2 100 children rescued by marines
Good article. There is only one source for this – as far as I can tell – a man named Timothy Charles Holmseth. I wish him the best. SOME DON'T WANT TO KNOW OTHERS BELIEVE WHAT THEY ARE TOLD!!! One website, expanding on Holmseth’s report, said that children are deliberately raped “which causes them to release potent waves of fear ….. Adrenochrome is released…. Sucker. Dr. Gastone Porter MD. It seemed like a lot was being blamed on him when sex trafficking came up, amongst other things. At best, Holmseth is a fabulist conspiracy whack job using hyperbola and sensationalism to promote his shtick, gain attention and make a buck – and at worst he believes his own lunacy and is a paranoid schizophrenic. One of the things most abhorrent to the religious Right was of course homosexuality. And kid, I’ve been around long enough to have a finely-honed and time-tested bullshit detector. For information on deleting the cookies, please consult your browser’s help function.Learn more about the cookies we use. Timothy Holmseth is this guy's name. But Frankly: Frank talk sht. Another woman, Rachelle Bergeron, was killed the same day as Erin Valenti. He said that more operations to save exploited children were set to follow. Even now it would be fairly easy to take the stock elements of conspiracy theories, and create computer programs and algorithms to fill them with different popular particulars (the Clintons, the Koch Brothers, shape-shifting reptilian aliens, etc.
Valenti was found in the backseat of her rental car, supposedly enroute to the Palo Alto airport and then to be on her way home. Obviously, deliberately planted false information (carefully fabricated and organized with multiple sources) can gaslight many people into believing that it is factual.
Some internet posting is already starting to be done by AI bots, which can easily be programmed to compose things like 2-4 line” comments” – and, eventually, entire conspiracy theories.
The 2-4 line trolls are a reminder that people post all sorts of things, for reasons that can be perverse or inscrutable. TOM HANKS ARRESTED AND ESCORTED BY TWO FEDERAL AGENTS, AND ARE KEPT IN PRISON BARGES with OTHER CELEBRITIES waiting their TRIALS. When in the future I learn more and I am authorized to present it to you, I will. Innocent people end up suffering, such as being subject to NXIVM-style harassment, or having shots fired at them; arguably, domestic terrorism like the Oklahoma City bombing stems, at least in part, from conspiracy theories. Those “resources” seem to be ineffective, or perhaps, simply well-blocked or unavailable. At first I wondered how they could be this unbelievably ignorant and stupid….then I realized that the one’s leading this movement were not that stupid. Censorship calls used to come from the political Right. I read her book and I think she is not only beautiful but intelligent too. A tech company owner herself, she put out a few interesting remarks at Tinker Ventures, her business. And the American Democrap party platform matches the Communist manifesto to a fucking T. Lady you keep trust ole Justy and the stool that runs outta his leftist lying rectum. In his video he claimed he was chosen by the Pentagon to reveal to the public that earlier this month Navy Seals and U.S. Marines rescued 2,100 children from underground bases and bunkers in California. Hahah. ” CTRL-labs is pioneering something entirely new at the intersection of biology and code. You are no better then they are!! To help detox heavy metals and toxins from chemtrails and other exposure, we recommend taking Touchstone Essentials liquid zeolite products. Even billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos invest considerable money in this fantasy. But isn’t that just what I would say – even if I was? Mars is as cold as Antarctica. Covid-19… la politique spectacle sur le dos des citoyens !
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