Eyes comprehend Him not and all eyes are under His comprehension and it is He Who is the Innermost, AllAware. Undoubtedly, the unjust get not the welfare. Say you, 'I do not say to you, I possess the treasures, of Allah, 'and nor I Say,' I know the unseen myself, andnor do I say to you, 'I am an angel. This He has en-joined youstrictly that haply you may accept admonition. He will say, 'Fire is your abode, abide therein for ever but as Allah will.' He brings forth the living from the dead and isthe Bringer forth of the dead from the living. You are only behind your conjectureand without nothing you estimate. And it is He who has made the heavens and earth rightly. Then do you give this evidence thatbesides Allah there are other gods? Soon He shall recompensethem for their fabrications. Do you then not ponder? There have come to you the eye Opener arguments from your Lord, then whosoever saw it, then it is for hisown good and whosoever became blind, then it is for his own bad and I am not a guardian over you. Quran translation Comparison Al-Quran Surah 6. And eat not that over which the name of Allah has not been pronounced for undoubtedly that is dis-obedienceAnd Surely the devils inspire their friends that they may quarrel with you, and if you obey them, then at thattime you are polytheist. Then when they forget that with which they were admonished We opened unto them the gates of all thingsuntil when they became delighted at what they were given, then We seized them suddenly, now they were leftin disappear. And when any sign comes to them, then they say, 'We shall never believe unless we receive the like of whathas been given to the Messengers of Allah. We have explained the signs in detail for a people ofunderstanding. Your Lord knows well who has gone astray from His way, and He knows well the guided ones. And this blessed Book We have sent down, follow it then and be self-restrained, so that you may receivemercy. We have explained the signs in detail for the people acceptingadmonition. And if Allah causes any evil to you, then there is none to remove it but He. We shall providefor you and for them, and that you approach not shameful deeds whichever them is open and whichever ishidden; and slay not unjustly the life which Allah has made sacred. Say you, 'look you, if Allah should take away your ears and eyes and seal up your hearts, then who is the Godother than Allah Who could bring these things back to you? This is Allah, your Lord none is to be worshipped except He, the Maker of every thing, then worships Him, He isGuardian over everything. And O beloved prophet' Your Lord is Self sufficient, Merciful O mankind! And for every one there are degrees in accordance with their deeds. And in this way We explain fully Our signs, and in order that the way of the guilty may become evident. His word is the truth. Do you not then? And among them are some who give ear (listen) to you and, We have put veils over their hearts so that theyunderstand it not and in their ears is heaviness. Again if they belie you say you, 'your Lord is of extensive mercy and His torment is not turned aside from theguilty people.'. In as much as when they come to you disputing, then infidels say, 'this is not but the stories of theancients.'. Say you, Go about in the land, then see how has been the end of beliers'. This is Allah! We are happy to support you and appreciate your concern for our continuation and ask God to accept us and make our work pure . There is no order but of Allah. And undoubtedly, you have come to US alone as We created you for the first time, and you have left behindyour backs whatever wealth and had given you; and We see not with you your intercessors of whom youasserted as your partners in your affairs, undoubtedly, the ties between you are cut off and gone is that fromyou who used to assert. All Praise to Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth and brought into being the darkness and the light,yet the infidels ascribe equals to their Lord. He gives whom He will of His bondmen, and if they would have committedpolytheism, then surely, all that they had already done would have been destroyed. And to Zakaria (Zacharia) and Yahya (John) and Isa (Jesus) and Ilyas (Elias). Why did it not happen that when Our torment came upon them, they would have beseeched? Say you, 'then the argument of Allah is conclusive; so if He had wished, then. And the Day when the destruction will occur, He willsay to everything, 'be then it will become atonce. Say you; I have been commanded to submit first and never to be of polytheists. Even if We had sent down to you [Prophet] a book inscribed on parchment, and they had touched it with their own hands, the disbelievers would still say, ‘This is nothing but blatant sorcery.’, They say, ‘Why was no angel sent down to [support]. 'Say you, 'I follow not yourvain desires, if it be so then I would go astray and would not remain, on the path'. But their heartswere hardened and the devil (Satan) made fair seeming to them their deeds in their eyes. And they swear by Allah in their oath with utmost earnest that if there come to them any sign then they wouldsurely believe therein. We burden no soul but to its capacity, and when you speak, then sayjust, event though it be a matter of your relative, and fulfil the covenant of Allah. And if Allah has willed, then He would have gathered them onthe guidance, so O listener! He will say, is not this truth? Those who have created separate paths in their religion and have become many serfs O beloved prophet! Then when he saw the moon shining, said he, 'you tell this my Lord, then when it set, said he, 'if my Lordwould not have guided me I would also have been of tee same who have gone astray.'. And to Ismail and Yasa (Elisha) and Yunus (Jonah) and Lot, And to each one We preferred above all in histime. We have a much better bookmark experience for you! And those who belied Our signs, torment shall reach to them because of their disobedience. Then undoubtedly, they belied the truth when it came to then. And if they were sent back, they woulddo the same from which they were forbidden and undoubtedly, they are surely liars. And the day He will raise all of them and will say, 'O company of Jinn! And there comes to them no sign of the signs of their, Lord, but they turn away, their faces from it. His is the order and He is the Quickestin taking account. Say you, 'I am on a shinning proof from my Lord and you belie it; I have not that with me for which you arehastening.' Those who have put theirsouls in loss would not believe. Say you 'I do not give this evidence. And they plot notbut against their own souls, and they perceive not. Undoubtedly! And because that the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter may incline towards it, and that theymay like it, and may earn sin what they are to earn. And they say, 'why has not a sign been sent down to them from their Lord? And it is He who has made the stars for you that you may get the way in the darkness of the Land and the sea.We have explained the signs in detail for people who know. Those are they to whom We gave the Book and order and prophet-hood, then if these people reject it. Eatof their fruits when bear fruits and pay due thereof on the day of harvesting, and spend not wastefully.Undoubtedly, He does not like those who spend wastefully. And to the Jews We forbade every animal having hoofs and the fat of cow and goat We forbade them but whattheir backs or intestines carry or what is attached to their bones. Say you, 'To whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth? Alim provides the opportunity to learn Quran, Hadith and Islamic history Say you, shall the blind and theseeing become equal? Holy is He and exalted far above from their affairs. Soon Allah will recompense them for theirsuch actions. Thus, in the eyes of infidels their deedshave been made fair looking. Does not Allah know well the grateful? Al-An'am, Ayah 103 recitations and translations. We know that what they say, grieves you, they belie you not, but the evil doers deny the signs of Allah. Whoso brings one good, then for him there are ten like thereof, and whose brings an evil, shall not berecompensed but to its equal and they shall not he wronged. But you will call Him alone, so if He please He would remove that for which you call for Him, and you wouldforget the associates. And there is nothing on the righteous from their account yes, but to admonish them, haply they may abstain. And to Him belongs whatever dwells in the night and day. Then eat of that on which the name of Allah has been pronounced, if you believe in His signs. And this that establishes prayer and fears Him and it is He towards Whom you are to rise. The Holy Quran is written in Ottoman drawing in several narrations, in addition to many interpretations and translations of meanings, with the possibility of listening and downloading the Holy Quran with the voice of the most famous readers of the Islamic world. Those who have believed and mixed not any injustice with their faith, these are the people for whom there issecurity and they are the very who are guided. And they said, 'Why not any angel has been sent on him? It is He Who created you from clay, then He decreed a term, and there is a determined promise with Him,thereafter you doubt. Say you. And He is all Dominant over His bondmen. See! Say you, 'The signs are with Allah and what you know that when they would come thenthey will not believe therein. Then to their Lord they shall be raised. And this is a blessed Book ' that We have sent down confirming those Books which were before it and in orderthat you may warn the chief of all cities (Mekkah) and to all those around it in the entire world. Say you; 'I am not an advocate over you'. Say you, 'He is powerful to send torment on you from above you or from beneath your feet or He may makeyou to encounter by making different groups and to make you, taste the severity of one another,' see, How Weexplain the signs in various ways haply they may understand. Say you, 'Allah has power to senddown a sign, but most of them are fully ignorant. Then you have to returntowards your Lord, He will inform you of that in, which you used to differ. Who is then moreunjust than he who belies the signs of Allah and turns his face from them? And We gave him Ishaque and Yaqub We showed the path to all of them and showed the path to Nuh beforethem, and of his progeny, to Daud and Suleman and Ayub and Yusuf and Musa and Haroon, and thus Werecompense the righteous. We gave them suchestablishment in the earth, which We gave you not, and We sent them rain in torrents and caused rivers flowbeneath them, then We destroyed them on account of their sins, and after them raised up another generation.
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