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The condition can be designated in simple language as suffering or exploitation. But the religious and ethnic struggles cannot be called class struggle. On the voluntaristic side, Marx argues that while capitalism’s development will make ever greater encroachments on the working class, pushing the value of labour power down to a minimum, nonetheless, the workers have a duty to keep on struggling, even for improvements that can only be temporary”. With this, society gets divided into rich and poor. The real situation forces them to come to a settlement. History engages people as political actors whose identities are With the arrival of new mode of production or any other factor the non-basic classes do not survive. Only a class struggle can bring about a change.
of realizing their economic aims. One of the important advances of the materialist understanding of history is the conclusion that, far from being an inhibiting factor, the class struggle is a great motive force of the development of antagonistic societies.
With the growth of class consciousness among the working class, their class solidarity becomes cystalised. They will not get any scope to improve their lot. Marx and Engels have said that the members of the class must have clear conception about the interests. Marx and Engels had no faith on the goodwill of the capitalists. Though Marx had repeatedly referred to the intermediate state such as the “small capitalists”, “the petti bourgeoisie”, and the “iumpenproletariat”, he was of the firm belief that at the height of conflict these would be drawn into the ranks of the proletariat. In earlier epochs there were both classes and class antagonisms, but they were in complex forms. Marx had many ideas that created radical people in several countries and ideas that cause many opinions to flourish about capitalism and democracy. The class struggle is caused by the diametrically opposed social positions and contradictory interests of the different classes. A reserve surplus army of laborers is formed, creating more competition amongst laborers.
It is wrong to assume that only propagation of ideology will create a flood of consciousness in the minds of workers and practical activities are less important. It is be noted here that Marx and Engels were quite confident that mere formation of a class was not enough for launching a fierce and long drawn struggle against the very powerful capitalists and their state because the state was the instrument of exploitation and oppression. works. Intellectuals are the salaried spokesman of the bourgeois class. That is why the Marxists have always advised that the economic struggle will never be their sole objective. The scientific and technological revolution has changed the economic conditions of both workers and capitalists. Through world exploration, the discovery of raw own interests. for exchange, has fundamentally altered all aspects of society, Again, in the second half of twentieth century Marx’s theory of class struggle has faced few basic questions such as what is exactly a class. Similarly the army and police cannot be classified according to Marx’s specification. industrial elites. Although the ultimate purpose of class struggle is development, its history reveals that this was not achieved in past as a single event of class struggle.
Various other developments will follow. Marx in his Wage, Labour and Capital sums up the whole matter in the following words: “The more the productive capital grows, the more the division of labour and the application of machinery expand.
Marx has said that the capitalist mode of production has simplified the class structure of society and also the class antagonisms. Karl Marx was born in 1818 in Trier, Prussia; he was the oldest surviving boy in a family of nine children. Similarly, in the epoch of feudalism, peasants and landlords were two basic classes. In several writings we get reference to petty bourgeoisie, farmers and other small classes. Sporadic protests and agitation sometimes take place and the workers resort to these in order to realize their legitimate demands.
V. D. Zotov in The Marxist-Leninist Theory of Society writes “In the conditions created by state-monopoly capitalism and the scientific and technological revolution significant changes are taking place in the working class. to date.
All these will lead to further development of industries. The rationality of this claim is based on ideology.
Relations of production depend on a given society’s The very large question which arises is how far that profile and the propositions have application to other types of society the countries of the Third World. In terms of economics, Karl Marx, boar of the farm, Old Major, mimics Karl Marx, the “Father of Communism,” and Vladimir Lenin, a Russian communist revolutionary. In so far as there is merely a local interconnection among these small-holding peasants and the identity of their interests begets no community, no national bond, and no political organization among them, they do not form a class. In addition, his views on life and the social structure of his time revolutionized the way people think. But he has his own labour power which he can sell to others or if he so wishes he can refuse to sell his labour. The ruling class achieves its objective not through military methods but through subtle propaganda and indoctrination. In the Eighteenth Brumaire the same idea with its elaborate form has been stressed by him. Then chiefly two types of classes in any antagonistic class divided society basic classes and non-basic classes. This then becomes a collective association at the level of the factory or sector of the economy (p.480).
It must have certain features. The two men published their tract in February 1848, just months A society is divided into antagonistic classes; one class controls the sources of production and the distribution system as a whole. In other words, the main purpose of this section of intellectuals is to safeguard the interests of capitalists in all possible ways. In this society nobody owns anything but everybody owns everything. Their interests are clearly reflected in their political and ideological spheres. Explaining the concept of ruling class Gouldner maintains: “What make a group ruling class are in the part the needs it satisfies, how acute and widespread they are, on the one hand, and their ability to exclude others from satisfying this need, on the other. Jeremy Bentham, the great utilitarian, propounded his theory of utilitarianism to make a strong plea for this class. Thus, the inevitable historical process destroys the bourgeoisie. The objective of the former is to overthrow the established government from power and seize political power while the purpose of the latter is to force the owners of industry and also the government to accept some basic economic demands. Initially, he was Hegelian in his views. Marx has also given a status of class to intellectuals. Karl Marx's class theory derives from a range of philosophical schools of thought including left Hegelianism, Scottish Empiricism, and Anglo-French political-economics. In the slave society the slaves fought against the slave owners not for changing the ownership of means of production or relations of production but for the abolition of slavery. They force the workers to sell their labour at comparatively cheap rate. Lenin said “consciousness means the workers’ understanding that the only way to improve their conditions and to achieve their emancipation is to conduct a struggle against the capitalist factory owner class.” It is said that ideological struggle is a long and continuous process. In that case the active role the workers must play. With the change of economic, social and political situation the interests of the class as well as those of groups change and this change is not a potential reason of class struggle. Marx explains, “The history of all hitherto existing society is the, Karl Marx: Conflict Theory The most influential socialist thinker from the 19th century is Karl Marx.
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