the new industrial state pdf
Solid sliding or swinging gates or doors may be provided for the movement of men and materials.
(iii) Such piping shall be provided with shut-off valves at each floor or equivalent level take-off from the riser, at each branch take-off and at each final take-off. Such temporary flooring shall be laid tight and secured against movement. (ii) when carrying more than its full rated load; (iii) on insecure or slippery surfaces or on surfaces so inclined or uneven as to endanger stability; (iv) on grades steeper than 25 percent; or. (1) General. added, filed May 30, 1972 eff. (c) Drowning hazards. Each such box shall be substantially constructed and supported from its four corners by individual lengths of wire rope having spliced or clipped loops for attachment to the load line.
Such material shall be placed in layers not exceeding three feet in depth and each such layer shall be properly compacted except where an earth ramp or runway consists of undisturbed material. (b) Electrical and pneumatic hand tools. (j) Temporary sheet piling installed in an excavation to permit the construction of a retaining or structural wall shall be left in place until such wall has developed adequate strength to support any load intended to be imposed upon such wall.
Such slab forms or planking shall be installed in such shafts not more than two stories or 30 feet, whichever is less, below the story on which any brickwork or masonry is being erected. During the demolition of any exterior masonry wall or a roof from a point more than 75 feet above the adjoining ground, grade or equivalent level where persons are exposed to falling debris, materials or objects, a catch platform shall be constructed and installed in compliance with this Part (rule). All ladders with spreading bases, such as step and trestle ladders, shall be equipped with locking type spreaders to hold such bases rigid when in the open position. (1) Every metal scaffold shall be securely tied into the building or other structure at intervals not to exceed 30 feet horizontally and 26 feet vertically. (iii) Heavy duty scaffolds â two-inch nominal thickness planking shall not be used for heavy duty scaffolds. Such regulator or reducing device shall be located between the cylinder or container and the combustion device or distribution manifold. (iv) Both sides of every elevated temporary walkway shall be provided with safety railings or equivalent protection in accordance with the provisions of this Part (rule). Every pallet truck having a hand-lift handle shall be provided with an automatic device to retain the raised load and free the handle until it is re-engaged by the operator. Such liquified gas supply shall be located a distance of at least 25 feet from any building or other structure or from any combustible material and shall be protected from the sun and high temperatures. (b) Holing or cutting of structural steel members. Protective equipment for the use of such corrosive substances and chemicals shall be provided by the employer. (c) Construction of horses. Cylinder valves and connections shall not be lubricated. Compressed gas cylinders not in use shall be stored in an upright position remote from open flames, radiators and other sources of heat, buildings or other structures and from any combustible material and shall be protected from the sun and high temperatures or fire-resistant shields shall be provided. (e) Operation of tower cranes. (i) Tower crane cabs and remote control stations for such cranes shall be protected from falling objects and material and from the elements. (g) Platform requirements. Hose connections shall be of either the ferrule or clamp type. this is the first one which worked! Such switch shall be fixed in position and wholly enclosed in a tight box which shall be kept locked at all times except when firing. Designated persons shall continuously inspect the stability of all forms, shores and reshores including all braces and other supports during the placing of concrete. (d) Planking. The use of any scaffold of a type not named, specified or described in this Part (rule) is prohibited unless such scaffold has been granted a special approval. (h) Heavy duty tube and coupler scaffolds. Before work is begun the employer shall ascertain by inquiry or direct observation, or by instruments, whether any part of an electric power circuit, exposed or concealed, is so located that the performance of the work may bring any person, tool or machine into physical or electrical contact therewith. Where other methods are used, the persons engaged in the dismantling of structural steel members shall be protected by solidly planked flooring not less than two inches thick full size or sound floor arches not more than two stories or 30 feet, whichever is less, below and directly under that portion of any tier of beams where such persons are at work. Such extension pieces shall not bear against the ladder supporting object or structure. (b) Notification of the commissioner. Every scaffold shall be maintained in good repair and every defect, unsafe condition or noncompliance with this Part (rule) shall be immediately corrected before further use of such scaffold. %PDF-1.6 %���� All forms, shores, reshores and bracing shall be constructed and installed in accordance with such design plans and specifications.
Such discharges shall be in compliance with any regulations, orders, or laws promulgated by any authority concerned with air pollution. Committee, at whose suggestion this data was compiled, for providing outstanding service to the state legisla-ture, to county and local planners, and, not least, to private citizens and businesses. Gears, belts, sprockets, drums, sheaves and any points of contact between moving parts of power-operated equipment or machines when not guarded by location shall be guarded in compliance with this Part (rule) and with Industrial Code Part (rule) 19. Standing stepladders shall be used only on firm, level footings. (1) The open sides of all scaffold platforms, except those platforms listed in the exception below, shall be provided with safety railings constructed and installed in compliance with this Part (rule). (h) Lighting. (1) General. Any other ladder not named or described in this Part (rule) shall not be used unless approved. § 23-5.13 Carpenters' portable bracket scaffolds. Our library is the biggest of these that have literally hundreds of thousands of different products represented. (b) Maintenance. (d) Limitations of use. 23-1.34, new filed Jan. 31, 1975 eff. Ignition locks, locking bars or other equivalent devices shall be provided to prevent unauthorized operation of mobile cranes. (4) The backs or bearers of horse scaffolds shall in every case rest on gusset braces which are at least one inch thick. (3) Accessibility of toilet facilities. The operator of an excavating machine shall not leave the controls of such machine at any time when the master clutch is engaged and the engine is operating. Such door or gate shall be at least six feet in height and shall be of construction equivalent in strength to that of the car enclosure. Deteriorated or damaged wire shall not be used in any blasting circuit. No person other than the blaster shall have access to the switch. %%EOF (b) Keys, set screws and similar projections. No more than two persons shall occupy any ladder jack scaffold at one time. Such gates or bars shall be kept closed whenever the car is hoisted. (d) Hoistway doors. (g) Blasting operations during electrical storms. Cast iron shall not be used for members or parts of any mobile crane, tower crane or derrick subject to tension or torsion except for brake and clutch drums. (b) Couplers.
Window cleaners' anchors shall not be used for such tie-ins and other means shall be provided. Roof irons or hooks used in connection with two-point suspension scaffolds shall be constructed of mild steel or wrought iron and shall be securely anchored. (a) Use of needle beam scaffolds. The platform, cage, car or bucket may be used to raise persons for authorized maintenance. (f) Superstructures. (b) Where the sides or banks of a trench or area type excavation may be sloped back without causing subsidence or damage to buildings, structures, utilities, roads, streets, highways or similar facilities, sloping of the excavation sides or banks may be used as protection in lieu of the sheeting and shoring required by this Part (rule), provided such sloping conforms to the values set forth in Table I of this Subpart. (d) Scaffold loading. (d) Protection of moving parts. Such equipment shall be so constructed, placed and operated as to be stable. The word shall is always mandatory. (4) Wire rope fastenings. (3) Grounding of electrical tools. (k) Storage of materials. (i) at a speed greater than 12 miles per hour; (i) Curbs shall be furnished along all edges which are nearer than 10 feet horizontally to the edge of any unenclosed floor area, shaft or other open space into or through which a fall from such surface of more than 24 inches vertically is possible, except as set forth in subparagraph (iii) below.
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