Download | Pdf | Read Online | Free | Summary The Green Mile By Stephen King When it first appeared, one volume per month, Stephen King's THE GREEN MILE was an unprecedented publishing triumph: all six volumes ended up on the New York Times bestseller lists simultaneously and delighted millions of fans the world over. Green Mile Essay: Paul Edgecombe changes over the course of the story. How Do You Build One? They included Dean Stanton, Harry Terwillinger, Brutus Howell (who was nicknamed “Brutal” because of his size even though he was very gentle), and Percy Wetmore—a cruel man who wasn’t smart. For a while, the prisoners of E block are peaceful. Paul forgot to tell him about his urinary infection but decided that he could probably make it through the day despite the pain. Paul regained consciousness among dying bodies. They also take away his hickory stick. When he gets home, Janice asks him why he went running. He asks Dean if he can get a heating pad from the infirmary for his back and almost winks at him. The men hear her scream as she convulses. For once, Paul notices that Coffey looks awake and without tears. Edgecombe gives in and allows Wetmore to prepare the execution of Eduard Delacroix, a prisoner who spent most of his time in block E playing with a mouse, which gave him comfort. I didn’t have much money back then and I bought all my books used or in paperback. During the hour-long drive, Wharton remains quiet, drooling and humming every once in a while. Hammersmith says that this is expected because of what Coffey did. When Brutal glances at Coffey’s phone on his way back from the restraint room, it appears as if Coffey is answering Brutal’s thoughts. The Two Dead Girls Paul Edgecombe writes the story of his final few months as supervisor of E Block at Cold Mountain Penitentiary. It was himself and 4 other work colleagues who assisted him with the inmates and executions. The guards successfully return to the prison, bringing back a weakened Coffey to his cell. While Melinda is still swearing, Coffey says he wants to help her. While Paul is trying to help him, Coffey tells him not to worry about him and take care of Melinda instead. Percy then asks Del if he has anything to say about his crimes, but Del doesn’t speak. Marjorie is convinced that her twins were abducted by some vagrants or black men. Harry suggests using his pick-up truck, because it would be difficult to fit Coffey in a car. This seems like proof that the mouse can tell which food is regular and which is not. John Coffey has to be the sweetest character King has ever written along with Paul Edgecomb. September 1st 1996 When Paul asks Hal how his wife Melinda is doing, he says she’s getting worse and that she’s started swearing a lot. They enter a cold April night, avoiding electric wires and guard towers as they make their way to Harry’s car. Sign up for a 5-day free trial here. The men do not like to talk about it because they want to keep its presence special and beautiful. He also reveals that Wharton threatened each girl to kill her sister if she screamed for help, so both girls remained quiet in order to protect one another. Brutal feels terrible at the idea of killing an innocent man, but he cannot think of a way to convince people otherwise because it would involve talking about Coffey’s healing powers. When Paul tells him that Delacroix wants a box for the mouse, Percy offers to help him buy one and fill it with cotton from Toot-Toot’s cart. He should look for information in the prison library. They also recognize that the racist justice system would never agree to re-open a case of a black man convicted of murder. Paul realizes that Percy has a deep hatred for Delacroix. He thought that would be the longest thing he’d ever write, but now he’s found that it’s possible to tell this story of Mr. Jingles finding Delacroix in his cell on The Green Mile. Brutal and Paul realize how much the mouse cared for Delacroix, even though they never interacted before. They see no cracks or holes big enough for the mouse to fit in and don’t understand how it could possibly have gotten into the prison. Percy screams and tries to step back, but John grabs him. He searches for details about the case and discovers that Coffey was charged with raping and murdering two nine-year-old girls, the Detterick twins. However, Coffey doesn’t seem to notice what’s happening and is unaffected by the kick. She also asks him if they are having guests for lunch, and he replies that he hopes so. An Analysis of The Green Mile January 10, 2013 "We each owe a debt, there are no exceptions. His body flings around in the chair, his bones crack from spasms, and his pants become wet with urine. He heads to a path in the woods where he enjoys spending twenty minutes inside of a shed. Paul looks down, notices it is true, and tries to talk to Percy to soothe him. But let's look at the prison guards on duty there. The prisoners are kept in their cells and await execution on the electric chair, or “green mile.” Paul believes that it’s important to show compassion towards these inmates, but he has a hard time because of Percy Wetmore, who behaves cruelly towards them. Out of anger at seeing the dead bodies of his two little girls, Klaus Detterick attacks John Coffey and kicks him in the head. Toot is placed on a chair, and Brutal places a mask over his face. He asks John what happened to him and John apologizes for hurting him. All Coffey does in response is shake his head slowly and dreamily, as though he were sleepwalking. However, Paul replies calmly by saying that given the circumstances, he will spare Wharton a speech. Paul also thinks of Janice, Mr. Jingles, and John Coffey, all people he has lost along the way. He merely asks if this is the same mouse that he chased to the restraint room earlier, and they confirm it. Coffey happens by their bodies and tries to heal them but it’s too late. He orders him to go get an extinguisher instead. A gentle giant name of John Coffey, sentenced to death for an unspeakable crime, is a strong possibility. Harry was put in charge of picking up Wharton from the hospital. Delacroix has no idea what Brutal plans to do with this performance, but he doesn’t care as long as he gets the chance to show off his mouse’s skills. Paul decides not to take part in any more executions after John Coffey’s either; neither man takes part in another execution afterward (John Coffey is executed at the end of Chapter 3). While the crowd panics and the host tries to explain that they can’t stop now, the execution lasts for two minutes. The mouse had been coloring with crayons and used the pieces to remember Delacroix after his death. He believes that innocence and salvation are hard to achieve in reality. Paul and his friends must prepare for Coffey’s execution with heavy hearts, feeling shameful for executing an innocent man with God-given healing powers. It was never going to jump to five, but I'd been deliberating whether to shuffle it back to a three. Hammersmith is against slavery but says that Coffey isn’t innocent because he’s a mongrel dog like all other dogs who give in to their animal instincts when they want to attack someone. Paul also explains that Brad Dolan reminds him of Percy because they’re both mean and enjoy being cruel to others. Brutal and Paul don’t notice anything wrong at first; however, Dean and Paul are both showing visible signs of distress. Melinda asks who Coffey is and when he introduces himself she says she dreamed about him. this is my first book ever by him and I really couldn't have picked a better choice. Shortly after, John Coffey is brought to block E. The huge man has been convicted of raping and murdering two young girls. Meanwhile, Klaus and Howie have slowed down their chase because they think that the girls are probably dead. Klaus and Howie are not hunters but gatherers who are not good at tracking people or animals because they’re accustomed to collecting fruits from trees rather than hunting animals on foot. The day after the execution, a thunderstorm arrives. However, after a while, it becomes clear that the mouse won’t return. Harry raises an objection that Percy could tell people what happened. Other family members provided a small house in Durham and financial support. He went to his wife and knelt beside her as she shook like she was being electrocuted. Paul explains that the dogs were confused at one point and wanted to go in opposite directions, but eventually they came to a consensus and went downstream. He feels a little ashamed and lucky at the same time because he knows that she’s there for him. Paul himself began to suspect that Wharton could have killed the Detterick twins because Curtis Anderson had written in his report that Wharton had spent a long time wandering around the state. Paul says that no one thought about this at the trial. Paul feels that he’s been transformed into a prisoner by this mouse’s presence, because it seems so intelligent and powerful. However, Paul gets an infection from a urinary tract problem and is in a bad mood when he meets with Percy. When Edgecombe learns that Wetmore has been accepted as an administrator of a psychiatric hospital, he is relieved at first; however, Wetmore wants to leave only after having supervised an execution. When Paul leaves Coffey’s cell, Delacroix thinks that Coffey has cast a spell on him. Explain the changes and what causes them. Percy doesn’t understand Brutal’s literary reference but goes away after sulking anyway because he feels like everyone else is ganging up on him with all these references to The Bible and Shakespearean plays going around lately. Percy suddenly coughs up a cloud of black insects that turn white and vanish before returning to his empty gaze. He compares her to his late wife Janice and praises what he calls “love among the ruins.”. Eventually Elaine passed away as well and left him all alone. Wharton tries to stop them, but Coffey says that he is a bad man. During the trial, Wharton claims that he suffers from epilepsy and committed his crime while in one of those fits. Now, I've seen 'The Green Mile' Tom Hanks film adaptation, and although that was also amazing, and it makes for edge-of-the-seat viewing at times, when all is said and done, it has nothing on this book. However, he never changes his ways. I'll send you notes on entrepreneurship and summaries of the best books I'm reading. Despite his wife’s pleas not to do so, Klaus and his son Howie set off with guns in hand searching for their daughters. Toot is a vulgar man who jokes about eating and sex. He kidnaps them, rapes them while they are away from home, and kills them. Shortform: The World's Best Book Summaries, Shortform Blog: Free Guides and Excerpts of Books, The Green Mile Book Summary, by Stephen King. Janice interjects, saying men like this don’t stop at once; they do it again and again until they’re caught. They then see John sitting calmly at the back of the truck on their way back. The ending left me feeling emotionally numb because of the injustice that occurred. Paul cries after seeing his peppermint candies for Mr. Jingles and buries him with Elaine’s help. The men hope that Percy will not show up, but he arrives a few minutes late. He’s told that Delacroix has been executed and asks him if there is anything else Paul wants to tell his lawyer. At 4 P.M., Elaine finishes the story and apologizes to Paul for Coffey’s actions. He can only get the inmates to do things that he wants them to do through threats and torture. Paul Edgecombe begins his story in 1932, during his time as death-row supervisor at Cold Mountain Penitentiary. In his dream, John Coffey holds the dead bodies of the Detterick twins saying “I couldn’t help it. Janice then asks Paul to recount the details of Coffey’s attack on Wharton. Full of rage, Percy ultimately caves and leaves the block. Yes, through Coffey's abilities. Harry asks Paul what his second clue was. Behind them, a search party has formed to follow Bobo’s dogs. He easily found information about the rape and murder of the Detterick twins because it was a prominent story at the time. She says she’s afraid but wants to read it anyway. He tells Paul that he missed him on the morning walk and winks at him. Paul doubts that electrocution is painless, but he confirms that at least Coffey’s execution was quick.
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