Hong Chau
Lowest temperature records in Europe. In fact, on Feb. 13, 1899, it reached a record low of -16°, a bit colder than Florida's record low on the same day. It was during this season—and more specifically, on Feb. 10—that the record for the coldest temperature was set at -31°. Oregon's temperature dropped to a record low of -54° in 1933. When you're in Nevada, you're in the desert, so we understand why you'd think it can't possibly get too cold there. Can you please provide me with the link to the source of this information? When you think of the state of Hawaii, the picture that probably comes to mind is a sun-soaked seaside resort and a poolside bar serving up piña coladas.
New Mexico might border the go-to beach getaway destination that is Mexico, but that doesn't mean it doesn't get cold there. However, the coldest it's ever been was -80° on Jan. 23, 1971. Therefore, it's of little surprise that on Jan. 16, 2009, the temperature in the state dropped to -50°, the lowest it's ever been. If you plan on spending Christmas in North Carolina, you might want to pack some extra layers. Still, Hawaii's lowest recorded temperature ever is the highest of all 50 states by an impressive 14 degrees. The reason? Also, maritime influences are negligible, and continental climate characteristics dominate the area. Live smarter, look better, and live your life to the absolute fullest. if anyone has a link to a site that provides that for all European countries I'd appreciate it. These temperatures records are worthless without dates recorded. 02.02.1966 Vuoggatjalme -52.6 °C. When the temperature dropped to -37°, a new state record was set. For example north Italy with high mountains, there are stations in many frost hollows: The new record low temperature is the lowest since the 3.8 °C (38.8 °F) recorded in January 1964 in the city of Mesaieed. Further down to the south, Greece recorded -27.8 °C. 13.01.1914 Roros -50.3 °C While the best effort was made to check the data and temperature values, there might be some errors. The shiver-inducting temperature was recorded in the town of New Whiteland, just 30 minutes outside of Indianapolis. Slovenia comes at -34.5 °C, while Croatia is just 1/10th of a degree colder, with -34.6 °C measured in Gračac, on January 13th, 2003. In the state of New Hampshire, for instance, the temperature reached a record low of -50° on Jan. 22, 1885. North Dakota can get seriously cold in the wintertime. Get a movie star mane by shaking up your routine. However, things aren't always as we imagine them—and they certainly weren't on both Jan. 5, 1975, and May 17, 1979, when the temperature at the Mauna Kea Observatory on the state's big island of Hawaii dropped to a record low of just 12°. The Balkans, or the Balkan Peninsula, is a geographic area in southeastern Europe.
The state of Nebraska reached its lowest temperature ever, -47°, twice: The bone-chilling temperature was recorded on Feb. 12, 1899, and Dec. 22, 1989. SCANDINAVIA – station density in north Scandinavia is still quite low. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The chain will offer online instruction going forward. All Rights Reserved. 01.01.1886 Karasjohka -51.4 °C
The place close to Narvik is not so cold, it is too close to unfrozen sea. Enter your email address to get the best tips and advice. -45.5°C Sponde Alte (2393 m) 18.12.2009 The only European country with lowest recorded temperature above 0 °C is Malta with mild +1.4 °C degrees. The island nation of Cyprus recorded -16 °C as its lowest temperature ever recorded. But they're weirder online. | HIP.ba - Hercegovački info portal, NAJHLADNIJI NA BALKANU: Pogledajte grafiku s najnižim temperaturama ikad zabilježenim u Europi – Nas Magazin, https://www.infoplease.com/science-health/weather/record-highest-temperatures-state, http://www.geoclimat.org/p/records-nationaux-de-temperatures.html, Approval ratings of Croatia's President – Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović. That chilly low of -17° on Jan. 17 hasn't been beaten since. Second source is from recent not so hard winters, but there are many stations running nowdays. -52°. However, only a common WMO (World Meteorological Organization) standard was used for making this visualization, therefore only the data conforming to WMO standards is shown. Georgia winters might normally be mild—but on Jan. 27, 1940, the temperature in the state reached a record low of -17°. It was on Dec. 30 of that year that the temperature in the state reached a record low of -37°, which was the same day Tennessee saw its coldest temperature ever. Here's every U.S. state's coldest temperature on record, per data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). -43.6°C Doline de Busa di Manna (2546 m) 16.12.2009. Illinoisans likely remember the lowest temperature ever recorded in their state, considering it happened recently—Jan. Since, at the moment, Europe is preparing for probably the strongest cold outbreak this winter (February 2018).
Whoever said that it's always sunny in Philadelphia must not have been around in 1904. http://www.geoclimat.org/p/records-nationaux-de-temperatures.html Bestlifeonline.com is part of the Meredith Health Group. 31.12.1885 Karasjohka -51.3 °C Interestingly it appears on every list of Balkan states, […] Vibor Cipan, zagrebački IT-jevac, suosnivač tvrtke UX Passion, objavio je infografike s najnižim zabilježenim temperaturama u pojedinim europskim zemljama. The frigid figure was recorded in Prospect Creek at an elevation of about 955 feet, making it the coldest temperature ever documented in the U.S. It's time to put your memories of Mother Nature to the ultimate test.
Location? The Southern state of South Carolina doesn't tend to get too cold, but it has definitely had its moments. What is data source of this extremes ?
06.01.1985 Salla Naruskajarvi -50.4 °C
28.01.1999 Kittila-Pokka -51.5 °C And stations in frost hollow are missing a lot, otherwise wse can reach -60 (the same with Ural).
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