In answer to your supplementary questions, no, the United States no longer exists in the 22nd Century. Please add any missing statistics or items to the corresponding tables, lists and placeholders. Within the Star Trek universe, the USS doesn't stand for United States Ship, it stands for United Star Ship (or United Space Ship in the earliest episodes). And this is the role of TREK – improve the environment for knowledge translation. USS was an identifying prefix used before the names of sea-faring ships on Earth and space-faring ships of United Earth and United Federation of Planets. (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror"; DIS: "Despite Yourself"), After the fall of the Terran Empire to the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, the use of the ISS prefix wasn't used on vessels like the Terran raider, but was resumed when the Terran Rebellion built a Defiant-class starship based on specifications "acquired" from the prime universe. Read more here. Does stickler have a negative connotation? The Star Trek fictional universe contains a variety of weapons, ranging from missiles (the classic photon torpedo) to melee (primarily used by the Klingons, a race of aliens in the Star Trek universe). (3rd revision, 17 April 1967, p. 1) Author Stephen Whitfield has related in his reference book The Making of Star Trek (p. 112) how Roddenberry had to actually mount a vigorous defense of the meaning of his new amended prefix against chauvinistic NBC network executives who were lamenting why it could not be "a good, safe patriotic United States spaceship.". ", this time emphatically specifying the abbreviation to stand for "United Spaceship", and most certainly not for "United States Spaceship", as the old notion of traditional statehood had been abandoned in his vision of the future. Money Talks: US Reportedly Wants to Privatize ISS site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Register. Range — 15 years at galaxy patrol speeds Was the Federation logo based on the UN logo? Help reconciling incorrect reasoning in options pricing brain teaser, Can I argue in a court that initial conditions which were agreed, are broken? [1]. WH: Tennessee mask mandate 'must be implemented', More mistreatment claims hit embattled NFL team, 'GMA' host uses sexy pic for climate change pitch, Music mogul endorses Biden, launches new political party, Dems hint at retaliation over Barrett nomination, Rent prices are plummeting in these American cities, Trump jokes he might leave country if he loses to Biden, Kevin Bacon had memorable scene in 'Friday the 13th', College rips students exposing themselves to virus for cash, 'No surprise' COVID-19 surging in Republican areas, Guess what colors of new cars U.S. drivers prefer to buy. You are therefore posted, effective immediately, to command the following: Cruiser Class — Gross 190,000 tons While it was called a United Space Ship in other episodes . Do starfleet ships still have prefix numbers? It only takes a minute to sign up. Movies Section: What is your favorite movie with Nicolas Cage? What Order Can I watch Harry Potter Movies. (TNG: "Power Play"), The same practice was also continued by the Federation in the alternate reality after the timeline was disrupted by the temporal incursion of the Romulan Nero. What's the full-form & significance of USS & ISS prefixes in name of Star Trek starships? (DS9: "Through the Looking Glass", "Shattered Mirror", "The Emperor's New Cloak"). Could an infinite number of photons fit in finite space? It was faster than Richard's one, but Richard has provided a lot of cites and more details, so I'm picking his answer and only voting-up yours. How to extract the Pressure, Energy and unit-cell volume from quantum ESPRESSO output file using bash script? ISS, short for Imperial Star Ship, was the prefix designation given to space-faring ships in the Terran Empire registry and in the Terran Resistance Forces in the mirror universe. rev 2020.10.16.37830, Sorry, we no longer support Internet Explorer, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Jump to: … Acronyms - Official Star Trek Online Wiki. Is it possible to acquire the next keystream of Salsa20? However, does the current environment (i.e. (ENT: "Storm Front"; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; TOS: "The Cage"), According to Porter, a so-called "patriot", after viewing the name "USS Voyager" on the stealth plane that crashed on his property in Arizona, ""U.S.S." Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts.
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