Vaughn Benjamin, the lead singer of Midnite and Akae Beka, has died. “This is the right and necessary decision to make.”. Benjamin said in a 2014 interview with Reggaeville that he had lost track of the number of albums he had created. Learn how and when to remove this template message,, BLP articles lacking sources from April 2010, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 10 July 2020, at 15:14. Benjamin’s death was confirmed on November 5 through posts on the reggae legend’s Facebook page. When he came to Hallowell, his library was almost the size of Harvard college library at that time. In a statement on the board website, chair Juanita Nathan said the board wanted students, staff and families to “feel proud of being a part of this school and a school community.”, “We recognize that the association with Benjamin Vaughan causes hurt and harm to members of our school community. Your contributions are accounted for! See instructions. Ron and Vaughn toured all over the United States, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, Asia, North and South America, and Australia for 25 years. And considering the public reaction to racist names in other Ontario regions, such as Dundas Street in Toronto and Russell Township in Eastern Ontario, it's likely only a matter of time before these calls intensify. Appleton’s Cyclopædia of America Biography. If city had done any research they would have found Simcoe was passionate to abolish slavery Whereas Benjamin Vaughan wanted to preserve slavery. During the mid-1990s, the band embarked on a 5-year sojourn in Washington DC, where they became area legends for their nightly 3-5 hour sets. Through his legacy we must continue to keep the fire burning. expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Toronto Getty He has released music under many names, of which most well known is his solo project, Prometheus, and his collaboration with Twisted Records label colleague, Simon Posford, under the moniker Younger Brother. 1887-1889. This week York Region District School Board trustees unanimously voted to rename Vaughan Secondary School, after a months long campaign from community members who pushed for the change amidst awareness around the historical legacy of the 18th-century slave owner. We provide you with the latest breaking news and videos straight from the entertainment industry. Genealogy for Benjamin Vaughn (c.1747 - c.1810) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. Primal Information is your news, entertainment, music fashion website. Benjamin … Video related to vaughn benjamin dead: 5 fast facts you need to know, Midnite.. Midnite Ras Mek Peace full album, Akae Beka Vaughn Benjamin explains why he never came in England to perform Reggae Music, English Version Give thanks to Reggae Vibz Tv for taken 1 picture with the them (France) Give Thanks to Sakina to interview for Fred.Uni.T tv (London) Give thanks for the synchronization by GhostExpertiser (Martinique), Teenage Porn Star Controversy Rocks California High School. From there, the band began touring across the east coast of the United States before settling in Washington D.C. Former Midnite drummer Ambrose Connor said of D.C. at the time, “The reggae scene in D.C. circa 1995 was crazy! When it came to U.S. politics, Benjamin expressed support for U.S. In other words, at least three locations have been named after this one slave owner within the province. Copyright © 2020 Publius Research unless otherwise noted. Since the summer, the city of Vaughan has been struggling with how to reconcile its name with the historical legacy of Benjamin Vaughan, a British landowner and slave owner the city was named after. He enrolled there and had the good fortune to be tutored by the famous scientist Joseph Priestly, who later discovered oxygen. In a charming passage, John Sheppard in 1865 wrote, . Browse topics related to the bicentennial. All Unsubscribe anytime or, Sign up for our free email newsletter so you’re always in the know. Powered by. Although much of his music sounds like it was composed using equipment at the forefront of technology, it is not uncommon for him to use equipment now considered antique, such as the 1971 Korg micro synth that he used for portions of the second album, Corridor of Mirrors. His mother was Sarah Hallowell, daughter of Benjamin Hallowell, a Boston merchant. Vaughn has given us so much through his creative forces. In 2013 City of Vaughan renamed August Civic holiday from Simcoe Day to Benjamin Day. Benjamin formed Midnite with his brother, Ron Benjamin Jr., keyboard and bass player, in St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands in 1989. Benjamin told the website, “I think it’s more than 50. An article on their father called Vaughn Benjamin “one of the most prolific writer’s Reggae music has ever seen.”, #Newmusic available on #akaebeka #midniteband #reggaemusic, A post shared by ABM (@akaebekamusic) on Aug 24, 2019 at 5:21pm PDT, In 2015, Benjamin reformed the group without his brother and renamed the band Akae Beka. He was the oldest son of Samuel Vaughan, of London, a West India merchant and planter. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. presentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distribution Sheppard, John Hannibal. Benjamin said that the band’s new name came from the Book of Enoch, chapter 68, verse 20-24. Since his family were Unitarians, not belonging to the Church of England, Vaughan could not attend the elite “public schools.” He did attend Newcome School in Hackney near London and, at fourteen, was enrolled in Lincoln’s Inn, one of the fine “colleges in a university of law.” Shortly thereafter, a school for “Dissenters” as the Unitarians, Quakers and other were called, opened near Liverpool. Vaughn and his brother Ron Benjamin, sons of Antiguan music legend Ronnie Benjamin, Sr., together formed the band Midnite in 1989. Vaughan is named after a racist slaveowner and people are calling for a name change. When asked about the election, Benjamin said that due to his religious beliefs he liked to keep his politics to himself. Benjamin Vaughan, better known as Benji Vaughan, is a British psychedelic trance musician and tech entrepreneur. He has released three albums as Prometheus; Robot-O-Chan (2004), Corridor of Mirrors (2007), and Spike (2010). . In the midst of such enchanting scenery, the first object which would attract his view on a summer morn as he stood by his chamber window, would be the Kennebec gliding along the pretty village, or reflecting in the distance hills and farms and primeval forests; . #Newmusic available on #akaebeka #midniteband #reggaemusic, A post shared by ABM (@akaebekamusic) on Aug 24, 2019 at 5:21pm PDT, Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! Younger Brother have released four albums to date, A Flock of Bleeps (released in 2003), The Last Days of Gravity (2007), Vaccine (2011) and Vaccine Electronic. Benjamin Vaughan (1751-1835) was born in Jamaica, West Indies on April 19, 1751. Egzierbeir Queddus Germawe Kidamawe Haile Selassie I. permissions/licensing, please go to: New York: Arno Press. We are committed to creating a safe, equitable and inclusive environment for all of our students,” said Nathan. Vaughn’s work continued under the name “Akae Beka.” He released 11 projects, the last one “Mek A Menshun” in July under Zion High Productions label. D. from Harvard in 1807, and from Bowdoin in 1812. People Projects Discussions Surnames Bless all of Vermont,” when asked about Sanders. Simcoe arrived in 1792 to govern the new province of Upper Canada, he named Vaughan Township in honour of Benjamin Vaughan's contributions to foreign affairs," reads a news release from the city published ahead of the holiday in 2019. #BlackLivesMattters, Residents have even started a petition calling for these changes, and it asks the city to instead "honor the people who made a positive, meaningful impact on our community.". Now, calls are beginning to surface demanding that the city change its name or, at the very least, stop dedicating the civic holiday to Vaughan. Benjamin Vaughan, better known as Benji Vaughan, is a British psychedelic trance musician and tech entrepreneur. On Akae Beka’s website, the bio says that Midnite were known during their five years living in Washington D.C. for performing three to five-hour sets. "Those seeking cold, hard statistics on Maine communities won't be disappointed." He was born on August 13, 1969 in St. Croix, Virgin Islands. Benjamin said at the time that the concert came about following a “life-changing last few months.” An article on the band’s debut at the time said that the group had been inspired to come together as a result of “life changes, convictions and revelations.”, Midnite Ras Mek Peace full albumMidnite.. Midnite Ras Mek Peace full album2015-02-05T02:45:07.000Z, Midnite released their first album in 1997, “Unpolished.” The band’s first widely available U.S. release was 1999’s “Ras Mek Peace.” The band recorded the album while living in Washington D.C. A review of the album described Benjamin as being “the pure and conscious voice of roots reggae.” The review went on to say, “Play this record next to any vintage record from the likes of Spear, Marley and Tosh and you’ll find it on par with these noble predecessors.”, Akae Beka Vaughn Benjamin explains why he never came in England to perform Reggae MusicEnglish Version Give thanks to Reggae Vibz Tv for taken 1 picture with the them (France) Give Thanks to Sakina to interview for Fred.Uni.T tv (London) Give thanks for the synchronization by GhostExpertiser (Martinique)2018-06-17T13:16:21.000Z. He died on November 4, 2019. The platform gives communities their own mobile meeting spaces to gather and interact in the ways that work for them.[2]. To order copies of We should at least stop calling the Civic Holiday, Benjamin Vaughan Day. Vaughn Benjamin was the lead singer of Midnite and Akae Beka. Hallowell Printing Co. 1979. Genealogy for Benjamin Vaughan, Jr. (1757 - 1839) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. Mr. Benjamin Lynn Vaughan, age 82, passed away on April 9, 2020. [p. 10]. . rights reserved. Vaughn and his brother Ron Benjamin, sons of Antiguan music legend Ronnie Benjamin, Sr., together formed the band Midnite in 1989. Vaughn Benjamin pictured during a performance in Michigan in 2012. comments, Charles Sauriol Conservation Area is home to Toronto's most picturesque underpass, The history of Bloor West Village in Toronto, The history of the Toronto Lunatic Asylum, New study shows the average commute time for students at Toronto universities, Doug Ford tells haters he wants to fix their little red wagons, Police say 9 more Pickering high school students' yearbook bios were altered, TTC plans to buy more streetcars from Bombardier despite issues with past order, York Region will officially move into modified Stage 2, Sign up for our free email newsletter. “It’s with a heavy heart that we make this official announcement on the passing of Vaughn Benjamin. When Lt.-Gov.
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