In June 2020, the earliest incidence of Down syndrome was found in genomic evidence from an infant that was buried before 3200 BC at Poulnabrone dolmen in Ireland. [21][119] By the 20th century, Down syndrome had become the most recognizable form of mental disability. [14] Rates are lower among women who are younger and have decreased over time. [67], The extra chromosome 21 material may also occur due to a Robertsonian translocation in 2–4% of cases. [1], Hearing problems are found in 50–90% of children with Down syndrome. [95] Evidence to support this, however, is not very strong. The care of children with Down syndrome", "Revised estimates of the maternal age specific live birth prevalence of Down's syndrome", "How do health care providers diagnose Down syndrome? Além das famílias no Brasil, toda a comunidade de países de Língua Portuguesa será beneficiada pela veiculação da série na Internet, bem como brasileiros que residem no exterior e têm dificuldades em entender termos técnicos em idiomas estrangeiros e até mesmo conseguir apoio de especialistas. [8] This includes an increased risk of a specific type of seizure called infantile spasms. [68] This results in a 15% chance of having a child with Down syndrome when the mother is affected and a less than 5% probability if the father is affected. [150] Disagreement exists within Islam regarding the acceptability of abortion in those carrying a fetus with Down syndrome. [8], They typically do fairly well with social skills. [101], Efforts to prevent respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection with human monoclonal antibodies should be considered, especially in those with heart problems. [71] The probability of this type of Down syndrome is not related to the mother's age. [20] This is most often from heart problems or infections. [8], Children and adults with Down syndrome are at increased risk of epileptic seizures, which occur in 5–10% of children and up to 50% of adults. [16] Education and proper care have been shown to improve quality of life. [78] Screening in both the first and second trimesters is better than just screening in the first trimester. [20] As those with Down syndrome typically have good hand-eye coordination, learning sign language may be possible. [20] Heart valve problems may occur in young adults, and further ultrasound evaluation may be needed in adolescents and in early adulthood. [39] Physical therapy and participation in physical education may improve motor skills. Speech and language therapy can help prepare for later language. [148] Some in the United States who are anti-abortion support abortion if the fetus is disabled, while others do not. [62][64] In 1.0 to 2.5% of cases, some of the cells in the body are normal and others have trisomy 21, known as mosaic Down syndrome. Roteiro: Gabriela Capello O vasto material informativo, sempre gratuito, como as cartilhas de estimulação para bebês e crianças com síndrome de Down, fez com que o Movimento Down se destacasse no cenário mundial e tivesse reconhecimento internacional: tanto a Down Syndrome International como a Inclusion International e a Down Syndrome Austrália destacam como pioneiro e único o trabalho da organização. /Length 15272 A Síndrome de Down (SD) é uma anormalidade, trata-se de uma desordem cromossômica que se caracteriza pela trissomia do cromossomo 21, ou seja, os sindrômicos apresentam três cromossomos 21, ao invés de dois. [40] Ear infections often begin in the first year of life and are partly due to poor eustachian tube function. Para Maria Antônia Goulart, coordenadora executiva do Movimento Down, “o acesso a esse conteúdo é determinante”. Assistente de Câmera: Bruno Pettinelli e Rodrigo Torres /F1 35 0 R Organizations included the Royal Society for Handicapped Children and Adults founded in the UK in 1946 by Judy Fryd,[153][154] Kobato Kai founded in Japan in 1964,[153] the National Down Syndrome Congress founded in the United States in 1973 by Kathryn McGee and others,[153][155] and the National Down Syndrome Society founded in 1979 in the United States. endobj [133], In 1961, 19 scientists suggested that "mongolism" had "misleading connotations" and had become "an embarrassing term". [106] It has also been proposed as a way to improve speech. Direção criativa: Alexandre Freeland /Contents 4 0 R /Type /Pages [144] One criticism of this reasoning is that it often values those with disabilities less. Ela destaca a importância da iniciativa: “Vivemos em um país diverso, com pessoas que residem na capital, no interior, e que têm níveis de acesso à informação muito diferentes. [106] These include: dietary changes, massage, animal therapy, chiropractic and naturopathy, among others. [39] Tonsillectomy is also often done to help with sleep apnea and throat infections. [20] In particular, acute lymphoblastic leukemia is 20 times more common and the megakaryoblastic form of acute myeloid leukemia (acute megakaryoblastic leukemia), is 500 times more common. [12] In those without heart problems, 85% survive to 10 years and 80% survive to 30 years of age. [161][162] Other methods being studied include the use of antioxidants, gamma secretase inhibition, adrenergic agonists, and memantine. << Down syndrome or Down's syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. [20], This syndrome causes about a third of cases of intellectual disability. [1] School-age children with Down syndrome may benefit from inclusive education (whereby students of differing abilities are placed in classes with their peers of the same age), provided some adjustments are made to the curriculum. [1] Between 20 and 50% have strabismus, in which the two eyes do not move together. [9] Life expectancy is around 50 to 60 years in the developed world with proper health care. [9] It is the cause of 8% of all congenital disorders. [112], Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal abnormality in humans. [55][56] While plaque and poor oral hygiene are contributing factors, the severity of these periodontal diseases cannot be explained solely by external factors. << /Outlines 31 0 R [52][45] One exception is testicular germ cell cancer which occurs at a higher rate in Down syndrome. Som direto: Gialuigi Ciminelli >> /Parent 2 0 R [20] Surgical repair of heart problems may be required as early as three months of age. Physical therapy focuses specifically on motor development and teaching children to interact with their environment. This extra genetic material causes the developmental changes and physical features of Down syndrome.Down syndrome varies in severity among individuals, causing lifelong intellectual disability and developmental delays. /Img1 34 0 R [8], Hearing aids or other amplification devices can be useful for language learning in those with hearing loss. [2][63] The parents of the affected individual are typically genetically normal. The condition was observed in a common chimpanzee in 1969 and a Bornean orangutan in 1979, but neither lived very long. [78] The different screening techniques in use are able to pick up 90–95% of cases, with a false-positive rate of 2–5%. [79], Ultrasound imaging can be used to screen for Down syndrome. [97], Individuals with Down syndrome may learn better visually. [20] None can be definitive, thus if screening is positive, either amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling is required to confirm the diagnosis. [78][83] A number of tests are used, with varying levels of accuracy. [20], Guidelines recommend screening for Down syndrome to be offered to all pregnant women, regardless of age. [1] Cataracts (cloudiness of the lens of the eye) occur in 15%,[9] and may be present at birth. >> [134][135] The World Health Organization (WHO) dropped the term in 1965 after a request by the delegation from the Mongolian People's Republic. In those with congenital heart problems, 60% survive to 10 years and 50% survive to 30 years of age. [150] Some of those against screening refer to it as a form of "eugenics". [10][11][19] It is named after British doctor John Langdon Down, who fully described the syndrome in 1866. [41][42] Excessive ear wax can also cause hearing loss due to obstruction of the outer ear canal. [71] The number of pregnancies with Down syndrome is more than two times greater with many spontaneously aborting. When combined with a normal cell from the other parent, the baby has 47 chromosomes, with three copies of chromosome 21. [46] Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMKL) is a leukemia of megakaryoblasts, the precursors cells to megakaryocytes which form blood platelets. [62], Trisomy 21 (also known by the karyotype 47,XX,+21 for females and 47,XY,+21 for males)[66] is caused by a failure of the 21st chromosome to separate during egg or sperm development (nondisjunction). “A websérie é o formato ideal para se democratizar esse conhecimento. [21] The genetic cause of Down syndrome was discovered in 1959.
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