the elite Granite Mountain Hotshots: a fully certified, Type-1 team of firefighters for the city of Prescott, Arizona. As depicted in the movie, they fought fires like the 2011 Horseshoe 2 Fire in southern Arizona. “It explores notions of brotherhood, sacrifice, redemption, all set in the world of wildfire – something I haven’t seen in the cinema before. They light fire, back burns, that they use to battle against the wildfire.”. One of the often-told stories about the hotshots was how they had saved a giant juniper tree above Prescott during the Doce Fire in June 2013.
“I was drawn by the script’s unique approach to the story of viewing it through two points of view: the guy at the top, Superintendent Eric Marsh, and the guy at the very, very bottom, fresh rookie Brendan McDonough – the contrast between them, but also the similarities, became the entry point to this story.”. Eric Marsh received an email (not a phone call) at 8 p.m. on Saturday evening, the night before they left. “If you’ve seen Joe’s movies, you know how visually spectacular they are; he’s one of the best visual directors in the world,” says producer Erik Howsam. The movie shows the crew working on the Doce Fire — which did happen in real life, shortly before Yarnell — and then shows McDonough being bitten by a rattlesnake. The commission argued that the firefighters should have been pulled out earlier, especially given the approaching thunderstorm, citing that state fire officials put property above the safety of the firemen. A hotshot contains an inferno buy using fire to burn a line through the fire's fuel path. On the day of the tragedy, the fire had spread rapidly from 300 acres to over 2,000 acres. Brendan McDonough wrote a first-person account of the Yarnell Hill Fire in his memoir My Lost Brothers, which was re-titled Granite Mountain. The call never came. "But there was no plan to move people out of the way."
“In the movie, Eric sees something in Brendan that reminds him of himself and his own fallibility. In the movie, the ranch is shown to be a group of older buildings, but in real life the structures were silver and shiny. McDonough is shown taking on the role of lookout as the crew heads up the ridge. He is then shown walking outside, where he is comforted by Amanda Marsh. About two-thirds of the film isn't about the Yarnell Hill Fire at all, but an origin story for the Granite Mountain Hotshots.
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