In Course Hero. The war for her is a private memory—one of many invisible stories of ordinary people. At age six Marie-Laure loses her sight, but with her father's help she learns to "see" the world through touch. Unwilling to sit by and let the Germans destroy her nation, she organizes a group of old women in Saint-Malo to work for the resistance. His intentions are not malicious like those of the people he works with. He also directs von Rumpel to Etienne’s house. As Frederick explains to Werner, they need him at the school, and he has no choice but to be there. He is three years older than cadet Pfennig. She learns by touch how to navigate the city's streets. Dupont A lapidary hired by the Paris museum to make three replicas of the Sea of Flames diamond. He is one of Hauptmann’s pet students at Schulpforta and later leads the anti-radio task force that Werner joins. Daniel LeBlanc Marie-Laure’s father. When her father is captured, she remains strong and learns to live more independently. At the school, his impressive stature and strength earn him the nickname "the Giant." Hans Schilzer A boy at Frau Elena’s orphanage who joins the Hitler Youth. He is easily frightened and does not like to take risks or deviate from his routine. Finally, as Werner’s conversation with Marie-Laure shows, All the Light We Cannot See calls attention to the shared humanity that bridges our differences and the artificiality of dividing lines between “good guys” and “bad guys.” One of Werner’s fellow soldiers calls attention to the artificiality of ethnic division when he jokes, “The true Aryan is as blond as Hitler, as slim as Göring, and as tall as Goebbels,” citing examples of leading Nazi figures who did not fit the Aryan stereotype. PART ONE: 1934 “Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle” to “Something Rising”, PART ONE: 1934 “Light” to “The Principles of Mechanics”, PART ONE: 1934 “Rumors” to “Making Socks”, PART THREE: June 1940 “Château” to “You Have Been Called”, PART THREE: June 1940 “Occuper” to “Vienna”, PART THREE: June 1940 “The Boches” to “Perfumer”, PART THREE: June 1940 “Time of the Ostriches” to “Museum”, PART THREE: June 1940 “The Wardrobe” to “The Arrest of the Locksmith”, PART FIVE: January 1941 “January Recess” to “Plage du Môle”, PART FIVE: January 1941 “Lapidary” to “You Have Other Friends”, PART FIVE: January 1941 “Old Ladies’ Resistance Club” to “Alive Before You Die”, PART FIVE: January 1941 “No Out” to “The Frog Cooks”, PART FIVE: January 1941 “Orders” to “Relapse”, PART SEVEN: August 1942 “Prisoners” to “Fall”, PART SEVEN: August 1942 “Sunflowers” to “Gray”, PART SEVEN: August 1942 “Fever” to “Telegram”, PART NINE: May 1944 “Edge of the World” to “Agoraphobia”, PART NINE: May 1944 “Nothing” to “Leaflets”, PART TEN: 12 August 1944 “Entombed” to “Wardrobe”, PART TEN: 12 August 1944 “Comrades” to “Light”. When his daughter goes blind, Daniel uses his professional skills to carve a model replica of Paris. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. He is beaten so badly that he nearly dies and is sent home, his mind permanently damaged. A Nazi official who specializes in science and technology. Neumann Two A corporal in Werner’s military unit. Or Heil Hitler if You Prefer, 5. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. (2018, February 24). He sees the moral decay in what cadets are being taught and how they are being warped by relentless propaganda. © 2020 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. This is an example of Werner's change of heart, his moment of realization as to what is truly going on. According to legend, the diamond brings misfortune to those whom its keeper loves. Daniel is determined to give his daughter as much independence as he can, and he is innovative in his methods to teach her about the world. Frederick also understands that Werner attends Schulpforta in pursuit of a dream, not to become a Nazi. He gives Marie-Laure the key to the grotto gate. When the Germans bomb Paris, he flees with Marie-Laure to the home of his uncle, Etienne, in Saint-Malo. Patient, loyal, loving, nurturing. Bastian The round-bellied commandant in charge of field exercises at Schulpforta. Upload them to earn free Course Hero access! Eventually he shows Marie-Laure a secret radio transmitter in the attic. Previous All the Light We Cannot See. Marie-Laure begins broadcasting from Etienne’s radio and is heard by Werner, who locates the broadcast signal, goes to the house, and saves her from von Rumpel. Later, he is singled out for punishment and beaten so severely that his mind is permanently damaged. During the siege of Saint-Malo, when she is 16, she is trapped in her attic for days while German officer von Rumpel searches Etienne’s house for the Sea of Flames. His wealthy, politically well-connected family lives in Berlin. Werner is very intelligent, curious, and ambitious. Later, she is raped by three Russian soldiers, whose army occupies part of Berlin after the war. Although the Holocaust is never mentioned directly, it is occasionally alluded to, creating an inescapable backdrop to the story. Frederick's father is an assistant to an ambassador, and his mother is an ambitious woman. His team is tasked with finding Etienne’s broadcast in Saint-Malo. About All the Light We Cannot See; Book Summary All the Light We Cannot See; Character List Summary and Analysis PART ZERO: 7 August 1944 PART ONE: 1934 “Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle” to “Something Rising” LeBlanc takes Marie-Laure to Etienne’s house in Saint-Malo, where he builds her a model of the city and hides the Sea of Flames inside it. in-depth analysis of Werner Pfennig. bookmarked pages associated with this title. Her father is arrested, leaving behind a wooden model of Saint-Malo, which hides the Sea of Flames, a valuable diamond. Etienne LeBlanc is an old, eccentric, and extremely reclusive (it’s implied he has post-traumatic stress disorder from World War I) man who lives in the seaside town of Saint-Malo, France. He flees to London when the Germans invade France. Home Plot Settings Characters Review ... His passion for Marie-Laure and life itself is infectious and those around him cannot help but have their spirits lifted. They represent the innocent world, when it was one endless garden. Henri was Daniel's father and died in World War I. Etienne was with him at the time and has never recovered from Henri's death and other horrors experienced in that war. Like so many others in Werner's life, he recognizes the boy's gifts and sees what he might have become in better times. Frau Schwartzenberger An old Jewish woman who lives in the same building as Frederick’s family. She and Etienne use his contraband radio to broadcast information to the Allies. In 1942 Etienne joins the resistance movement in Saint-Malo, successfully battling the agoraphobia that has kept him confined to the house. Werner is caring and often driven to try to help people who are more vulnerable than he is. Claudia Förster A girl at Frau Elena’s orphanage who goes with Jutta and Frau Elena to Berlin, where they are raped by Russian soldiers. Retrieved October 17, 2020, from His mission is to keep it out of the hands of the Nazis. Rudolf Siedler A Nazi official whose radio Werner fixes. Part 0–Part 1: “7 August 1944” through “Light”, Part 1: “Our Flag Flutters Before Us” through “Exodus”, Part 2–Part 3: “Saint-Malo” through “Jungmänner”, Part 3: “Vienna” through “The Arrest of the Locksmith”, Part 4–Part 5: “The Fort of La Cité” through “Relapse”, Part 6–Part 8: “Someone in the House” through “Voice”, Part 9–Part 10: “Edge of the World” through “Light”. He now oversees the packing, crating, and cataloging of jeweled treasures confiscated from German-occupied territory. His quest eventually leads him to Saint-Malo and Marie-Laure. As a result, Etienne is traumatized; he is too frightened to leave his house and sometimes imagines horrors that aren’t there. Read an View Mobile Site ATLACosplay EndgameHonest GalaxyQuest EndgameHonest GalaxyQuest in-depth analysis of Marie-Laure Leblanc. Although he wears glasses, he pretended not to need them and memorized the eye charts in order to be admitted to Schulpforta. Although old, she is brisk and energetic. He is also a diamond expert. All the Light We Cannot See Study Guide. Marie-Laure LeBlanc The daughter of a Paris museum locksmith, Marie-Laure goes blind when she is 6 years old. A German boy from a wealthy family who studies at the same school as Werner and becomes friends with him.
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