star trek arex
More Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki. He was born on Triex, one of twelve male and thirteen female children.
In Pocket Books continuity, Arex Na Eth was a Triexian, a species easily confused with the Edoans.
Star Trek (deutsch etwa: „Sternenreise“, „Sternentreck“, „Reise durchs All“) ist ein langlebiges US-amerikanisches Science-Fiction-Franchise, das der Filmproduktionsgesellschaft Paramount Pictures bzw.
Der Computer schaltet die künstliche Schwerkraft aus und die Crew schwebt im Schiff. Arex is an officer who serves as part of the crew aboard USS Enterprise; on the command track, he is sometimes trusted to take charge of the vessel in the captain's absence. (TAS: "The Counter-Clock Incident").
Memory Beta articles sourced from websites, Memory Beta articles sourced from short stories, Federation Department of Temporal Investigations, (TAS: Mehr Trouble mit Tribbles), Wenig später bedient Arex die Navigation, als ein Vendorianer in Gestalt von Kirk auf der Brücke erscheint. Arex's people are long-lived, and Arex knew from the very beginning that he wished to spend his long life in space.
(NF - No Limits short story: "The Road to Edos", NF novel: Cold Wars), Arex has earned three bravery decorations and the Starfleet Citation for Conpicuous Valor, but chose not to wear them. Kirk kann später das Wesen im Computer austricksen und die Enterprise wird wieder freigegeben. Später kann Kirk den Computer überzeugen, die Enterprise wieder freizugeben. Arex bedient Mitte 2269 die Navigation, als sich die Enterprise dem toten Stern Questar M-17 nähert. Career Later that year, on stardate 7403.6, the versatile Lieutenant Arex manned the bridge science station, from which he scanned the surface of Delta Theta … Said voice file info was provided by James Doohan. However, when the mood is right, he can be persuaded to play a flute-like instrument called a sessica. In the late 2260s into 2270, Lieutenant Arex served aboard the USS Enterprise, under Captain James T. Kirk, as navigator.
Doch die Wirkung der Kristalle lässt schnell wieder nach.
Arex appeared briefly in the novels The Galactic Whirlpool, Time for Yesterday, The Fire and the Rose, and the graphic novel version of The Ashes of Eden. Später gelingt es der Crew die Orioner einzufangen und mit Hilfe der Medikamente wird Spock wieder geheilt. Arex was also chief navigator of the Enterprise, after its refit, until 2275.
("The Blue Rose", "A Klingon Holiday", " Ad Astra Per Aspera ", Liberation from Hell), By 2292, Arex had been promoted to captain and was commanding officer of the USS Repulse. Lieutenant Arex was a navigations officer who transferred to the USS Enterprise during the latter part of James T. Kirk 's first five-year mission.
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