Statistical analyses of vehicles include all vehicles and their owners approved by the Vehicle Registration Law in Germany and registered in the Central Vehicle Register. Check out IamExpat Housing with rental properties all over the Netherlands! When you register with the DIV, you receive a certificate of registration and a license plate. If you buy a car abroad, transit registration plates issued in another EU country will be recognised in Belgium for the purposes of driving your car back to your place of residence. Remaining unregistered or registering at the wrong address is not permitted. Below are the contact details of the main gemeenten in the Netherlands. a family member's). If you are not registering for the first time and you are just changing address within the Netherlands then you can register your new address on the websites of most gemeenten using your DigiD code, or at the town hall in your new town or neighbourhood. Receive the IamExpat Weekly and Special Offers from our Partners. You can obtain transit plates from the Belgian Vehicle Registration Servicefrnl (DIV) office in Brussels for €30. do not have to pay registration and/or road taxes on it in Belgium. cars used solely as a personal means of transport for someone with a disability (blindness, amputation or complete paralysis of the upper limbs, permanent disability of at least 50% affecting the lower limbs); cars used exclusively for public service (post office, fire service, armed forces, etc. As of June 1, 2015 the Amsterdam gemeente has introduced fines of up to 325 euros for people who fail to register at the correct address, to notify the municipality of their change of address on time or to present all relevant documents. As an EU national moving to Belgium, you must register your car if you are: As an EU national moving to Belgium, you can use your vehicle here while it is still registered in your previous home country. Check your Dutch vehicle registration number. Info about the BSN (Burgerservicenummer) / Sofi (Social-Fiscal) number in the Netherlands and how to apply. In some cases you can apply for an exemption. From November 2020 coaches with emissions standard 0, 1, 2 or 3 diesel engine may no longer enter the low emission zone. In order to obtain this authorisation, you need a company supply stock acknowledgement from RDW and must be registered with a provider. You must keep this signed authorisation for at least 2 years and destroy it after 3 years at the latest. If you change your country of residence to Belgium, you have 6 months to re-register a vehicle previously registered in another EU country – measured from the time you arrive in Belgium. More information on registration tax in: Flandersnl, Walloniafr, Brussels Capital Regionnlfr. If you are staying, or plan to stay, in the Netherlands for more than four months then you need to register (inschrijven) at the town hall in the municipality (gemeente) where you are living. the heavy commercial vehicle complies with terms of emission line B of the 88/77-tabel after amendment Directive 96/1/EC) 3: the heavy commercial vehicle conforms to line A of the table in terms of emission 2001/27/EC. It keeps a databank for numerous organisations such as the police, the Finance FOD, insurance companies and so on. There are some issues expats in the Netherlands need to deal with e.g. Which vehicles are affected? If you want to export a vehicle with a Dutch registration number, you must cancel the registration of that vehicle with the Netherlands Vehicle Authority. Temporary exemption for diesel commercial vehicles with emission class 3 registered between 7 October 2015 and 19 November 2019. Most gemeenten require you to register within five days of arriving in the Netherlands. If you do not register your vehicle in Belgium, it is: NB: Residents of Belgium must register their vehicles in Belgium and may only drive with non-Belgian number plates if certain strict conditions are met. For expats of all colours, shapes & sizes, BSN number (personal public service number), municipalities & city councils in the Netherlands, Eindhoven's registration from abroad page, one of the following 19 RNI-municipalities, Call 14 020 or 020 255 29 09 (8am-6pm, Monday to Friday), Call 14 070 or 070 353 30 00 (8:30am-5pm, Monday to Friday), Call 14 024 (8.30am-5pm, Monday to Friday) or, Your residence permit (if applicable, either a sticker in your passport, a plastic ID card or letter from.
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