It’s no secret how few even expend the time to read these posts, and some that do, they do so in the search of contradictions of their own beliefs. Nevertheless, I would like to better understanding the Nexus between the P4 Wuhan lab and the monarch. That is the awareness which our British friends should take with them, that now, in this worldwide important historic moment, in all the world’s economic institutions where English is spoken, the responsibility exists to introduce true spirituality into the exterior economic empire. Together with Theodor Mollison he also experimented upon Herero prisoners. The territory became a German colony under the name of German South-West Africa. For this competitors were to be kept out, whether local or European. This was still in the culture of the Maori with the most extraordinary warrior, prophet and eventually man of peace who stood successfully against the British brutal colonialism in the mid 19 th century, Te Kooti Arikirangi Te Turuki. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. In my humble opinion this new world will be properly functioning when, as the lines of The Foundation Stone Meditation say “let from the east ignite what through the west takes form, this speaks; In the Christ, death becomes life” and in this we remember that the Divine feminine is the Wisdom Of Christ. Press Esc to cancel. And those who were educated in Great Britain see in the state something that can well have a will of its own. Thus, a community can only be powerful when it attaches no importance to individual beliefs and accepts all as brothers. Copyright © 2015 PublishYourArticles.Net, All rights reserved. As far as its name is concerned, it has shown itself to be something new: economic imperialism. Imperialism, or the domination of finance capital, is that highest stage of capitalism at which this separation reaches vast proportions. Above all, the desire for the liberation of spiritual/cultural life must grow. The essay is a synthesis of Lenin's modifications and developments of economic theories that Karl Marx formulated in Das Kapital (1867). The ruler of the oriental empire was God – in those rulers, lived a divine soul, a God. In 1891, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany made a decisive break with former “Realpolitik” of Bismarck and established “Weltpolitik” (“world policy”). The interest of the industrial bourgeoisie of the metropolis in the colony was in the markets available for manufactured goods. Pp. Those experiments included sterilization and injection of smallpox, typhus, and tuberculosis. The initial stages of the debate are reviewed in Patrick Bond and Ana Garcia, BRICS: An anti-capitalist critique, London: Pluto Press, 2015; Patrick Bond, ‘BRICS banking and the debate over subimperialism.’ Large scale accumulation of capital in the metropolis necessitated search for avenues for investment abroad. If you look back to England in 1720, you will find very few members of these secret societies. The British position that Germany was a uniquely brutal and cruel colonial power originated during the war. As Bismarck was converted to the colonial idea by 1884, he favored “chartered company” land management rather than establishment of colonial government due to financial considerations. These were frequently disputes about access to land and water, but also the legal discrimination against the native population by the white immigrants. The first phase was characterized by realities, the second phase was characterized by signs, by symbols. In 2004, the German government recognized and apologized for the events. Many Germans in the late 19th century viewed colonial acquisitions as a true indication of nationhood. To use this time now to reinforce and strengthen our own spirituality so that we can rely on it when the time comes. That was the first form in which imperialism appeared. Thus, the characteristic of the first stage was monopoly of trade. Lenin summarizes why imperialism is a special stage of capitalism. So the psychological path is this: from reality to symbol and then to platitudes – to words which have been squeezed out, dried out, empty words, and nobody imagines that they are divine. This pragmatic attitude was mainly supported by the leading political figure of the time, Otto Von Bismarck, a major force behind unification. For in the Anglo-American people you have two imperialisms pushed together, the economic one and the symbolic imperialism of the secret societies, which play a very effective role, but which are kept secret from the people. some military units held out longer: German South-West Africa surrendered in 1915, Kamerun in 1916, and German East Africa only in 1918 by war’s end. The first stage had two basic objectives. In the West, in the Anglo-American world, all human tradition will become platitudes. The world is only beginning to discover the truth. For in that empire a reality must exist: “My Kingdom is not of this world.” In the kingdom of this world, in which the Kingdom of Christ will propagate, there will exist much that has not become empty platitude. Published according to the manuscript and verified with the text of the pamphlet. She gave it to us years ago along with a Greenstone with a beautiful gold leaf engraving. We use this platform to post research material so that alt media creators don’t have to spend time researching. Therefore in the second phase of imperialism we no longer merely have the Church’s anointed imperialism, but we have the tangled web of the divine and the secular anointed in the empires. The monarchy of England is responsible for as many deaths as their teachers, the Venetian bankers and the Vatican. To carry that forward into modern times is improper and breads evil and the insanity of rulers – monarchs, fascist leaders, dictators, socialists, communists, Bolsheviks, Marxists, Leninists, and the other “British-created” political movements that have plagued modern times with death and destruction through improper, brutal control of nations. In 1883, merchant Franz Adolf Eduard Lüderitz entered into a contract with the native elders. In England, during the third phase of imperialism, the Monarch, who earlier had been God, then an anointed one, became a kind of mere shadow – one cannot say a decoration exactly, but rather something more tolerated than taken seriously. Nevertheless, previous stages are always retained within the next stages. All the prerequisites for the dawning of such truth is present in the peoples of the West, whereas the other European peoples have little disposition for such a truth to dawn on them with the necessary intensity. You might look around for first tier media creators that take our research and make nice videos and stuff. The local German princes were the outer appearances; they only had meaning in those ancient times when they were symbols for an inspirational kingdom of heaven. God acted within men. Territorial conquest kept local traders out of the lucrative trade while rival European companies were defeated in war. thanks for posting it. Soon after, conflicts between the German colonists and the Herero herdsmen began. A fundamental concept for the western areas which are so mired in platitudes must be to see the social organism as something living. Only the symbols remain. Contact me for the proof and links below. Prince Charles is the coming Antichrist. That system held until the year 1806, but more as a shadow, retained in kings and paladins as God’s representatives. The platitudes of these groups were simply the lies and propaganda of a monarchy that had rotted on the vine and grown evil. (3) Third Stage: Era of Finance Capital: The third stage saw intense struggle for markets and sources of raw materials and food grains. We have an economy in which the living physical earth is predominant. The state only had the importance attributed to it during the second stage of human development. In the very next year Bismarck shed personal involvement when he, according to Edward Crankshaw, “abandoned his colonial drive as suddenly and casually as he had started it” as if he had committed an error in judgment that could confuse the substance of his more significant policies. The propagation of the spirit will only be possible if the spiritual/cultural sector is allowed to develop independently. I searched you Tube for the song you referenced but to no avail. What is most effective today and what will show itself to be an even more effective imperialism in the future will be its bearer – the Anglo-American people. They go so far back that we can say that the time they started was during the first stage of imperialism when the god walked around in human form. Germany lost control of its colonial empire at the beginning of World War I when its colonies were seized by its enemies in the first weeks of the war. German traders and merchants began to establish themselves in the African Cameroon delta and the mainland coast across from Zanzibar. By far the cumulative masses parrot. The obvious moral decay to the point of non existence in many beings, and at best, is only a secondary concern to the self interests of those professing their faith in our time. It is the cosmopolitanism that was consciously directed in the settling of this country that is so noteworthy for the early establishment of NZ and what we have here in the earth by way of the Stone called Pounamu ( greenstone or jade ) is what holds the energy that drew them here initially, That energy In this Stone, I believe, is the energy of Christ Consciousness, all stones and gems give off vibrations and I believe Pounamu is special in this way. Yes there’s work to do. This is the legacy of accepting the lie that our leaders (monarchy) are somehow more connected to higher insight than the common citizen or that politicians “represent” a higher moral force. Note that Gmail, Yahoo, and AOL will block most emails to you. The third stage saw intense struggle for markets and sources of raw materials and food grains. Workers are not accepted in most lodges, only lords and others who are amenable to them. They are both in our Answer Room as treasured gifts. The anointment, and therefore the power, was bestowed on the world’s rulers by the clergy. This clearly shows that the institution of the Catholic Church is a relic, a shadow-image of what existed in the very first imperialism. The Monarchy of England humbly states they are “symbolic” and have nothing to do with the laws of parliament or corporate business. Coronation of Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna May 14, 1896, released the deadly bioweapon “Coronavirus”. By controlling the imaginary goal of world peace, which is the lie of the United Nations, Britain has been able to implant their version of the Venetian banking model into world politics using sophisticated propaganda to cover their depopulation schemes of war, death, and the end of national sovereignty. Through his clear thinking, that outlines the progression of imperialism, you may discover the foundations of the evil that has all of us in its grip to this very day.
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