Thomas co-authored, with fellow Disney legend Ollie Johnston, the comprehensive book Disney Animation: The Illusion of Life, first published by Abbeville Press in 1981. Tashlin directed his animated cartoons like live-action films—employing a wide range of cinematic techniques—and transposed the elastic composition, loud colour, boisterous gags, and…, Jeffrey Katzenberg, American entrepreneur who played a pivotal role in transforming the Walt Disney Company into a multibillion-dollar empire and who, along with filmmaker Steven Spielberg and music mogul David Geffen, founded the film studio DreamWorks SKG. Frank Thomas, Dieser Artikel behandelt den Trickfilmzeichner Frank Thomas. Frank’s assessment of Walt played into his own philosophy of attributing emotion to his characters: “The most important thing in your life was pleasing Walt. Frank Thomas war seit 1946 mit Jeanette Armentrout verheiratet, neben Theodore hatten sie drei weitere Kinder. Katzenberg attended New York University…. Books: The Penguin That Hated the Cold • The Three Caballeros Ride Again • The Magnificent Seven (Minus 4) Caballeros • South of the Border with Disney: Walt Disney and the Good Neighbor Program, 1941-1948 Zu Thomas' erster Arbeit zählte der Micky-Maus-Cartoon Mickys Elefant. However soon after he came back World War 2 started and almost all of the content of the studio’s output became in some shape or form about the war. Walt Disney had already arranged with the school’s founder, Mrs. Nelbert Chouinard, to provide art classes for Disney artists, with the understanding that Walt would pay her back when he was able. This page was last changed on 24 May 2020, at 20:45. John Lounsbery | Born in Fresno, California, Frank Thomas attended Stanford University, where he worked on campus humor magazine The Stanford Chaparral with Ollie Johnston. Franklin Rosborough "Frank" Thomas was an American animator. Frank and his friend and colleague Ollie Johnston voiced and were caricatured as two old men saying "That's old school..." "Yeah, no school like the old school." He was even directing animator for several memorable villains, including the evil stepmother Lady Tremaine in Cinderella, Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland, Captain Hook in Peter Pan, and Aunt Sarah in Lady and the Tramp and other characters in The Fox and the Hound. Franklin Thomas was born on September 5, 1912 in Fresno, CA. Unter Moore war Thomas einer von acht Animatoren, die in Disneys ersten Langfilm Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge die Szenen der Zwerge zeichneten. Frank Thomas war ein begeisterter Musiker, er war als Pianist über mehrere Jahrzehnte Mitglied der von Disney-Animator Ward Kimball geleiteten Jazzband The Firehouse Five Plus Two. In Los Angeles traf Thomas einen anderen Absolventen von Stanford, James Algar, der inzwischen bei Disney als Trickfilmzeichner arbeitete. Camouflage (1944) was a World War II training film, His work in animated cartoon shorts included The Brave Little Tailor, in which he animated scenes of Mickey Mouse and the king; Mickey and the bear in The Pointer, and German dialogue scenes in the World War II propaganda short Education for Death (shortly before Thomas enlisted in the Air Force). Thomas's last appearance in an animated film before his death was in The Incredibles (directed by Brad Bird), although he voiced a character, rather than animating one. The film profiled their careers, private lives, and the personal friendship between the two men. In feature films, among the characters and scenes, Thomas animated were the dwarfs crying over Snow White's "dead" body; Pinocchio singing and dancing at the marionette theatre, Bambi and Thumper having fun on the ice; Lady and the Tramp eating spaghetti on their date in Lady and the Tramp; Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather in Sleeping Beauty; Merlin and Arthur as squirrels, and the "wizard's duel" between Merlin and Madam Mim in The Sword in the Stone (in which he was paired with animator Milt Kahl to great effect); King Louie in The Jungle Book (the song number "I Wan'na Be Like You" featuring King Louie and Baloo the Bear dancing, which re-teamed him with Kahl); the dancing penguins in Mary Poppins; and Winnie the Pooh and Piglet in the Winnie the Pooh featurettes. After graduating from Stanford, he attended Chouinard Art Institute, then joined The Walt Disney Company on September 24, 1934 as employee number 224. Firework: Wonderful World of Animation Frank Thomas wurde im kalifornischen Santa Monica geboren, wuchs aber in Fresno auf. (Walt would pay back in a major way when he facilitated the merger of Chouinard and the Los Angeles Conservatory of Music in 1961 into what’s known today as California Institute of the Arts.) Stay informed: Sign up to receive the latest news from The Walt Disney Family Museum, including updates about upcoming programs, workshops, special events, and more. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 3. Zusammen schrieben sie das 1981 veröffentlichte Buch The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation, das heute als Standardwerk über die Techniken des klassischen Animationsfilms gilt. Frank Thomas begann zunächst ein Kunststudium an der Stanford University. Frank supervised animation for important Disney villains like Lady Tremaine (Cinderella, 1950), Queen of Hearts (Alice in Wonderland, 1951), and Captain Hook (Peter Pan, 1953). Frank Thomas (September 5, 1912 - September 8, 2004) was a Disney animator, and one of Disney's Nine Old Men, who worked on such films as Pinocchio, Bambi, Peter Pan, The Jungle Book, and countless others. Am Fresno State College, das von seinem Vater geleitet wurde, entdeckte Thomas seine Liebe zum Film, als er für ein Schulprojekt einen Kurzfilm produzierte. Jeanette Armentrout Thomas, the widow of legendary Disney animator Frank Thomas (one of Walt Disney’s renowned “Nine Old Men”), passed away on Saturday September 29th, from age-related illnesses, at Huntington Hospital in Pasadena. Dort traf er Ollie Johnston, mit dem er zusammen an der Campuszeitung als Cartoonist arbeitete. One of Disney’s core circle of master animators—a group that Disney referred to as his “Nine Old Men”—Thomas drew praise for his ability to convey emotion through his characters without straying into excessive sentimentality. Thomas was directing animator for several memorable villains, including the evil stepmother Lady Tremaine in Cinderella, the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland, and Captain James Hook in Peter Pan. Christmas: Mickey's Most Merriest Celebration • World of Color: Season of Light, Members of the Saludos Amigos Artist Tour: Walt Disney • Frank Thomas • Lee Blair • Mary Blair • Norman Ferguson Directors: Clyde Geronimi • Hamilton Luske • Jack Kinney • Ted Berman • Richard Rich • Leo Matsuda • Nathan Greno • George Scribner By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. He was one of Disney's Nine Old Men. Franklin Rosborough "Frank" Thomas (September 5, 1912 – September 8, 2004) was an American animator. Auch nach dem Ende ihrer beruflichen Karriere bei Disney arbeiteten Ollie Johnston und Frank Thomas weiterhin an gemeinsamen Projekten. Spring: Fashionable Easter ", Frank Thomas (center) with best friend Ollie Johnston and their wives in 1985, List of ranks in the fire, police, jail, and corrections services of the Philippines, People of the American Civil War by state, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia,, Frank Thomas died in Flintridge, California on September 8, 2004, 3 days after his 92nd birthday. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Walt characteristically never gave praise, and key animator Frank Thomas knew that that statement may be the best he would ever get. Thomas zählte zusammen mit Ollie Johnston, mit dem er über Jahrzehnte eng zusammengearbeitet hatte, zu den beiden letzten überlebenden Mitgliedern von Disney’s Nine Old Men, einer Gruppe von Zeichnern, die seit Mitte der 1930er-Jahre den künstlerischen Stil der Disney-Cartoons und -Langfilme geprägt hatten. Visual Development & Storyboard Artists: Dean DeBlois • Lisa Keene • Claire Keane • Brittney Lee • Jin Kim • Shiyoon Kim • Cory Loftis. Milt Kahl | The Walt Disney Family Museum is not affiliated with Disney Enterprises, Inc. Frank Thomas: The Key-Playing Key Animator. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. During World War II he was assigned to the First Motion Picture Unit where he made training films.[2]. Norm Ferguson, the Pluto specialist, and Frank share the distinction of being the only animators invited to Walt’s South American “El Grupo,” whose work resulted in 1943’s Saludos Amigos and 1945’s The Three Caballeros. Open daily, except on Tuesdays, January 1, Thanksgiving Day, and December 25. Later on, he wrote the animation book The Illusion of Life with good friend and fellow animator Ollie Johnston. There he animated dozens of feature films and shorts, and also was a member of the Dixieland band Firehouse Five Plus Two, playing the piano. His widow, Jeanette died September 29, 2012[3]. September 1912 in Santa Monica, Kalifornien; † 8. He was one of Walt Disney's team of animators known as the Nine Old Men. Eric Larson | [1] Es folgten weitere Buchveröffentlichungen, darunter Beiträge zu der Sketchbook Series über die Entstehung einzelner Disney-Filme. August 2020 um 22:36 Uhr bearbeitet. Walt characteristically never gave praise, and key animator Frank Thomas knew that that statement may be the best he would ever get. Ward Kimball | Segments: El Gaucho Goofy • Aquarela do Brasil • Pedro • Lake Titicaca • The Cold-Blooded Penguin • The Flying Gauchito • Baía • Las Posadas • Mexico: Pátzcuaro, Veracuz and Acapulco • Donald's Surreal Reverie, Entertainment: Let's Party Gras! Frank Thomas (eigentlich Franklin Thomas; * 5. Das Team wurde unter den Disney-Mitarbeitern als „Frank and Ollie“ bekannt und wurde von Walt Disney scherzhaft zu den Nine Old Men des Studios gezählt. Thomas and Johnston were also profiled in the 1995 documentary Frank and Ollie, which screened at the 20th Toronto International Film Festival, directed by Thomas's son Theodore Thomas. He retired from Disney on January 31, 1978. Guest Experience Associate at The Walt Disney Family Museum, 104 Montgomery Street in the Presidio San Francisco, CA 94129415.345.6800. • Max LIVE: Gettin’ Goofy With It Born in Fresno, California, Frank Thomas attended Stanford University, where he was a member of Theta Delta Chi fraternity and worked on campus humor magazine The Stanford Chaparral with Ollie Johnston. On the Animation Podcast, Disney director John Musker discussed Frank Thomas, and mentioned that at one time, fellow animation great Chuck Jones had christened Thomas the "Laurence Olivier of animators". He once recalled, “I wanted believable characters that the audience would care about.”. He had a short cameo in The Incredibles along with friend and long-time collaborator Ollie Johnston, providing the voice of Frank and Ollie, animated caricatures of the pair. “I hear you’ve got the best scene in the picture,” Walt remarked dryly. Animating complex characters and sequences throughout his illustrious career, he had an essential role in nearly every animated feature produced during Walt’s lifetime. Born in Fresno, California, Frank Thomas attended Stanford University, where he was a member of Theta Delta Chi fraternity and worked on campus humor magazine The Stanford Chaparral with Ollie Johnston.
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