philosophy lectures pdf
Lecture 1 (11th May - Week 3) 'Conceptual tools in metaphysics' [Lecture Notes], Lecture 2 (18th May - Week 4) 'Properties and laws' [MP3], Lecture 3 (25th May - Week 5) 'Quantitative properties' [MP3], Lecture 4 (1st June - Week 6) 'Individuals and structure' [MP3], Lecture 5 (8th June - Week 7) 'Individuals and structure' (continued) [MP3], Lecture 6 (15th June - Week 8) 'Theoretical equivalence' [MP3]. Lecture 1 (4th May): 'Philosophy in Antiquity as a Way of Life' [Handout] [MP3], Lecture 2 (11th May): 'Aristotle's Philosophy as Two Ways of Life' [MP3]. to that between a priori thought - that the determinations which are to hold good for thought must, be taken from thought itself - and the determination that we must commence, conclude and think from experience. Lectures on the History of Philosophy by G W F Hegel, 1805-6, trans. But though it is true that this has now become the philosophic principle, we must not expect that it should be at once methodically developed out of thought. The first lecture introduces the core ideas, using as a metaphor the end of Aeschylus’ Oresteia, in which goddesses of retribution are transformed into guardians of social welfare. ). LECTURE 1.1 – WHAT IS PHILOSOPHY?
Is seeing-as always conceptual? This is often put by saying that beliefs alone cannot motivate an agent to act, but it is better put as the claim that beliefs cannot explain action, or make acting rational or irrational in the way that accepting conclusions about reasons is normally thought to do.
The Philosophy of Aristotle 1. Although anger may still be useful as a signal, a motivation, and/or a deterrent, its flaws compromise even this instrumental role. Lecture 3 (15th May) 'Seeing-As: How can we find out whether seeing is representational, and if so, what representations are involved?'. With the rejection of the criterion for subjective knowledge, finite principles in general also disappear; for it is with these that the criterion has to do. The idea that there are truths about are reasons for action does face serious problems.
The series began in 1950, funded from the generous bequest of Henry Wilde. 2.
c. Beginnings of Philosophy in Greece, 1. Many people think it is impossible to care sufficiently for justice without anger at injustice. A framework is proposed for distinguishing high level perceptual representations from recognitionally equivalent color, shape and texture representations, and for distinguishing perceptual representations from cognitive representations. 1. There is so much more - including, for example, our capacities to create art, to appreciate beauty, to develop a sense of humor, and to wonder about the meaning of life. Common Ideas regarding the History of Philosophy a. Introduction These ideas solve a version of the speckled hen problem.
Plato's Apology - Philosophy vs. Sophistry (Apology PDF) Classroom Lecture: The Apology of Sokrates (part 1) mp4 John Locke - The Role of Truth in Philosophy (”The Problem of Enthusiasm" PDF) Russel on Philosophy PDF)
Above, you can watch 81 video lectures tracing the history of philosophy, moving from Ancient Greece to modern times. Recently, the overflow argument has been challenged both empirically and conceptually. A History of Philosophy in 81 Video Lectures: From Ancient Greece to Modern Times, 1,500 Free Online Courses from Top Universities.
1. Freely browse and use OCW materials at your own pace. Philosophy of Nature SES # TOPICS LECTURE NOTES; 1: First class: The Apology and … And in distinction to the assertion that we only find the solution in the principles of a fixed and permanent content form a reconciliation here and now, they adopt a position of independence, and assume an intellectual standing-ground which they find in what has generally been termed the healthy human understanding. The answer turns out to be quite a lot. and get a daily dose of Open Culture in your inbox. This being the introductory week for the course, and for those of you who may be taking a college-level philosophy class for the 1 st time, it is a good idea to begin with the most basic: the origin (or etymology) of the word “philosophy.” So, our 1 st e-lecture is on this issue. Thomas Hobbes This then is the form taken by Philosophy in the eighteenth century. Homoeopathy asserts that there are principles which govern the practice of medicine. 1. If I can fluidly access the phone number from a suitable source outside my body, we should allow that I know it now. The principle of Scepticism is thus the active negation of every criterion, of all determinate principles of whatever kind they be, whether knowledge derived from the senses, or from reflection on ordinary conceptions, or from thought. B. 3. c. Novalis The present volume consists chiefly of lectures which were delivered Most philosophers think that the project of the Aufbau is a failure and that nothing like it can succeed. Modify, remix, and reuse (just remember to cite OCW as the source. In placing limits on ‘correct play’, it can silence.
Hugo Grotius We will proceed likewise, taking advantage of recent work in both philosophy and psychology to move the project forward and increase its descriptive (and potentially explanatory) depth. We here encounter the innate ideas of Descartes.
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