Spinoza, of course, unhesitatingly traveled this road to its end, and found there his doctrine of the “third knowledge,” the direct, completely adequate, rational knowledge of God, or infinite substance. The greatest difference is the there is no appeal to authority, whether that of tradition or that of a sacred book. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. a perennial contender for the championship. But the liberty is justified by the insight it provides into the meaning of the system, into the existential situation out of which Spinoza’s philosophy arose and of which it is an expression. How then can we speak of ethics if no genuine action is possible? Moreover, Spinoza tells us that man has, at best, only confused conceptions which hinder adequate knowledge But where knowledge exists—and genuine knowledge, says Spinoza, does exist, and can always be raised to greater completeness—it is adequate, encompassing the real nature of its object and providing an insight into the necessity of the object. Such an attitude toward what befalls me personally is bound to foster detachment from desires and passions and suffering. Had Spinoza foreseen this result of the modern philosophy of mathematics, he would not have attempted to construct his ethics after the pattern of geometry.”, “But,” Reichenbach goes on, “invalid logical constructions can still have the psychological function of strengthening subjective beliefs, and fallacious reasoning can be the indispensable instrument of a creed.” And one final observation of Reichenbach’s: “The Socratic intellectualization of ethics was . From Heraclitus to Hegel, or even to Marx, it consistently kept both ends in view; it was neither purely theoretical nor purely practical, but sought a theory of the universe upon which to base a practical ethic. Dogmatism is an enemy to peace, and an insuperable barrier to democracy. If there is a cosmic scheme, has life more importance in it than astronomy would lead us to suppose, or is our emphasis upon life mere parochialism and self-importance? The guesses of the Pythagoreans in astronomy, of Anaximander and Empedocles in biological evolution, and of Democritus as to the atomic constitution of matter, provided the men of science in later times with hypotheses which, but for the philosophers, might never have entered their heads. Spinoza pushed the idea of the unity of God to its furthest reaches, and on it he erected one of the mightiest intellectual structures the world has ever seen. Please login to your account first; Need help? Even among the ancients, it was so conceived by Plato in the Republic, but many of them had a more individualistic conception of the ends of life. Until the eighteenth century science was included in what was commonly called “philosophy,” but since that time the word “philosophy” has been confined, on its theoretical side, to what is more speculative and general in the topics with which science deals. Please enter your username or email address. . Philosophy has had from its earliest days two different objects which were believed to be closely interrelated. There is one important difference between the ethical teachings of ancient philosophers and those appropriate to our own day. The result of Spinoza’s method is one of the grandest constructions of the human spirit, a system whose deeply religious quality has exerted a profound influence on many great minds. .” About two years ago Premier David Ben Gurion of Israel published an article in which he proposed that the tercentenary of Spinoza’s excommunication serve as the occasion for an official revocation of that ban. One of his tenets was that the school should improve the way of life of our citizens through experiencing freedom and democracy in schools. What makes Spinoza’s love of God so different from the love which Buber, Rosenzweig, and the later Hermann Cohen understood as the true relation to God? but the real human being, in the need and suffering of his sin-entangled actuality, and the thought of eternity can be no consolation, no help to him.” Therefore, the “pedantic leveling” of pantheism angers Cohen. The demand for certainty is one which is natural to man, but is nevertheless an intellectual vice. Ben Gurion’s article provoked a heated debate.
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