“But many people simply refuse to believe that a game this old could be so good.”. At the same time, long-time back up Manny Legace recorded better numbers than both veterans and won the starting job in the playoffs. The regular 16-game playoff format wouldn't have been affected. So fans took the matter into their own hands. The schedule of 82 games was revamped. In a less passionate but still interesting matchup, Detroit played division rival Nashville (whom they had struggled against during the regular season) in Nashville's first ever franchise visit to the playoffs. Sure, it’s a pain to set up. Nostalgic hockey fans can relive specific vintage NHL seasons, including most any year from the 1990s. For the first season since the 1969–70 season, teams would now wear their colored jerseys at home and white jerseys away. Closed Captioning and Described Video is available for many CBC shows offered on CBC Gem. Joe Juneau - Historical Website of the Montreal Canadiens", "Former Star Mike Keane Expected to Retire", "Igor Larionov's take on NHL lockout? The Calgary Flames, a sixth seed, defeated the Canucks in seven, the Red Wings in six and the Sharks in six games to become the first Canadian team to reach the Stanley Cup Finals in ten years, since the Canucks lost to the Rangers in 1994. Watch our How-To Videos to Become a Stathead, Subscribe to Stathead and get access to more data than you can imagine. ET Wednesday to accept a so-called final offer, which featured a $42.5 million US per team salary cap without linking player costs and salaries. This is why active communities can pop up around anything, including updating a 13-year-old hockey game long since abandoned by the company that made it. [5] The play was not reviewed. The regular season ended controversially, when in March 2004, the Vancouver Canucks' Todd Bertuzzi infamously attacked and severely injured the Colorado Avalanche's Steve Moore, forcing the latter to eventually retire. “But I still get my arse kicked in NHL 2004. The Los Angeles Kings failed to make the playoffs in large part due to a season-ending 11-game losing streak. 3-time NHL All-Star, over 1100 games played. 2004年から2005年のNHLロックアウト(2004–05 NHL lockout)とは、2004年9月16日から翌2005年7月13日にかけて、アイスホッケーの最高峰リーグであるNHL(ナショナルホッケーリーグ)で、経営者側によって実施されたロックアウトである。ロックアウトは310日間続き、1994年から1995年のMLBストライキとともに、北米4大プロスポーツリーグ史上最悪として挙げられる労働争議となった。2005年2月16日に予定されていたスタンレー・カップ決勝戦が88シーズン目にして初めて中止されただけにとどまらず[1]、北米4大プロスポーツリーグでは史上初めてシーズンの公式戦の全試合が中止される事態となった[2]。2004-2005シーズンに予定されていた全1230試合が中止となった。労使間で行われていた交渉は2005年7月13日に合意に達し、NHLの経営者側と選手会側の両方が新労働協約を批准した9日後の7月22日にロックアウトが正式に終了した。, NHLの労働協約は2004年9月15日に失効するために、新協約を締結するための労使間交渉が行われた。経営者側はリーグ全体の収益の76%を占める選手人件費(北米4大プロスポーツリーグの中で最も高い割合)を抑制しようと企み、選手の年俸に上限を定めて例外規定を一切設けないサラリーキャップ制度(ハードキャップ)の導入などを提示した。選手会側はサラリーキャップの額を算出する元となる、公表されているリーグ総収入の信憑性に疑問を抱いており[3]、サラリーキャップの導入を拒否した。, 協約の失効が近付き、選手会側はサラリーキャップの代わりとして課徴金制度の導入、赤字チームへの利益再分配、選手年俸の一律5%カットなどの4項目を逆提案した[4]。ギャリー・ベットマンコミッショナーは「同じ言語で話しているとは思えない」と述べて選手会側の要求を受け入れず、失効当日の9月15日に会場や練習場などの各施設を封鎖するロックアウトへの突入を発表した[5]。翌16日に経営者側はロックアウトを決行した。, 2004-2005シーズンの開幕が10月13日に予定されていたが、この日が過ぎても解決しなかった[5]。11月3日には、ベットマンコミッショナーが翌2005年2月にアトランタで開催される予定だった第55回NHLオールスターゲームの中止を発表した[6]。, 12月9日に選手会側がサラリーキャップを導入せずに選手年俸の24%カットすることを提案したが、14日に経営者側はサラリーキャップを導入した上で選手年俸の24%カットを主張した[5]。, 2005年2月9日にベットマンコミッショナーは「今週中に合意されない場合はシーズンを中止する」との声明を発表[5]。13日にアメリカ合衆国大統領直属の独立行政機関であるアメリカ連邦調停局が労使双方に会議を呼びかけた[7]。選手会側は軟化してサラリーキャップの導入を認め、14日に上限を5200万ドルとするサラリーキャップを提案したが、翌15日に経営者側は4250万ドルを上限とするサラリーキャップを主張しており、溝は埋まらなかった[5]。16日にベットマンコミッショナーはついに北米4大プロスポーツリーグ史上初となるシーズン全試合の中止を決定した[6]。スタンレー・カップも中止となったため、「2004-05 SEASON NOT PLAYED」の刻印が刻まれている。, 7月13日に労使双方が新労働協約の締結について基本合意に達したと発表した[5]。21日に選手会はメンバーの87%が賛成投票と協約を批准した。オーナーも翌22日に全会一致で協約を承認し、正式に310日間のロックアウトを終了させた。, 2005年7月22日に労使双方が批准を終えた新たな労働協約では、ロックアウトの原因となった例外規定無しのサラリーキャップ制度が導入され、選手会側が大幅に譲歩したものとなった。合意内容の大枠は以下の通り[8]。, カナダのイプソス・リード社の世論調査によると、ロックアウトの開始前後では回答者の21%がNHLのオーナーに、52%がNHLの選手に非があるとしていたことが分かった[9]。, 経営者側がレイオフを行ったために、2004-2005年シーズンは60%近くを占める388人のNHL選手がロシアのKHLなど欧州のホッケーリーグでプレーした[10]。, Federal Mediators Will Oversee Negotiations on Lockout, NHL Players Get Blamed As Possible Season Cancelling Looms. Tampa Bay and Boston were both young teams with no history of recent postseason success. Our reasoning for presenting offensive logos. It was also the final NHL season before the 2004–05 NHL lockout with games resuming in the fall of 2005 as part of the 2005–06 season, and the final season in which games could end in ties. The Boston Bruins and Montreal Canadiens met in a resumption of the most common of all NHL playoff series, and one which the Canadiens have thoroughly dominated, including an upset win two years prior. 3-time Stanley Cup champion with the Montreal Canadiens. "The National Hockey League board of governors fully supports and endorses the action taken on its behalf by commissioner Gary Bettman. So who made this? Copyright ©2020 Designtechnica Corporation. NHL commissioner Gary Bettman officially scraps the 2004-05 campaign. The Ottawa Senators met the Toronto Maple Leafs for the fourth time in five years in the always passion-filled Battle of Ontario. Box 500 Station A Toronto, ON Canada, M5W 1E6. The Los Angeles Kings failed to make the playoffs in large part due to a season-ending 11-game losing streak. The end of the season saw two of the most extensive housecleanings in League history, as the Rangers and Capitals traded away many of their stars and entered "rebuilding mode." 2004年から2005年のNHLロックアウト(2004–05 NHL lockout)とは、2004年 9月16日から翌2005年 7月13日にかけて、アイスホッケーの最高峰リーグであるNHL(ナショナルホッケーリーグ)で、経営者側によって実施されたロックアウト For the fourth time in eight years, the all-time record for total shutouts in a season was shattered, as 192 shutouts were recorded. Of note is the fact that the Nashville Predators made the playoffs for the first time in franchise history, though they were dispatched by a star-studded Detroit Red Wings team in the first round. The first-round Eastern Conference matchups were notable for the number of heated rivalries. To this day, many Flames fans argue that the puck was in. The most surprising teams were the Tampa Bay Lightning in the East and the San Jose Sharks in the West. “For the past couple of years, I have been reverse engineering the compiled game code for my program called ’04 Launcher. It led to the cancellation of the League's games for the entirety of the next season. Goaltending was also the story of the Presidents' Trophy-winning Detroit Red Wings as the return from retirement of legend Dominik Hasek bumped Curtis Joseph to the minor leagues. These three, plus the next five teams in the conference standings, earn playoff berths at the end of the season. All of the top teams had weaknesses. The 1995 NHL lockout ended after 103 days when the players accepted a last-ditch offer following 48 hours of intense negotiations, and a 48-game season was salvaged. For the fourth time in eight years, the all-time record for total shutouts in a season was shattered, as 192 shutouts were recorded. Players can read computer-generated preview articles for upcoming games and see a play-by-play breakdown for all simulated games in season mode. Trent (not his real name) is a longtime hockey fan who lives in Finland. Union boss Bob Goodenow, speaking in Toronto, said the players made all the moves and concessions. Do you have a blog? The first-round Eastern Conference matchups were notable for the number of heated rivalries. After five months of butting heads with the union, the NHL came off its stance of linkage, proposing a $40 million salary cap. Jim Hughson, the game’s play-by-play man, calls the team the “Winnipeg,” and also knows the names of most players who joined the league after 2004. The alternating of jerseys was changed. Februar 2005 durch Commissioner Gary Bettman die gesamte Saison abgesagt. Also included was a 24-per-cent rollback on player salaries that was part of the union's Dec. 9 proposal. Heatley himself was badly injured and eventually charged with vehicular homicide. 2004–05 lockout. Two other teams that did better than expected were carried by surprising young goaltenders. The end of the season saw two of the most extensive housecleanings in League history, as the Rangers and Capitals traded away many of their stars and entered "rebuilding mode." It’s just math. Last Wednesday, Goodenow said it "would be very daunting" to expect a season. Tampa Bay and Boston were both young teams with no history of recent postseason success. The greatest disappointments were the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim, who, despite making it to Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals the year prior and adding both Sergei Fedorov and Vaclav Prospal, failed to make the playoffs. Question, Comment, Feedback, or Correction? The greatest disappointments were the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim, who, despite making it to Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals the year prior and adding both Sergei Fedorov and Vaclav Prospal, failed to make the playoffs. Detroit, Ottawa, Colorado, and Philadelphia all had major questions in goal. Causes Table 1 shows average salaries in the NHL since the 1993–94 season. ", "Former Hab Valeri Bure now has his own wine label", "Criminal charges dropped against former Hab Vincent Damphousse's ex-wife - CBC News", "Ron Francis to have number retired by Carolina", "Former Toronto Maple Leafs defenceman Kenny Jonsson retires", "Where are they now? ", "Former Hab Valeri Bure now has his own wine label", "Criminal charges dropped against former Hab Vincent Damphousse's ex-wife - CBC News", "Ron Francis to have number retired by Carolina", "Former Toronto Maple Leafs defenceman Kenny Jonsson retires", "Where are they now? These three, plus the next five teams in the conference standings, earn playoff berths at the end of the season. "Unfortunately we never had a real negotiating partner," he said. The 30 teams played 82 games in a revamped format that increased divisional games from five to six per team (24 total), conference games from three to four (40 total), and decreased inter-conference games to at least one per team, with three extra games (18 in total).
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