Major Monogram: Carl! If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Doofenshmirtz: Curse you, Perry the Platypus! ♪ Boya ♪, ♪ Boyawadda boyawadda bum bobay abaddawadda! It's like totally-- (Notices the construction outside her window.) Ferb is holding the switch for a cannon-like machine.) Sign up and add shows to get the latest updates about your favorite shows - Start Now. Isabella: (Interrupting Phineas) Or we could have a car wash! Nice. Linda pursed her lips, but eventually nodded and placed her head on his shoulder. (walking into the conveyor belt) I don't have time for this! avatars: false, Stacy, I am like so hard to get right now. (Song: "Phintastic Ferbulous Car Wash") (Cut to Phineas and Ferb in the backyard. Keep track of your favorite shows and movies, across all your devices. Are you here yet? Scrub! (Runs off) (picks up other call) Stacy! • "Atlantis" • "Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!" Phineas: ♪ At the Phintastic Ferbulous Car Wash! This machine will infuse electricity into a small little sphere of compressed nitrogen molecules, which I will then drop into the earth and it will make all the tiny little molehill molecules grow and grow into enormous mo-- (Stops mid-sentence) You know, it's kind of complicated. Perry approaches them.) ♪ Ah! (Looks in a cymbal-banging monkey toy.) Nope. The mole then tears from the ground with Phineas and Ferb's car wash they built. scrollbar: false, Candace: (From her window.) Linda is furious after Candace drags her into the yard to see what the boys have done, and Phineas confesses that they've been doing similar things all summer, which prompts Linda to apologize to Candace for not believing her in the first place. Doofenshmirtz: Alright, here we go! Isabella: The Fireside Girls are trying to raise money to save the star-nose mole. (Doof gets electrocuted) (yelling)-whoaouch! Ferb: I think he can take care of himself. Despite the fact that Perry is upside down, his hat doesn't fall down. (Flush!) ( Log Out / If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Candace: A car? (Perry gets caught in a rope hanging from a fake palm tree and ends up dangling by his feet.) background: '#FEC423', Mountains! “Well now, I intend to do JUST THAT!” he announces. These are compared with the success rates of simple “random walk” models, and it is shown that random walk methods outperformed global climate model forecasts. type: 'profile', version: 2, We're gonna flush out the gunk! Oh, hi, Jeremy! And now Jeremy's playing hard to get. Comment: There is an interesting discussion on WUWT today on the success rates of forecasts made by complex global climate models (Global Circulation Models). Doofenshmirtz: So this is why you shouldn't make mountains out of molehills. However, Candace agrees to go with him. But when Jeremy asked Candace out for a ride to her brother's car wash, she ignores her BFF's advise and goes on the date, anyway. Phineas: Okay, Ferb, let's fire this add it up! It's like we're going through our very own tunnel of l— Change ). A plane flies overhead. That was quite an entrance! Street Party, Secondary Characters: Linda Flynn-Fletcher • Lawrence Fletcher • Isabella Garcia-Shapiro • Baljeet Tjinder • Buford Van Stomm • Major Francis Monogram • Jeremy Johnson • Carl Karl • Stacy Hirano • Ginger Hirano • Milly • Katie • Holly • Adyson Sweetwater • Gretchen • Vanessa Doofenshmirtz (Shows computer monitor with Carl's website on the screen.) The boys try to cheer Candace after Jeremy breaks a date with her by giving her a makeover; Candace wants to join the Fireside Girls and attempts to earn 50 merit patches in one day. The guys believe Perry is lost and try to find him, not knowing he has been reassigned to track a new villain after Doofenshmirtz is downgraded to a low-level threat; the family is shipwrecked on an island where Doofenshmirtz is creating a new business. (Cut to Perry in backyard in front of a pile of dirt. links: '#FD5B08' • "The Secret of Success" • "The Doof Side of the Moon" • "Split Personality" • "Brain Drain" • "Rollercoaster: The Musical!" (Covers phone and hums victory music to herself). Well now I intend to do just that. "Rollercoaster: The Musical!" ♪ Cardboard boxes and animals, all with parachutes, fall from the plane and land in Phineas and Ferb's back yard. Nope. Jeremy: I'm havin' a hard time gettin' there. ♪ And your white walls have turned green, ♪ ♪ The girls have made efforts at a bake sale, cat-sitting, and a lemonade stand to make some money, but so far nothing has worked. Stacy, Jeremy is asking me out for a ride, in a car! Please consider turning it on! © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Perry tries to escape from an Australian platypus hunter who wants to destroy him. In this episode, Dr. Doofenschmurtz creates a machine which greatly expands molehill molecules in order to create mountains. The building blows up and Perry flies away on a glider. (Candace hangs up and smiles nervously.). Find out when and where you can watch Phineas and Ferb episodes with TVGuide's full tv ... Doofenshmirtz creates a device that literally makes mountains out of molehill ... Out … (Cut back to Candace.) Stacy suggests that Candace plays "hard to get" to Jeremy. ♪ We'll put a smile right back on its grill, ♪ They argue over this until Major Monogram smells something burning. Doofenshmirtz: So this is why you shouldn't make mountains out of molehills. Something's been eating my hydrangeas. The boys clone themselves so they can get more projects completed; Doofenschmirtz hovers over his girlfriend's house with a huge magnet to erase crazy messages he recorded on her answering machine. theme: { Animated adventures of two stepbrothers who build outlandish inventions in their backyard while their pet platypus, Perry, carries out secret spy missions. (Looks in his radio.) Just say no! • "The Lizard Whisperer" • "Robot Rodeo" • "The Beak" • "She's the Mayor" • "The Lemonade Stand" • "Phineas and Ferb Hawaiian Vacation" • "Summer Belongs to You!" Candace tells him to wait and as Phineas comes over to comment on how well the car wash is doing, she asks Phineas to speed up the car wash so she won't miss her date. Firework: Celebrate the Magic Dr. Doofenshmirtz attempts to hypnotize the Tri-State area by singing a country song. • "Fly On the Wall" • "Bully Bust" • "My Sweet Ride" • "Der Kinderlumper" • "Sidetracked" • "Primal Perry" • "Mind Share" • "Backyard Hodge Podge" • "Bee Day" • "Bee Story" • "Great Balls of Water" • "Where's Pinky?" The energy ball is growing and... (He presses the button and the ball drops onto the platform.) ♪ You're gonna feel better, you know you will! Doofenshmirtz: Why do I even bother? }, (Cut to Stacy.) Doofenshmirtz: So this is why you shouldn't make mountains out of molehills. Computer: System overload. He finishes the backstory by proclaiming that he knows it's a metaphor, but he is just trying to make a statement. A comprehensive database of more than 22 phineas and ferb quizzes online, test your knowledge with phineas and ferb quiz questions. Ahh, Jeremy. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Anyway, so I take the sphere, electrify it, drop it in the ground, ta-da! (Presses button on phone to talk to Stacy.) Ugh! If you want you can check out my website. (Cut to Doof holding a new battery.) An aglet! tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Baljeet joins the boys for a ride around town in a giant bubble, and the Fireside Girls try to earn their sap-collecting patch. features: { (The mole's giant foot goes into the boot.) Curse you, giant mole! Carl: Excuse me sir. Files", Other: Africa • England • New York City • Big Ben • Mars • Tokyo • London • China • India • Canada • Chile • Hawaii. Phineas and Ferb make a phone for Candace with a transfer app that transports her to Easter Island; the boys create a magic carpet; Doofenshmirtz tries to ruin his brother's painting when it's unveiled at an art show. Jeremy holds the phone away from his ear as the force of Candace's scream makes his hair blow back.) (Monogram moves aside and Carl joins him on screen, holding up an "8.5" sign.) height: 300, interval: 6000, Candace: I don't know what that was, but let's do it again! What the heck are you doin'?! (The hydrangeas are literally being sucked into the ground.). Looks like the whole town is going to this cool new car wash. (Epiphany) I got it! (Looks in a flashlight.) "At the Car Wash" theme: { Phineas: (offscreen to the Fireside Girls) Go! A doll comes to life and stalks Candace; a giant floating baby head grants cursed wishes; a horde of evil platypuses try to destroy a town. (Cut to Phineas and Ferb in back yard. Jeremy: No worries. ♪ Boyawadda boyawadda bum bobay abadda ♪ (Cut back to Candace.) timestamp: true, hashtags: true, shell: { Some may not appreciate the whimsy of the analogy drawn in the post between Dr. Doof and the prevalent use of computer models in science. Candace is accidentally turned into a fly; and Dr. Doofenshmirtz loses his ability to come up with new evil schemes. Candace: Uh-oh, Stacy. • Disney Infinity (2.0) (3.0) • Phineas and Ferb: Day of Doofenshmirtz Our online phineas and ferb trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top phineas and ferb quizzes. Isabella: (walks up) Oh … width: 290, Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The mole then tears from the ground with Phineas and Ferb 's car wash they built. hashtags: true, Climate models outperformed by random walks, WUWT provides the interesting paper which discusses the GCMs and recommends adding on some simple numerical forecasting to remedy their abysmal performance. The giant mole from the backyard marches through the streets of Danville with the car wash on its head, and Candace and Jeremy drive out of the car wash down its back. Well, it's not for everyone, I just think they're funny. Candace: There's nothing I'd rather be doing. new TWTR.Widget({ Candace: This is so romantic. Phineas suggests that they should construct the tallest zip-line in their backyard, but Isabella suggests … Recurring characters: Giant Floating Baby Head • Django Brown • Coltrane • Charlene Doofenshmirtz • Roger Doofenshmirtz • Vivian Garcia-Shapiro • Irving • Jenny Brown • Suzy Johnson • Danny • Bobbi Fabulous • Sherman • Meap • Mitch • Norm • Clyde Flynn • Betty Jo Flynn • Pinky • Albert • Peter • Klimpaloon • Talking Zebra • Monty Monogram • Hildegard Johnson • Reginald Fletcher • Winifred Fletcher • Aloyse von Roddenstein I'm really glad that you're goin' with me. ♪ Boyawadda boyawadda bum bobay abadda ♪ The only times he has called Agent P "Perry" is when Doofenshmirtz tried to make a mountain out of a molehill ("At the Car Wash") ("Oh, sorry, Perry, I didn't mean to get all street there! He runs and dives into the pile, which leads to a series of tubes that eventually drop him onto his chair, which slides along a track to in front of the screen.) Albums: Phineas and Ferb • Phineas and Ferb Holiday Favorites • Phineas and Ferb: Across the 1st and 2nd Dimensions • Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars soundtrack, Entertainment: Phineas and Ferb's Rockin' Rollin' Dance Party Moles are carnivorous. Phineas and Ferb start up their car wash, and Candace, intending to bust the boys, accidentally stands on the conveyor belt bringing the cars in and is cleaned like the other cars as a song starts. As a child, Dr. Doof was told one too many times, “Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill!” Perry tosses his hat Frisbee-style, which severs a tie holding up some cables and the rope binding him. The boys learn about one of Ferb's Victorian ancestors, who helped a scientist create a monster; Phineas and Ferb help a friend display his artwork; Doofenshmirtz recalls the story of his great-great-grandfather Dr. Jekyll Doofenshmirtz. Three Halloween-themed tales. (Jeremy's car drops down from the car wash and down the mole's tail.) And so much better than I thought it would! rpp: 4, color: '#000000', (Cut to the car wash, which lifts up.
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