In areas with high transmission, the most vulnerable groups are young children, who have not developed. Our findings show that through the bonding, bridging and linking networks established through the HA approach, collaboration with traditional authorities, and informal health workers buttressed community involvement, interactions, and engagement practices. However, we have Area Development Committee (ADC) members in the community, and sometimes these members take our complaints to the senior chief [name] who is a bridge between the community and the government officials. Social capital: its origins and applications in modern sociology. Performance of community health workers. Linking communities to formal health care providers through village health teams in rural Uganda: lessons from linking social capital. 2010;2010:1–9 Available from: The Hunger Project Malawi is using a health animator approach (HA) to address gaps in malaria control coverage. [37] noted when studying CDTI projects in ten different SSA countries that communities that planned their own distribution activities and had high CHW-to-client population ratios achieved higher sustainability scores. Overall our results show that there is widespread knowledge on the role and work of HAs in the community. Sunguya BF, Mlunde LB, Ayer R, Jimba M. Towards eliminating malaria in high endemic countries: the roles of community health workers and related cadres and their challenges in integrated community case management for malaria: a systematic review. Following a review of Buruli ulcer morbidity characteristics, the authors proposed a model in which volunteers chosen at the village level were trained as CHWs and tasked with the responsibility of active case-finding and education in several villages within a geographic zone. As a result, many individuals turn first to traditional healers before the formal health sector for care, wasting valuable time, worsening their possible outcomes, and increasing the chances of functional impairment and deformation. Whenever they want to deliver a message they do come and ask for clinics dates, then book a day to come and give out the message whether it is from village x, village s or bwalo they do visit us. It makes it very easy for me to understand and there some things that we do as a result of lack of knowledge, for example relying on traditional healers when your child is sick. As is evidenced by the literature, there exist a great many NTD control programs in SSA. Hence, we agree with various studies in Malawi and community-based intervention programmes that highlight the need to recognise incentives and disincentives based on a contextual level for sustainability [13, 23]. Methods . In regions where trachoma is a public health concern, WHO recommends the implementation of the SAFE Strategy (Surgery, Antibiotics therapy, Facial cleanliness, and Environmental change). Researchers note though that recurrence rates tend to be higher in those nurse-surgeons who performed the procedure only infrequently, an argument for frequent in-service training and practice [33]. Having local communities select CDDs from their region and expecting broad community involvement is thought to create a stronger sense of local ownership than top-down distribution strategies and has been recognized as one of the reasons for the program’s success and sustainability [37,40,41]. [32] found that nearly a quarter (24.7%) of those having received lamellar tarsal rotation suffered recurrence. volume 19, Article number: 478 (2019) Google Scholar. Respondents mentioned positive attitudes and practices on net usage for prevention and prompt health-seeking behaviours. 2017;17(1):1–10. The first author coded the transcripts for both recordkeeping and further analysis in NVIVO 11. The concept of the HA approach was re-introduced within MMP and THP as a community-engagement programme on malaria education, learning, implementation, feedback and monitoring activities [4, 21]. (4.2, IDI, HSA, FAA). Lymphatic filariasis’ (elephantiasis) prevalence has through, in part, mass drug administration been effectively curbed in many previously hyperendemic regions of SSA. These largely unplanned, ethnically and linguistically diverse urban areas create new challenges for all health promotion programs. As for other factors contributing to non-attendance, some participants pointed out that men are breadwinners who spend their time on farms or seeking piecework. Complex realities: community engagement for a paediatric randomized controlled malaria vaccine trial in Kilifi, Kenya. As an outpatient department nurse, she is a seasoned nurse in providing health teachings to her patients making her also an excellent study guide writer for student nurses. One solution to this dilemma is for SSA countries to create through their ministries of health national NTD control programs, such as Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Malawi have all already begun building [17,67,69]. They mentioned the need to continue playing complementary roles by holding health education and feedback sessions together. It is timely to explore how community members with limited health training and receiving a meagre incentive can contribute to malaria control. This article attempts to cull together recent literature on the impact that nurses and community health workers have had on neglected tropical diseases. Qual Health Res. Because in a year we go for training once (from January to December), so in between, we forget many things, if they could be taking us twice a year, we could be able to remember things we might have forgotten and tell the people correct information. As such, there remains a major need for expanding the nursing workforce in SSA. In our study, bridging and linking processes facilitated financial support, training, new ideas for advocacy, critical thinking and problem-solving among participants attending malaria workshops. In economic terms, the CDI approach to drug distribution, namely against onchocerciasis, has been acknowledged as having increased food security for many SSA countries and served as a tool of poverty reduction [60]. Article  Respondents had mixed responses on the best or preferred method of learning about malaria and health-related topics. The bonding and shared purpose that initially inspired communities’ collective support and commitment in village-level malaria workshops began to wane over time. Combining multiple NTD control programs and better integrating such programs into countries’ primary care systems are strategies that could serve to create further service delivery efficiencies and improve overall capacity. The communities gained not only technical skills but also social skills and actions (talking in public, debating, role play, planning, communicating with leaders), which increased confidence, changed the prevailing mindset and improved collective action. The creation of corps of community health workers has been the result of such thinking, serving alongside nurses on the frontlines of health care provision in SSA and forming a bridge between health care institutions and the populations they serve. A study in Zimbabwe revealed that through volunteers, local people had comprehensive knowledge about malaria, but little understanding of transmission, treatment, and prevention [27]. Key stakeholders in malaria control need to consider factors such as the roles of malaria volunteers, educational levels, community expectations, incentives, and supervision as key issues in the implementation of the HA approach. Following protocols—designed to ensure the physical safety and health of CHWs and with supervision from nurses—to identify signs and symptoms in community members. The guide had nine questions informed by the study objectives and the social capital theory to allow space for probing [41, 42]. Glob Public Health. A total of 59 articles were identified that fit all inclusion criteria. BMC Health Serv Res [Internet]. Frontline nurses and community health workers have contributed to the control and near eradication of a number of different NTDs and been employed in a variety of different roles all along the public health prevention continuum. PubMed  Community members’ attitudes towards advocacy for better health services were poor. Horizontal disease control programs have the potential to create complimentary interactions between their different control activities as well as reduce costs through improved program efficiencies—benefits that vertical programs are not able to attain. The nurse’s role in preventative health care is to utilize evidence-based research and recommendations to improve the health of patients. A semi-structured interview guide led both the individual interviews and FGDs. Tying our analysis to the three perspectives above to explain the process and causal factors may be reductionist; however, this strategy provided a platform to inform our evaluation on the role of HAs in malaria control [66]. Nine IDIs included seven with HAs and two with HSAs. As York et al. Nine key themes emerged in our study: perceptions of the HA approach, roles and power interaction with HSAs and members of district health management team, the acceptability of the HA approach at community level, community participation, behaviour change, challenges, sustainability and recommendation for using the approach in poor resource settings. Educating community members empowers communities and serves to increase participation in the desired health activity.

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