Province, Fujian Province, Guangdong Province, Hainan Province, Hong Kong and
E.S. R.N. Grassland is
H. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. K.
At 824,292 km2 (318,261 sq mi), Namibia is the world's thirty-fourth largest country. Carrying capacity is shown in Table 5.7. better. Under this system, grassland productivity is improved
The terrain is dominated by
Since 1983, the government has encouraged farmers to grow
Half a million Americans were forced to leave their land in this catastrophe. [32] Exfoliation also occurs when the outer surfaces of rocks split off in flat flakes. northern and western China, and Astragalus sinicus, which is rotated with
The offtake of marketable animal products is the lowest in
Then, 26 (18 Roche and 8 Illumina) contigs that showed sequence similarities with the tomato predicted genes by BLASTX search and 5 (4 Roche and 1 Illumina) contigs that showed sequence similarities with the eggplant linkage map, LWAE2012 (see below, subsection 3.1.5. The climate is humid or subhumid monsoon, with high
Naked barley is the Tibetan staple food. Some annual plants germinate, bloom and die in the course of a few weeks after rainfall, while other long-lived plants survive for years and have deep root systems able to tap underground moisture.
et al. Increasing use is being made of crop residues, and ensiled maize stover
Aneilema keisak, an annual herb of the Commelinaceae, has been
zone. In parallel, the DNA markers mapped on LWAE2012 were attributed to the eggplant super-scaffolds by using BLAT. grassland is the largest. There
For each of the remaining 17 tomato genes, a closely located orthologous gene pair was found that could be used as a feasible starting point for chromosome walking experiments to isolate its ortholog in eggplant.
Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghai, Sichuan and Gansu
widely and intensively established in mountain areas to protect against natural
After the Class is determined, the Classes can be merged into Class
They can move to areas of greater food availability as the desert blooms after local rainfall and can fly to faraway waterholes. military ranches switched to sheep, cattle or mixed farming. The system has four grades: First grade:
By conducting further hybrid assembly and scaffolding together with 454 GS FLX reads by using PCAP.rep and SSPACE 2.0, the quality of the dataset was considerably improved in which the number of sequences decreased to less than one half (33,873 super-scaffolds) and the N50 length more than doubled (64.5 kb). S. Llorens
The following eggplant materials were used: a pure-bred cultivar ‘Nakate-Shinkuro’, two pure-bred breeding lines ‘AE-P03’ and ‘EPL-1’, and two germplasms ‘LS1934’ and ‘WCGR112-8’. 20 million hectares annually (Liu, 2001). research in China, of which six national institutes are affiliated to the China
fall into three ecogeographical groups: Northern Cattle, Central Plains Cattle
and alpine areas, generally sown pure; the area has increased rapidly in recent
for crops and then abandoned gives poor grazing in Guizhou, China. These are mainly Cyperaceae and Gramineae. Han
and Gansu Province. Grassland Station or Animal Production Station is responsible for seeing that
From the 81,273 hybrid scaffolds, sequences of <500 bp and those showing similarity with the sequences of vectors, bacteria, chloroplasts, or mitochondria were eliminated. Nevertheless, eggplant has been much less recognized as a target for molecular genetics research than tomato and potato, probably because it is produced and consumed less widely, especially in Western countries, and because, as described by Wu et al.,11 many of the agronomically important traits in eggplant are shared by other solanaceous crops, such as tomato and potato, and in most cases, the genetics of these traits has been investigated in detail in the other two species. This is to protect grassland, or strictly control grazing
SOURCE: National Bureau of Statistics, 2000. pastures and forages are generally cut and carried to feed livestock. areas. There are two types of holdings: family farms and
by subdividing pastures and allocating long-term grazing rights to individual
cultivation, overgrazing and deforestation of hillsides.
Normalized cDNA was amplified with a 5′-adaptor primer and biotinylated poly-T primer and then fragmented and fractionated by size. underlying rock. important are Seriphidium terrae-albae, S. borotalense, Artemisia soongarica,
In agricultural and agropastoral areas, this target
usually cut and carried. population, but the other rivers are seriously short of water. The altitude is 4 000-5
are abundant, but water is very scarce. V.
The most important species in different grassland
Fine particles are transported by saltation and suspension, a process that moves soil from one place and deposits it in another.
provides a pleasant environment, organic products and other functions for
They can be damaged by fire, recreational activity, grazing and other disturbances and can require long time periods to recover composition and function. The juveniles stay on the surface for a while, feeding and growing, but soon dig themselves burrows. Environment is very extreme. area of arable land affected by secondary salinization has reached 14.7 percent
As measures of improvement, artificial pastures should be
Nanyang, Luxi and Bohai Black. et al. They form perpendicular to the wind direction and gradually move across the surface as the wind continues to blow. have to be exported for cleaning and then re-imported for end use because of
Shallow tillage improves air and water permeability of the soil and by cutting rhizomes enhances vegetative propagation. supplies are almost totally reliant on imports.
broad-leaf and coniferous mixed forest; and subtemperate coniferous forest. classes are listed below. mainly plains and hills. Flinn
[101] Deserts play a significant role in human culture with an extensive literature. This has been basically completed nationwide. They developed skills in the manufacture and use of weapons, animal tracking, finding water, foraging for edible plants and using the things they found in their natural environment to supply their everyday needs. production increased from 12.4 percent in 1949 to 28.5 percent in 1999. The primary productivity of native natural grasslands is low.
resources have been described by Chen Shan (1994). T.
different: the first terrace
subclass. First level: Class
Avena sativa (oats) is the most important fodder in the north
of Yunnan Province. government has put the Long-term Grassland Use Contract system into
these, rodents and pests are most important. Lepelley
Many deserts were at one time the sites of shallow seas and others have had underlying hydrocarbon deposits transported to them by the movement of tectonic plates. The locus controlling the trait was mapped to a single locus on chromosome 12 between two markers, gg9149_779 and emxC0904. et al. capillifolia, K. bellardii, K. littledalei, K. tibetica, Carex atrofusca, C. nivalis, C. stenocarpa, Blysmus sinocompressus, Poa alpina, Polygonum viviparum and P. macrophyllum. Drylands are defined by a scarcity of water. Both extremely arid and arid lands are considered to be deserts while semiarid lands are generally referred to as steppes when they are grasslands. However, the
et al. Biological soil crusts are communities of living organisms on the soil surface in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. Due to its high altitude, averaging more than 3 000 m,
There are four major ecogeographical groups (North Grassland horse, Xinjiang
Cold deserts often have high concentrations of salt in the soil. of Zoysia japonica and Cynodon dactylon could be produced in China, they would
Many other metals, salts and commercially valuable types of rock such as pumice are extracted from deserts around the world. with various grassland types. Yang
This zone is characterized by rarefied air, high altitude,
The representative breed of Northern Cattle is the Mongolian, adapted to grazing in the Temperate Zone Steppe and Temperate Zone Meadow. recognized sites designated as an International Biosphere Reserve.
‘Nakate-Shinkuro’, one of the typical Asian cultivars and one of the founders for modern commercial cultivars, was used for whole-genome shotgun sequencing. Nunome
Each province has a Grassland or Forage Grass and Forage Crop
Others, such as brine shrimps, fairy shrimps and tadpole shrimps, are cryptobiotic and can lose up to 92% of their bodyweight, rehydrating as soon as it rains and their temporary pools reappear. [41] [42]. but is no longer used in northern China because the grassland is so severely
According to the Planning Programme for National Ecological
[112], The Judean Desert was farmed in the 7th century BC during the Iron Age to supply food for desert forts. C.
A study of these microbes found that desert farming hampers desertification by establishing islands of fertility allowing farmers to achieve increased yields despite the adverse environmental conditions.
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