Steve Sax
4. He doesn’t write his own scripts, so whether or not his presence polishes a turd is less than pressing. The four-disc Blu-ray and DVD collections, available to U.S. and Canadian fans, will feature all 15 first-season episodes of the CBS All Access series, as well as featurettes and other special features that will include cast and crew interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and deleted and extended scenes. How much did you watch Jeffrey Hunter's performance, or Bruce Greenwood's, just to get a feel for what they did in advance of you taking on Pike as a character? Enter the email address associated with your account and we'll send you a link to reset your password. Funny that you like the version of Pike written by the very same guys you’re smashing…. Peck and Romijn also appeared on “Discovery.”. Nope. It’s all there to be exploited.
Doug Jones does a good job of playing him, but as a character he bores me. However, fans are not ready to say goodbye to Pike and Anson Mount wants them to know he appreciates their feelings. Sure.
I still think he’s awesome.
He told TrekMovie “Yeah, I think it would be pretty cool” when asked if he would want to do a show set on the USS Enterprise. He ran Enterprise into cancellation. That's already in place. Do what Star Trek does best and get back to exploring people, places and humankind as well as dropping in some interesting but somewhat plausible science theory. Even a movie. It's always great to play somebody you like. I somehow keep forgetting that. Tiger2 I’m okay with a Section 31 show, but that sounds like a bad idea. The Vegas convention would seem like a good opportunity for them to release a first trailer. 11. So far it has been the very best of the Disney Star Wars films. There are dozens of petitions about Star Trek alone on, ranging from requests for various changes to Discovery, Paramount movies, and licensed merchandise and games. What’s the difference? A few die hard Trek fans who already have all access will tune in, but that’s not what Star Trek is to them. Didn’t do them much good. Hell no. The one good thing Lucas brought to the franchise – regardless what you think of the results – was an almost sadistic hatred of fan expectations.
We've got astrophysicists. Notice how the emphasis was personal and relatively confined, though. CBS may, sadly, be committed to Yeoh’s Section 31 show but if they pay attention to buzz, they really ought to give serious thought to doing SOMETHING with Pike, Spock and No. The time frame? He traveled all that way to Comic-Con just to tell me he thought his father would be happy with me being cast. Mount said, “It means even more to announce this at a time when so much of the planet is hurting… and we’re going to get to work on a classic ‘Star Trek’ show that deals with optimism and the future.” Peck added, “The ethos of ‘Star Trek’ is so curious and welcoming and unifying.”. One thing we do know is that Ethan Peck is interested in returning to the role of Spock. I’m convinced CBS et al have just as little a clue as some of the JJ people about what Star Trek is. Battlestar Galactica cast share their favorite scenes, which still turn on the waterworks, ‘Battlestar Galactica’ cast on how they’re still a big frakkin’ family, even after all these years, Black Box, The Lie, and Evil Eye take on parental love, Look of the Week: The romance of Dani's Bly Manor sweaters, 65 thoughts we had while watching Serial Mom, Share From teen dream to silver fox: How Anson Mount became Star Trek's hottest captain on Facebook, Share From teen dream to silver fox: How Anson Mount became Star Trek's hottest captain on Twitter, Share From teen dream to silver fox: How Anson Mount became Star Trek's hottest captain on Reddit, Paul Rudd, the saving grace of the worst Halloween movie, Josh Hartnett achieves peak werewolf hotness in Penny Dreadful, Marvel's mercifully short-lived superhero series. '” Modesty is hot, y'all. there is still a possibility that the Relaunch Section 31 and Uraei/Control AI novel arc can be respected by the show.
Which means a lot of ‘churn’ in subscriptions.
4. No, but it could well have worked, is all I’m saying. Yeah, Kirk takes care of business here.
Unless it’s the same showrunners and writers doing it. But by returning to the earliest roots of “Star Trek” — Capt. I would certainly give the Pike show a chance because of how great he came off in Discovery but I would prefer something completely new and original. I think they needed 31 to hang the founders plague on somebody not-us … but still kinda-us. (And definitely let’s keep that Deverell lady. (I’ll say unfair too, seeing as Discovery hasn’t really done a whole lot of, y’know, discoverin’ over the last two seasons unless it pertains to Burnham…) It ALMOST feels like the people in charge of this show don’t r-e-a-l-l-y understand what makes it so great and latched onto the one aspect they felt they felt comfortable with…. It only encourages them to do it more in fact. Very much. You know, “Star Trek.”. Nickelodeon is also prepping an animated “Star Trek” kids series.
Nope. All three captains resolved their struggles, more or less. Why should he believe that this time around would be any different from last season, when he got a few on-screen exec producer credits but otherwise was all but ignored for a year? CBS could still make a movie if it was just intended for streaming or TV. You could also use it to introduce TOS characters like younger versions of Kirk or McCoy during their more formative years in guest roles or go the other direction and maybe do episodes where Pike crosses paths with Robert April, George Kirk, Captain Garth or other characters from that era. Nana nana boo boo…stick you’re head in doo doo.”. sat down with the easygoing Mount this past summer, during his time at Star Trek Las Vegas, where he told us about his Trek experience so far, discussed upcoming projects and more…. But having the second most demanded sci-fi show for just 3 months a year will not keep CBSAA viable.
Start with a Pike/Number One/Spock series on the Enterprise.
So for the first time in over a decade, CBS/Paramount has almost universal fan approval of the casting of Pike and a re-imagining of the Enterprise… and they don’t capitalize on THAT.
That usually comes down to contract negotiating. Georgeau is just not the right part for her. She’s been better the last few episodes for sure but she still comes off like a cartoon character. Star Trek: Discovery: Season One will arrive on Blu-ray and DVD on November 13 from CBS Home Entertainment and Paramount Home Media Distribution. I am the co-host with my friend, Branan Edgens, who's a filmmaker and comes from an effects makeup background. We've been feeling it out, redirecting, re-calibrating here and there to see what feels right. I totally agree with you Spock, but my question is does the Paramount split throw a wrench in CBS making a Star Trek film? Captain Pike deserves his own show. Then to finish, a recast Kirk etc.
Agreed, but currently we don’t HAVE a Trek show about strange new worlds, new life, civilizations, etc. I don’t think the restrictions imposed through most of TNG reflect the old trek values at all, just on account of human nature. There is so much story potential for that reason alone!
I would’ve been fine with a cinematic reboot, if done well. 9. Those would be the same SJW, feminist writers who brought Pike back in the first place. But I can see him on the show. These were great in their original ST airings and original SW films Even the first few iterations of reruns and “sequels/prequels” .
I know he probably had good parents, and he definitely had good mentors. Talosians (possible existential threat to Federation). 11. Take it a step further: Show us how Kirk came to know Gary Mitchell, Matt Decker, others. And leave the Michael Burnham show to the SJW, feminist writers.
Here’s a tip… Just ignore posts that bring that characteristic out in you. Across his array of roles — which clearly run the gamut in both content and tone — is a certain rugged hunk appeal, an extension of that same everyman vibe that makes his characters feel familiar and deeply relatable, whether they're outlaws, super-powered aliens, or iconic Starfleet captains. The only difference is that you switch between cartoonish and moustache twirling from time to time. Given the show runners for it are responsible for the best episodes of Discovery, I really want to see what they do with it. A fairly generic road trip movie, it was savaged by critics but made over $60 million dollars at the box office and introduced Mount to a widespread audience as Britney's broody, leather-cuff-wearing love interest, Ben. Who knows how far CGI and AI might go in the next decades? 10. I join a lot of people if offered a choice of going with Captain Pike, #1, and Ethan Peck as very enjoyable Spock – or going with Michael Burnham and ’empowered’ associates into the distant future leaving abslutely no trace of Burnham, spore drive etc, in the Star Trek canon starting with TOS – it’s a no brainer. That’s correct. George Miller had no such qualms with Mad Max: Fury Road. Yeah, really classy to debase and demean a bunch of strangers because their work didn’t give you your nerd fix. But as seen in the “Original Series” episode “The Menagerie,” Pike ultimately becomes stricken with a paralyzing disease that leaves him unable to move or speak.
Maybe not but I still wouldn’t be surprised its called that. Yes Burnham came up with the idea but she didn’t directly end it all by herself. I want that Captain Pike/Enterprise show. Its probably very different when you have so many stakeholders to please and more importantly, just a guaranteed ROI and what happens when you don’t deliver. Section 31 is a bad idea. It takes time to build a relationship and care about a character. Just tired of hearing the same complaints about discovery article after article. !” moments over the last two seasons had Meyer been utilized properly. He can’t escape his fate. “These iconic characters have a deep history in ‘Star Trek’ canon, yet so much of their stories have yet to be told. My guess is that as far as Nick is concerned, the franchise has seen his backside heading for the horizon for the last time.
As a character, Pike is remarkable for his aggressive normalness.
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