Write an ending line that emphasizes the theme of your poem. Remind students that the theme is a message about life or human nature that the author expresses through the characterâs actions and ideas. But in July, tragedy tears the Kelby family apart. Write the question on chart paper or have students write it in their reading journals. Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Study.com has thousands of articles about every first two years of college and save thousands off your degree. What natural disasters have occurred recently? It shows that the story of Billie Jo Kelby, a 14-year-old girl with musical talent living in Oklahoma during the Dust Bowl, is fraught with tragedy, and yet her spirit shines through the dust that is collecting in her life. (Sample answer: Billy Jo has finally forgiven herself and her father; she has healed inside, as well as, outside. It is based on extensive research into the history of the Dust Bowl and the people who survived it. Her father has also healed from the bitterness of losing his wife and is courting another woman. At one point Billie Jo wants to escape "out of the dust," but later she says "I can't get out of something that is inside me." The family in. Language Focus: Dust Bowl Vocabulary. If you were Billie Jo, would you get off the train to return home or would you stay on to find a new life? 14-year-old Billie Jo tells this story. Even her music holds no solace for her, though. Billie calls home from a store in Arizona, and her father is waiting for her when she gets back to Oklahoma. Guide them to do an image search on âDust Bowl maps,â to find several good maps of the affected areas and those hardest hit. Though Billie Jo definitely feels more than friendship for Mad Dog, it doesn't bother her that he sees her as just a friend. What other young characters have you read about who have faced desperate conditions for survival? Anyone can earn While he is resistant to change, he is also dedicated to his family. Emphasize the importance of supporting their interpretation of the theme with specific evidence from the text. Photographers working for the US government captured historic images of the Dust Bowl and the people it affected. The book provides a wonderful example of the power of poetry to express deep feelings and meanings. In the novel, the girl is named Billie Jo, and she narrates her own story of survival during the Dust Bowl. Share these photographs, from the Kansas State University website, to show how humans and the landscape were ravaged by dust storms during the 1930s. Then a terrible accident brings tragedy into Billie Joâs life. The Dust Bowl was a natural disaster. How would the story be different if an adult told it? Visit the 10th Grade English: Homework Help Resource page to learn more. Compare one of the characters to Billie Jo. Ask students to choose one of their favorite poems in the book. Billie Jo's best friend leaves, and this adds to her feeling of being alone. study Billie Jo believes Daddy would rather be dead with her Ma than alive with her, and she runs away, hopping on a freight train to get away from the dust that has consumed her life. Louise was Bayard's teacher at night school, and at first Billie Jo resents her presence in their lives; but Louise wins Billie Jo over with her understanding. This lesson will cover the summary, characters, and themes discussed in Out of the Dust. Guide a discussion about theme with the group, encouraging students to offer their answers and to supply evidence from the book to support their ideas. The novel talks of the challenges faced by Billie Jo a 13 year old girl and her family. Ask students to choose one photograph that they are especially drawn to and describe it to the class while projecting it on the whiteboard or a screen. | {{course.flashcardSetCount}} Before showing the photographs, share basic information about the Dust Bowl. The faith Arley has in Billie Jo's playing is a bit of a motivator to her, especially after Ma's accident. Ma crouched, barefoot, bare bottomed over the swept boards, because that's where Daddy said it'd be best. Adults often ask why I write for the younger set. Get access risk-free for 30 days, She decided to escape but her escape was halted by a horrific accident which let to her mother and her baby brother being bed ridden and later died. credit by exam that is accepted by over 1,500 colleges and universities. A music manager at Billie Jo's school, Arley Wanderdale, is impressed with her talent and invites Billie Jo to play with his band, The Black Mesa boys, at the Palace Theater. The band is led by singer Mad Dog Craddock. Assign students to read Out of the Dust independently. Billie Jo's hands make it painful for her to play piano, but she still tries. just create an account. The novel talks of the challenges faced by Billie Jo a 13 year old girl and her family. Use the Out of the Dust Vocabulary Cards printable and distribute copies to students. My reply: I canât think of anyone Iâd rather write for. © copyright 2003-2020 Study.com. Ask students to think deeply about the themes of the book for themselves and to decide what message the book gives them. Have students research the causes of the Dust Bowl, which are attributed to detrimental farming practices and climatic shifts. 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Roosevelt and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, What does Billie Jo mean when she says she saw the â. How does it reflect on the general experience of people at that time? 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