Think of the gig economy and your mind probably turns to Uber and Lyft drivers and freelancers. But here's why you shouldn't worry about being prosecuted. We commonly worked two-by-two, which conferred some measure of safety. “They would ask on phone: ‘How did you get my phone number?’” Saumar said.

Some categories of federal criminal statutes are heavily enforced.

Section 2 of the 14th Amendment further provides that House representatives "shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State." Prosecutions for failure to participate in the census are rare; most significant court cases dealing with these crimes date back to the 1970s. Data collection for the 2019 Guam Census of Agriculture, already underway, will run through June.

Dog attacks are a common hazard for Census workers. “Local agencies and organizations use the data (collected) for a wide range of purposes, including to provide more effective production and distribution systems to the agricultural community. But doing three back-to-back is very hard. Then there are those federal crimes that are technically crimes, but not really. Now, after asking you these questions, enumerators will finally leave with you a shopping “diary,” so to speak.

There are a lot of federal crimes. It's a federal crime not to answer census questions or to give false information. He now sticks with his desk job, formulating questionnaires and crunching the numbers. Depends on the neighborhood. They’ll include questions about your buying habits, whether you bought a cell phone within the last six months, a wide screen TV, or a truck. Not all of them are enforced. Tumon Guam 96913, © 2023 by "This Just In". Delayed from last year, the Agriculture Census began last month and is about a quarter of the way done, Levin said. In other census-related Texas craziness news, this news report warns of a "wave of violence" sweeping across the state, in which everyone who is not an official census worker dresses up like one to enter other people's homes and kill them. Because you probably avoided attack bypickaxe, crossbow, machete or machine gun on the mean streets/rural routes of America: It would be anti-feminist not to mention this attorney lady from a Texas town who shot at her census worker for religious reasons (patriotism). Remember how a few months ago the only paying jobs available in all of Americaland were "Census taker" jobs? pickaxe, crossbow, machete or machine gun, this news report warns of a "wave of violence".

Levin said he was originally asked to come to Guam in January to do just HEIS.

This year, some homeowners and tenants have met the census takers with violence.

He does not want to do it again.

The census is a temptress, seducing us into committing grave acts of wrongdoing. Federal law provides that anyone who refuses to answer or willfully neglects to answer any of the questions in connection with any census or survey shall be fined a maximum of $100, or a maximum of $500 if the person gives false information. Plenty. “Typically conducted every five years, (Agriculture Census) was last collected in Guam more than 10 years ago due to budget constraints,” stated a press release from the US Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Services. Delayed from last year, the Agriculture Census began last month and is about a quarter of the way done, Levin said. And you were like, "Hey, I know how to use pencils and take notes. Census-Taker Eligibility Requirements The U.S. Census Bureau encourages individuals of all backgrounds to apply to become a census taker, including college students, retirees, part-time workers, and the unemployed or underemployed. But here's why you shouldn't worry about being prosecuted. People think enumerators are scam artists,  Saumar said. Census crew members have suffered mishaps in past censuses. May 13, 2010 11:13 AM. The perceived risk of answering remains greater than the virtually nonexistent risk of not answering because the Justice Department is not likely to start prosecuting offenders for refusing to answer. Lauri Apple. Census workers knock on doors, hoping to count people who haven't yet mailed back their forms. Census takers go on foot through their communities and take note of every housing unit they find. Proudly created with. But there were a lot of delays until late March when things started moving. Census reports may not be admitted as evidence or used in any action or proceeding, without consent.

Results will be available in the summer of 2020 through your local USDA office, UOG library, other government offices and online at He himself tried it only once. It's a federal crime not to answer census questions or to give false information. Also helping with the project is Yapese Census on Guam, which will also start soon. There have been a few of these censuses and surveys done on Guam already. The "Census Clause" also requires that representatives be apportioned among the states "according to their respective Numbers." That's why the Trump administration's move to include a citizenship question on the census is meeting such intense opposition; there are concerns that it will deter participation and lead to an inaccurate population count. Practically speaking, though, anyone who is concerned about their legal status may not want to volunteer this to the same federal government that could deport them. Enumerators also said community members must also understand that as they knock on more doors for the household survey and the Yapese census, they are just trying doing their job; and, certainly, not trying to be rude and intrude. The former senior census trainer for Harvard University said he is very proud of his enumerators from the Federated States of Micronesia, working all three projects.

And "remain calm" around wingnuts (and angry dogs), because trying to subdue them with playful kisses on the nose never works. ", And George W. Bush, then a candidate for president, said he "(understood) why people don't want to give over that information to the government.".

Hence the need for a continuous training to replace those who quit, according to independent contractor Mike Levin. The team includes Hidei Mori from Chuuk, Jomer Manongsong, Nukuoro (Pohnpei), and Lenny Saumar, Eauripik (Yap).

Unfortunately, their job for HEIS requires them to ask all kinds of questions – contained in 26 pages—some of which are going to be very personal. You are given identification which you should havvwith you when working. But as it is, Guam residents still do not. And you were like, "Hey, I know how to use pencils and take notes. Surveys are mailed to addresses, rather than to specific individuals.

I started the 2010 Census as an enumerator. The information collected could be used for policy planning, research and other purposes – that will involve decisions affecting you and your whole family. On its heel is the Household Income Expenditures Survey (HIES). As a former member of a Non-Response Follow-Up and Coverage Improvement Follow-Up crew, I will not minimize that. In it, you will record all you’re going to buy on a daily basis for one whole week. Census workers, Jomer Manongsong (Nukuoro, Pohnpei) and Lenny Saumar (Eauripik, Yap), reviewing the digital survey questionnaire once more before heading out into the field. These are personal but important questions needed to collect accurate information. It's also a federal crime to mail a package of dead bees without writing "DEAD BEES" on every side of the box, using black letters at least an inch tall. In theory, noncitizens should not fear answering census questions. The Census Bureau has responded to the recent outbreak of violence by telling its workers to do careful things like "immediately remove" themselves from sticky situations. These laws are designed to deter someone from refusing to answer questions on the census claiming a Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. Drug crimes and immigration crimes make up over 50 percent of the federal prosecution caseload.

This information is used during Census mailings to make sure that every household will receive a census questionnaire. Whether you took out a loan recently, how much money you make from your job, or even how many babies have you ever had. Then you closed your eyes and envisioned a man resembling Ted Nugent shooting at you for bringing your government-issued clipboard onto his property, and you quickly resumed making Twitters. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has indicated that illegal immigration will be a priority for the DOJ under his command, but going after noncitizens who refuse to answer census questions, motivated by fear of being removed from the country, would contradict the overall message the census is trying to send: It is here to count you, not to hurt you. “Our plan is to continue until June with the Census of Agriculture. Then Agriculture Census came up. A census taker may make follow-up calls to census participants to ensure accuracy in their responses. One of the most common challenges that causes a high turn-over for enumerators is the stress heaped upon them. Another difficulty encountered by enumerators is the anxiety of knocking on strangers’ doors, especially when household members become unfriendly and hostile. White House defends move to ask citizenship question on 2020 Census. Census Taker: America's Most Dangerous Job News. During the 2000 Census, 1,103 dog bites were reported -- and a 71-year-old Census taker was killed by a pack of dogs in Indiana. Click here to subscribe to our digital edition, Household Income Expenditures Survey (HIES, 1082 Pale San Vitores Rd. A long and tumultuous history . Photo courtesy of Jomer Manongsong.

The census taker will interview any available adult member of the household in order to complete the census questionnaire. Plus, courts have indicated in the past that purposeful discrimination by census authorities can give rise to a defense of selective prosecution. Proudly created with Working as a census taker is not easy. Follow @CevallosLaw on Twitter. But that should not be the case though. Such risks come with census taking.

Not including individual names on the address label is meant to protect the confidentiality of the participating households. Taking census is not exactly a fun job, and the unpleasant experiences contribute to the factors that cause some enumerators drop out. Well, smart move, Nostradamus! “I have an excellent team of Micronesians working for me here,” he said. If the Bureau had told its workers this stuff months ago, then these random attacks probably wouldn't have happened. Another difficulty encountered by enumerators is the anxiety of knocking on strangers’ doors, especially when household members become unfriendly and hostile. Data collection for the 2019 Guam Census of Agriculture, already underway, will run through June. The stakes to pull off a census have always been high, but with this year's adoption of new technological methods, the pressure to succeed is even higher. ", Federal law requires that the secretary of commerce take a census of "population" — not citizens — and the same law authorizes the secretary to "obtain such other census information as necessary.". So he and his team of enumerators have been dealing with such project first. But if you’re looking for a short-term side hustle … Ultimately, the refusal to answer census questions is a federal crime, but not really. Enumerating for one census or survey is difficult enough. If a unit has not been documented or recorded by the Census, the census taker notes this so that it can be added to the rolls. Census takers, or enumerators, are employees of the U.S. Census Bureau who visit the homes of individuals who do not complete and return a census questionnaire. After that, they’ll come back and collect it. Remember how a few months ago the only paying jobs available in all of Americaland were "Census taker" jobs?

Such risks come with census taking. It's hardly a sentiment limited only to noncitizens. In past enumerations, some Republican leaders have all but encouraged open defiance of the law.

The former member of the U.S. Census Bureau said the difference between these projects is that Yap project is a census of all Yapese on Guam.

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