Claudette Rogers Robinson
Whereas different forms of adaptationism can be discerned, for instance in the British and the American research traditions [30], the notion most frequently encountered is still that of a collection of features that make up the organism, each one individually adapted to performing a function in the way best suited for the organism's survival, a picture that has been described as ‘bundles of discrete adaptations.’ This view was neither eliminated by Dobzhansky's alternative view, in which he interpreted populations as states of relative adaptedness [30], nor by the demonstration of the frequent occurrence of non-adaptive traits.
Enter your email address below and we will send you the reset instructions. You could not be signed in. Connected with the gradualist requirement of the MS theory is the deeply entrenched notion of adaptation. Search for other works by this author on: This article is published and distributed under the terms of the Oxford University Press, Standard Journals Publication Model (. Niche construction captures important links between biological and cultural evolution, such as the modification of selection on a plethora of human genes in response to culturally transmitted activities, the effects of which can be shown in mathematical models [20,96]. Indeed survival-of-the-fittest may be a particular case of the survival-of-the-fitted mechanism, promoting local adaptations that express reproductive advantages in addition to resisting entropy. The resulting theoretical framework differs from the latter in its core logic and predictive capacities. Mobile elements, in particular, make genomic evolution exquisitely dynamic and non-gradual [40,87]. Given proper attention, these conceptual expansions force us to consider what they mean for our present understanding of evolution. Sometimes these challenges are met with dogmatic hostility, decrying any criticism of the traditional theoretical edifice as fatuous [32], but more often the defenders of the traditional conception argue that ‘all is well’ with current evolutionary theory, which they see as having ‘co-evolved’ together with the methodological and empirical advances that already receive their due in current evolutionary biology [33]. The concepts of inheritance equally have undergone revision in recent decades. Today, evolutionary biology exhibits a very different landscape. This interpretation is also based on a fundamentally different account of the role of genes in development and evolution. These included problems in explaining: 'incipient stages' of complex structures (e.g. Although non-genetic inheritance is sometimes dismissed as representing exclusively proximate mechanisms whose ultimate (evolutionary) functions do not run counter to the MS [97], the shortcomings of such arguments and of the widespread proximate–ultimate distinction in general have been convincingly demonstrated [98]. Furthermore, the constructive aspect also concerns the interactions between all other levels of organization such as the behavioural, social and cultural. A renewed and extended theoretical synthesis, advocated by several authors in this issue, aims to unite pertinent concepts that emerge from the novel fields with elements of the standard theory. Abstract.
The rise of molecular biology and evolutionary developmental biology, the recognition of ecological development, niche construction and multiple inheritance systems, the ‘-omics’ revolution and the science of systems biology, among other developments, have provided a wealth of new knowledge about the factors responsible for evolutionary change. Our exploration underscores the benefits of de-centring human behaviour and intentionality and demonstrates that materiality lends itself as a productive nexus of exchange and mutual inspiration for diverging schools and research interests in Palaeolithic archaeology. Instead, as the results from evo-devo and systems biology suggest, the capacity for variation in populations is determined by the developmental systems properties of a population that, in addition to genetic variation, include a host of dynamically interacting components, many of which are not genetically specified as discussed above. Furthermore, functional genome reorganization can occur in response to environmental stress [14,88–90]. Second, as is the case with most multilevel systems, developmental processes exhibit emergent properties. Traditional thinking in evolutionary science is characterized by the Modern Synthesis, which emphasizes that evolutionarily significant variation arises from largely genetic mutations, that inheritance is largely genetic, and that natural selection is the primary explanation for adaptation. Relatively minor attention has been paid to the fact that many of these concepts, which are in full use today, sometimes contradict or expand central tenets of the MS theory. Mainly the mechanisms giving variability clearly focused on greater fitness (devbiases4) have been added. In the more than half a century since that idea was advanced, functional analysis has either fallen into disuse, as in most of applied psychology, or has been used but modified to a point that is virtually inapplicable elsewhere, as in applied behavior analysis work with severe developmental disabilities. The science most central to the MS, genetics, likewise has substantially changed since the time of the synthesis and especially over the past two decades. In fact, our theoretical understanding of biological evolution has not remained unaltered. Most users should sign in with their email address. To purchase short term access, please sign in to your Oxford Academic account above. Mayr argued that proximate causes (e.g. These interdisciplinary perspectives became the backbone of bioarchaeology and strengthened the discipline’s ability to address questions about past biological and social dynamics. Abstract. Major differences are indicated by different colours. Independently of the proximate mechanism of niche construction, cultural processes can lead to the evolution and maintenance of altruistic behaviours, the emergence of high levels of cooperation, a reduction of genetic diversity or to speciation [96]. The defenders of the EES beg to differ: as long as the major predictions that can be derived from an evolutionary framework remain exactly those of the classical MS, no change to its core assumptions has happened.
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