pinna ear
Non-neoplastic diseases that result in a mass effect include ceruminous hyperplasia, inflammatory polyps, ceruminal gland cysts, and nodular hyperplasia of the sebaceous gland.80 Diagnosis may be possible with a fine-needle aspirate of an appreciable mass; otherwise, a small incisional biopsy is needed. Other findings may include lymphadenopathy, concurrent conjunctivitis (suggestive of an allergic component), gynecomastia, or asymmetric testes; the latter two findings are likely related to other conditions. (From Gotthelf LN: Small animal ear diseases: an illustrated guide, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2004, Saunders/Elsevier.)
This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. While reflecting from the pinna, sound also goes through a filtering process, as well as frequency dependent amplitude modulation which adds directional information to the sound (see sound localization, vertical sound localization, head-related transfer function, pinna notch). Pinnacle Environmental Technologies, Inc. the projecting part of the external ear of mammals. Important structures include the parotid salivary gland, facial nerve, annular cartilage, and tympanic cavity. Both surfaces have sweat and sebaceous glands.11 The cartilage broadens and thickens toward its base, where it then rolls into a coarse tube. Skin impressions show large, mouse-like auricles in Spinolestes. Primary Causes ), (From Gotthelf LN: Small animal ear diseases: an illustrated guide, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2004, Saunders/Elsevier. Le dictionnaire des synonymes est surtout dérivé du dictionnaire intégral (TID). Trauma usually results in separation of the otic cartilages (annular and auricular), resulting in clinical signs of swelling at the base of the ear, periotic fistulation, head tilt, and pain on opening the mouth.8 Obstruction of the canal by neoplasia may result in an accumulation of suppurative secretions and discharge that may break through the otic cartilage into the surrounding soft tissues, with subsequent abscess formation in the parotid region.80 The most common cause of para-aural abscess, fistulation, and recurrent otitis media is incomplete debridement of the epithelial lining of the tympanic bulla during previous total ear canal ablation (Figure 122-9). It should be noted early on that bacteria and yeasts found in otitis externa are opportunistic organisms, often commensals, and are rarely the primary cause. Anatomy Hemangioma and hemangiosarcoma are considered ultraviolet B induced. Lesions are often bilateral but not necessarily of synchronous progression.52 White cats have a 13.4 times greater risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma than colored cats,27 and some poorly pigmented dog breeds are also predisposed (e.g., Dalmatians, bull terriers, Beagles), as are sparsely haired areas of the skin (e.g., ventrum, axilla, face).
This is a small boot-shaped cartilaginous plate that was originally part of the cranial helix spine; because it becomes detached at the time of birth, it is still considered part of the external ear.
Congenital external auditory canal atresia in dogs has been associated with haired skin covering the external auditory meatus, blind termination of the vertical canal midway along its length, or atresia at the junction between the auricular and annular cartilages.10,49,85,89 With atresia confined solely to the vertical canal, it may be possible to salvage the ear by performing a pull-through of the horizontal canal remnant to the overlying skin;85 otherwise, a total ear canal ablation and lateral bulla osteotomy is indicated.89 Congenital external auditory canal atresia has also recently been described in the cat and was treated by debridement of the two blind ends of the vertical canal and re-anastomosis.20 When external auditory canal atresia is discovered in the absence of clinical signs, no attempt at surgical repair should be made.
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